✧ Use Your Bitches

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What does a Queen Bee do? Reigns.

Your bitches and rings do not serve just as amusement or an ear to rant into, but as I've mentioned before they also make great servants. There's really not much more too them, so you always want to make sure that you utilize those hoes the best you can.

Of course you don't want to put too much faith in your bitches. Obviously that would only lead to disappointment. Here's a few basic commands that your ring's pee-sized brain can grasp around:

"Fetch me a frapp."

"Do my homework."

"Drive me to the mall."

And the list goes on and on.

Think of yourself like a manager and these are your workers. You don't want to see them standing behind the registers scratching their asses because, if you were to give them just a shred of leeway, they slowly begin to lose respect for you. And you can't fear someone you don't respect. So make sure that they are busy at all times!

The best way to motivate your bitches and get them working is to either raise your voice to the point where you're nearly screaming into their ear or, if you're feeling somewhat nice, snap your fingers. Snapping your fingers takes less energy and is often more effective.

Much like in nature, being a Queen Bee does come with its risks. If you're incompetent and unable to keep your bitches in control, they will smother you until you are weak. This will then give the perfect opportunity for a trojan whore to step in and try to take over.

If you're unfamiliar with the term 'cuddle death', I highly suggest you google it.

What is a good command to give to one of your rings?

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