13 | Control

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“Your dick?”

Taehyung stared at you for a long moment before bursting into laughter. “Okay, I didn't see that coming.”

Neither did you—hardly had the words left your lips when you shut your mouth, turning away from him and cursing the absence of a filter between your brain and mouth. Should've thought twice before speaking.

Luckily for you, the boy looked, on the whole, unbothered, continuing sipping on the strangely colored drink in his hand. “Don’t worry too much about it, it's all right.” He grinned at your embarrassed expression. “However, it's not up anymore, so your answer is invalid.”

Surprisingly, his behaviour was completely different from the pleading, shaking boy you remembered from the car.

You were still unable to form a proper response after your obviously improper one, so you stayed silent, staring straight ahead at pretty much nothing. Taehyung continued drinking whatever the hell he was drinking, the corners of his full lips quirked into a smile at the edges of the glass's mouth, his eyes staying on you from the side.

“To be honest, I hadn't thought your language to be so crass,” he started, tone conversational, sounding like he was barely holding in another laugh. “Back in the lecture, you'd been so nice.” He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “I'm disappointed.”

Baffled, you returned your gaze to his face, mouth half-open, giving off an offended air. “Excuse me?” Your upper lip twitched in discomfort and annoyance.

“Just trying to get a reaction out of you,” he said, not bothering to hide his wide, rectangular smile as he set down the glass on the counter on which he had been leaning. Letting out a heavy breath, Taehyung straightened and offered you a friendly smile. “Don't be so uncomfortable, most of the people here are actually nice.”


As he cocked his head to the side, you found yourself marvelling at his close to perfect profile. Strong, almost square jaw, skin as smooth as a baby's. Kim Taehyung was stunning, and even if you had known that before, being this close renewed your awe at his beauty.

You still weren't sure if you wanted him to know how dissatisfied you were by the lack of social connect, but he gently touched the back of your elbow, stepping forward. “Do you want to go to Jimin?” He asked, a kind, less obvious smile on his face. “I understand if you'd rather be around someone you know, and as much of a flirty butterfly as he is, I don't think he'd leave you alone like this.”

At that, your stiff features eased, lips curving gratefully. “I can take care of myself.”

“She speaks!” He exclaimed dramatically, throwing a hand into the air, almost hitting an innocent passerby in the face. “Civilly, I mean.”

“I can be civil,” you said, rising an eyebrow. “I can be more than civil.”

“I don't doubt that.” He chuckled. “Come on, wanderer, I'll show you around.”

He didn't exactly do that, but about half an hour later, you were familiar enough with the place to at least be able to find the toilet on your own. Thanks to Taehyung, you now knew who the remainder of Jimin's friends were, but because of the rate at which they were chugging, you wouldn't bet on them staying sober enough to drive once the party was over.

Close to another drink and a whole less-than-awkward conversation later, the two of you finally ran into a harassed-looking Jimin. When he spotted you, his eyes narrowed, lips puckering into an annoyed pout, hands on his hips the way your mom used to stand at the front door whenever you were home late.

As he opened his mouth, you half-expected the words 'young lady’ to come out of it before a mile-long lecture. Instead, he shook his head, thanked an amused-looking Taehyung, and gestured to you to follow him.

“Be careful,” the ravenet whispered to you from behind you. “Your roommate is on a warpath tonight.”


"What are you doing?" You questioned, bemused when he pulled the both of you inside a room, locking it behind him.

"What do you think?" Jimin turned on you, expression resembling a tired parent's. "You thought you could just waltz out there without supervision, and manage to come out unscathed?"

"Hey, I was with Taehyung." You rolled your eyes. "It's not that deep."

You'd barely completed your statement when he stepped closer to you, making you back up.

You'd barely completed your statement when he stepped closer to you, making you back up.

“You wanted lessons, right?" Jimin asked rhetorically, tone low as he lowered his eyes to meet your confused ones. "So, since neither of us are too invested in this party, let's go over a few other instructions.”

That wasn't the reasoning you had been expecting, given his earlier frustrated look. Anyone would think he had become tired of looking for you, and yet, here the two of you were.

“Okay?” You swallowed, nodding, stepping further back as he moved closer. The sudden request was strange, but not exactly questionable. Was there a point in disagreeing, only to postpone what was needed? Nah.

The back of your knees met the edge of the bed, making you fall into a sitting position.

Jimin bent forwards, pushing down your shoulders in a lying position, hovering above you on the bed.

“May I?” His voice was low, soft but sensual. Slowly, you nodded, closing your eyes as he leaned further towards you, lips slanting over yours in an accelerating kiss.

He opened his mouth against yours, easing you into the kiss. His hands found your waist, the riding up of the hem of your shirt leaving the skin bare. Your abdominal muscles contracted against his touch, and your reached up, slipping your hands into the mass of his hair that glinted in the fluorescence.

Jimin knew that this level of passion was dangerous, especially if he wanted to control himself. But he had hormones too, and this was driving him crazy.

You gave up, letting him take control of the kiss, weaving your fingers through his hair and pulling him onto you.

“Lesson four,” he whispered into your ear as you sucked in a sharp breath, arching up  against him like a taut wire. “Consent is sexy.”

Too fast.

It was too fast.

Only half in your senses, you moaned between kisses, fingers grasping his shoulder blades to pull him closer. This was the oddest teaching system you had ever witnessed in your lifetime, but it was effective. And you’d rather have that than anything else.

Jimin’s chest heaved, brushing against yours when his hip bones ground into yours.

Don't lose control.

Hold back.

Your hands roamed all over his chest as both of you got lost into the kiss, sharing your increasing body heat. Jimin didn't remember the last time he'd felt this level of—what? Desire?

You felt high on his kisses.

Minds blank with pleasure, both of your bodies were fluid against each other, kissing and touching and feeling.

“Is this okay?” You asked, not daring to lift your voice above a whisper as you traced the lines of the muscles of his back. Jimin nodded, pressing his face into the crook of your neck, holding you closer to his torso.

Your nails dug into his back, and he arched his shoulder blades as you left scratches on him. His fingers dug into your waist, enjoying the sinful sounds escaping your mouth when he sucked on your collarbone.

Your bodies writhed against each other, and Jimin found himself slipping.

The control was gone.

He was wild.

He was uncaged.

And he wanted you.

Chest pressed against chest, legs tangled in legs, arms grasping and tightening, swollen lips dancing together.

His fingers hovered over your hips—

There was a knock at the door.

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