I Didn't Say That...! (Chapter 1)

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Hey there! I'm Sasaki Yamagishi, age sixteen, the girl from earlier? Yeah...pretty crazy stuff right? I mean, one second I was crying about being lost on the way to my new school; and the next I'm tumbling down the side of a mountain with a strange lady who looked like she was some kind of aristocrat from the Japanese futile area! But it all totally happened! At least...I THINK it happened...because you see, after Miss Shinda started glowing and fell into me, I woke up at the front of my school! I had no idea how I got there, but when I entered I was the only one there! I was somehow early, even though I was positively certain that with how far away from my house was from the school (and the fact that I was originally lost) that I'd be late! 

So that was all pretty strange, but it gets even weirder! When I was getting introduced to everyone, I got in serious trouble! I was accused of artificially coloring my hair, but the thing is...I've never colored my hair in my entire life! I have really long, wavy, pitch-black hair and it's really hard to style, let alone color it! But when I checked, they were right! Well...kinda. The tips of my hair had suddenly gone silver, but when I woke up that morning they were black, just like they always were! Something clearly changed in between me leaving the house and when I arrived at school!

That isn't all...

"Miss Yamagishi..."

Ever since that day, I've been missing memories! Or...having time lapses! Well...I mean I know what I'm doing, I just can't do anything about it...!

"Miss Yamagishi...!"

And when I come back from my weird trance, my face is always covered in makeup and my nails are painted red! My room always gets SUPER messy, which almost never happens—!

"Ahh-! Yes, Teacher!"

I stumble out of the daydream I was having while gazing out of the window from my desk and turn my attention towards my teacher. Several pens and pencils go flying from the sides of my table. I can hear several giggles from my fellow classmates and can feel my cheeks go warm. "Seeing as though you are very busy gazing off into the non-exist sunset, I'll have to ask you to find the time to come up to the board and explain how to do problem number twelve to the rest of the class...?" Again, my classmates giggle. My face must be completely red, I'm so embarrassed...it's my third week. I should be settled in by now! But I can't focus when I still don't know the meaning of that strange dream...

"Sooner rather than later is preferred, Miss Yamagishi..." The teacher crosses his arms as he waits for me "and gathers your things from the floor after your done, I'm sure your classmates won't mind helping you out..." the entire room is filled with hushed whispers and silent laughter before teacher gives the students a glare for silence. As reluctant as I am, I stand as ordered and make my way to the front of the room. "Way to go, space cadet..." I hear from a desk beside me as I walk by. It's from Karma Akitoba. He's a transfer, just like me, only he transferred much earlier than I did. He's also...my long time crush...I mean. He is for almost all the girls in my class too...! I mean, can you blame me for jumping on the bandwagon? He's athletic, intelligent, mysterious, handsome...and totally hates my guts! He's so gentlemanly and kind towards all the other girls in my class, but always glares at and mocks me! It's not fair! What did I ever do to him, ya know?

Still...when he chides me like that it hurts. I can practically feel my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach, and not just because he called me a space cadet. I just smiled at him as I walked by and went on my way. As the teacher handed me the chalk and stepped back to let me go, I brought my book next to me and shakily tried to write down my attempt.

For the first time the entire class always silent, sharply watching me closely for any and all mistakes or slip-ups. Which, knowing me, is bound to happen. I'm not good at school...but I am really good at math! However...I've never really been good with people watching me. I know I should just write down what's on the page, but just simply knowing that any and all mistakes will be used against me terrifies me! I can't do it...I'm too scared! I can't write it down, I know it but my body won't let me! I can't...I can't...I can't! Not while knowing that they're ready to make a fool of me at any second...!

"Ah, but I can do it for you; if you can not...!"

Those words came out of my mouth, but I hadn't said them. "What was that, Yamagishi?" Teacher questioned, I wanted to tell him that I wanted to sit back down. I wanted to say that I was sorry and would pay attention more if he would let be go back to my seat, but no words had come out...I only smiled and turned to him with a confident look "Oh nothing~ Just thinking aloud, that's all!" The teacher looked shocked, as was I! That voice was mine, but the tone of which that voice had been used was so confident, so sure of itself, that it could not possibly have been my own!

All teacher did was nod his head once, though his eyes were just as wide as mine would have been, had I had control of my own body. "Well then, less thinking and more doing. I have a class to teach." I nodded my head and went back to work. Erasing the shaky lines I had written before and re-writing them more hastily and like writing my process was more of a necessity for a grade than it was actually needed. The end product was clear and precise. I looked at my book, then back the board, and smiled. Placing the chalk down and backing up for my teacher and classmates to see. Everyone in the room was shocked to see my confident smirk as I closed my book and looked back to the teacher after showing off my work. "Well, Teacher? How is it?". Teacher looked at the problem closely and was nodding his head, smiling. "Yes, well. Good job Miss Yamagishi, you were paying attention after all. My apologies for being so cross with you". I only brushed a lock of hair that had rested on my shoulder back and walked back towards my desk. "It wasn't your fault, sir. Everyone makes mistakes~"

By the time I had reached Karma's desk, I regained control of my body. It was so sudden that my head had gotten light and I fell forward towards the ground. "HEY!" A loud yell rang through my ear, the sound of audible gasps filling the classroom. I was still unaware of the situation I was in, I was trying too hard to recuperate what had just happened. All I could feel was Karma, who had his arm wrapped around my waist and was keeping me from completely collapsing on the floor. "Wha..." my vision was getting blurry.

"Tch, see space cadet? That's what you get for getting so cocky on us all of a sudden, your head can't handle it..." Karma teased. Slowly, my vision was coming back to me. As Karma was laying me down, groups of kids were all gathering to get a look at me. Surprisingly despite his previous comment, Karma was keeping them at bay from getting too close. "You two, go get the nurse!" I could hear Teacher barking commands "Everyone else, get back in your seats! Except for you Karma, make sure to keep her stable!". The boy only nodded at the teacher before looking back down to me, but his eyes did not look kind...

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