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"Yeah," Shikamaru took a deep breath before speaking the next words. "I am not really a great person, I know it. In fact, I am worse. I am lazy, I don't like to do anything and I am definitely not 'boyfriend material'."

He said the last two words with air quotations. Temari raised an eyebrow, guessing where this might be going. Shikamaru swallowed before continuing ahead.

"But, I have come to realise, that there are some things that I'll do anything to achieve. You are one of them."

Temari smiled at him, her wet eyes looking at his nervous and troubled face with a feeling that she was afraid of.

"I really can't comfort you," he said, glancing at her. "I am bad at it. But, I want you, to give me a chance."

"A chance?" She repeated. He nodded.

"A chance to mend you," he said gently. "You are a great person, Temari, but you will be more amazing if you were not broken. And I want to help."

"How do I give this chance?" asked Temari, afraid of what he is going to ask her to do. "What do you want me to do?"

"I, I like you, Temari," Shikamaru confessed, trying to play it off coolly. "And I want you to, to be my girlfriend. So that I can love you and fix all your problems."

"Do you think it's easy?" She asked, her eyes brimming again.

"No!" He cried. "I know it's not easy! And honestly, it might even be troublesome. But I don't care! I love you and I'm ready to do it. I want to show you so much love that those memories won't even stay.

"I won't rush anything. We can go slower than snails. If it takes you years, it's okay. I want you to be that amazing Temari that you were. I want to bring her out. I won't force myself on you, and I won't force you to take our relationship forward. Just, just give me one chance."

Temari started crying completely, and her hands rushed to her face to stop the flow of tears. Shikamaru was conflicted on what to do.

He stood up and sat beside her, to let her know that he is there. She hugged him by herself. Shikamaru was shocked but simply hugged her back, one hand on her back, the other moving through her hair.

"I- I don't know how to thank you," she whispered to him, her sobs breaking her sentences. "Atleast you want to try. I don't know how long you can do this, but I want to give you that chance."

Shikamaru brightened and held her tightly. She looked up at him, her face hot and sticky with the fresh tears.

"I- I like you too, just not as much as you do," she said. His eyes spoke of understanding which encouraged her to continue. "So I will give us a try. Maybe, something beautiful can come out of it?"

"It will," said Shikamaru, pressing his forehead against hers. "And I will show you what love truly is."

"I hope you do," she said, a smile creeping on both their faces.


"Sasuke, go home!" Sakura giggled as she saw that the dark haired boy was following her. He raised an eyebrow.

"I said I'm going to drop you off," he said. "Till your door. You never know what might happen in between."

Sakura rolled her eyes but slid her hand into his. A familiar voice called out to them.

"Ah, Sakura! Sasuke!" Hinata smiled as she walked upto them, followed closely by Naruto, who had his hands in his pockets. "You are back too?"

"Hey! Wow, we are all here?" Tenten's amazed voice caught the sight of the four. Tenten, Neji, Sai and Ino were walking up the staircase as well.

"You know, since we all are here, why don't we have dinner together?" suggested Sakura. Everyone agreed and they all went up to their apartment.

Hinata rang the doorbell, since they knew Shikamaru and Temari were studying inside. The door was opened by Temari, who was rubbing her slightly swollen eyes.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Sakura rushed in and took Temari in her arms. Ino and Tenten rushed to her sides too while Hinata looked at her worriedly. "What happened? Did he do something? Who made you cry?"

"It's nothing," Temari said with a small laugh. Shikamaru who was standing behind her, raised his arms in defence. "I - no, we - want to tell you all something."

"Okay," said Sakura, encouraging her to go on, still not letting her go from her arms.

"We, that is to say Shikamaru and I, are going to give it a try," she said nervously. "We want to see where we land up, going by how I need help and how he wants to help me."

The girls all smiled.

"That's great!" said Ino.

"Yeah, c'mon!" Hinata said happily. "You will be great!"

"Nothing makes us happier!" Tenten grinned. Temari laughed as the girls had a group hug.

"You are really the best friends I could have ever asked for," said Temari. The boys all smiled at the scene.

"Alright! Should I order Chinese? Or pizza?" Asked Naruto, flipping out his phone.

"Chinese!" They chorused and soon, the house was abuzz with the ten teenagers moving around to set a movie and a dinner.


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