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Tenten was lying down on the sofa, watching some random show that she had accidentally chanced upon.

The living room was silent, as Temari and Hinata were studying inside their room and Sakura and Ino were out for some alone time. 

Tenten's eyes widened as the girl fought off the bad guys. The guy was tied to a chair and struggling to remove the ropes. Exactly her type.

Role reverse!

"You go girl!" Tenten cheered for the female lead as she noisily bit into her chocolate chip cookie. The episode ended when the girl managed to defeat every one of them.

An advertisement popped up and Tenten flopped down completely on the couch, comfortably to sleep. Her ringtone blared from somewhere under here.

She struggled to find the phone as the song started.

'On a scale from 1 to 10, I am perfect like I am, I don-'

Tenten took it quickly without even looking at the caller Id. 


"Hey Tenten. This is Neji."

"Neji?" Tenten was puzzled. "How did you get my number?"

"Did  you forget? You gave it to me at the game."

Tenten slapped her forehead. Of course, she thought, How did I forget?

"You okay, Tenten? I heard a slap."

"Ye- Yeah, I'm fine. Why did you call? Is something wrong?" she asked, worry lacing her voice.

"Uhm, no, nothings wrong." Silence followed this statement before he spoke up. "Are you free now?"

"Yeah, what's up?" asked Tenten casually, hoping he would ask her out on a date. Wait, why would she hope that?

"Can we meet up?" Tenten's heart jumped as she screamed, "Yes! I mean, sure. Where?"

"At the park near your house. Be there in ten?"

"Yeah, see you later!" Tenten jumped up as soon as she hung up the phone. Her eyes fell on the tv where the guy and girl were kissing. She shut it off and quickly ran to their room.

"Hey, what happened? You look really happy," Temari remarked as Tenten pulled out a black jacket to wear on her red tank top. Tenten froze.

Happy. She was happy that Neji had called her out on a 'date'. She was hoping he would and when he did, she was happy. So happy that Temari noticed it from her homework.

"Uh, I'll tell you later," said Tenten forcing a smile as she pulled on the jacket. "I am going out. I'll come before dinner. Tell Hinata to make ramen for me."

Temari absentmindedly nodded as Tenten ran out of the house. Temari blinked. Tenten never kept secrets from her.

Outside, Tenten ran out of the building and started walking to the park. Cold wind whipped her troubled face, all traces of happiness now gone.

Tenten wiped imaginary sweat from her forehead and pushed back her bangs as she 'tched'.

"Shit. Please don't tell me. Please don't..."

She brought a smile on her face when her eyes met Neji. Neji smiled back but stopped when she neared.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concerned. "Don't give me that fake smile. I know something is troubling you."

Tenten's smile fell down and she bit her lip.

"Nothing you should get worried about," she brushed it off. "So, what do we do now?"

"Okay," Neji didn't look convinced. "How about some ice-cream and then you tour me around your favourite spots?"

Tenten's face brightened and she gave him a real smile. Neji smiled seeing her smile.

"Let's go!"


"Hey, isn't that...."

"Tenten?! Who is that guy?"

"Did you know that she is going on a date, Ino?" Sakura bit her lip. "That is Neji, if I am not wrong."

"Neji, you say?" Ino squinted her eyes and looked at the male whose face was hidden by a mask. The two besties were hiding behind a tree as they spied on their friend eating ice-cream.

"Yeah, it's definitely him," Sakura pointed out his brown hair that was tied in a ponytail. "He looks weird."

"Yeah, but did you look at Tenten?" whispered Ino. "She looks so..."

"Happy," Sakura muttered miserably. "Let them be. Let's go home Ino. Tema and Hina might get worried."

Ino nodded and giving one last glance to her friend and her date, she walked off. Sakura followed her, a few feet back. Ino got a call and started talking to, it was obviously, Sai.

Sakura looked away, her face set in a sad and panicked one. She wanted the best for her friends, but the more she tried, the more they fell.

Their behaviour was evidence that the girls were falling the guys. The tables had turned on them without them knowing.

They were supposed to make the boys fall, not fall themselves. If this  continued, the Heartbreakers will fall apart and then they will get their hearts broken all over again. Which was what she feared above anything else.


I love you guys so much! I don't know what you really like about my story, but thank you for all your support! It motivates me to write and update.
I try to reply to your comments but if I'm unable to, please know that every vote, every comment is appreciated. Love you!

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