17 | Say The Name

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You found yourself in Jimin's room every night.

No, you dirty minded people. You simply went to his room because you found it more comfortable to sleep with him (in the pure sense) than in your lonely, cold room.

Shared body heat, now that you were much more familiar with his body and open with your own, was a key factor that led you to him.

He was your own personal, giant pillow.

And Jimin was fine with it.

Initially, he would be pretty confused and slightly disturbed at your appearances, but then he gradually got used to it. And of course, there were times when he preferred to sleep alone, but you would look up at him with big eyes and pouty lips and that was all it would take to soften him up again.

Then came the time you wouldn't even bother to go into your room at night, simply following Jimin into his and curl up with him under the blankets.

Yeah, it was quite comfortable.

But I digress.

You would go cuddle with Jimin every night, sometimes eliciting a heated reaction from him. It was actually pretty surprised at how uncaring you would be when he would pin you to the bed and leave marks on your neck and collarbones. Which should've been nice and everything, but you didn't seem to get the hang of it quickly enough.

Soon enough, the deal had turned more into a mutual benefit situation, as Jimin had oh-so-professionally put it. He wasn't wrong—you had to give him that, but it didn't mean that you needed to acknowledge it verbally in front of him. Well, maybe you didn't have to, being saved by his lips successfully sealing off your mouth whenever needed.

Metaphorically speaking.

The last thing you wanted was to fall in love with the man when you hadn't even got the assurance that he would stay with you yet. But then, you didn't exactly want to date someone who would keep you.

You just wanted to experience something new—something you'd wanted to do for a long, long time. Of course, there were moments when you would question yourself about Jimin's honesty, about whether he was being completely fair in his sadistic description of Taehyung.

The boy had been nice enough to you, and though there were the moments when you saw him side-eye a random person in the hall in a more sexual sense. This led back to you believing your roommate, and the cycle went on and on.

It was after almost two weeks of the same cycle that Jimin realized he hadn't taught you anything else apart from physical stuff. Yeah, he had gotten too carried away, but he realised it was his duty as your roommate to teach you. And if we used more technical terms, he would even go so far as today himself your teacher.

So that's how you found yourself sitting confused on the couch one Sunday evening, Jimin standing over you with his hands on his hips.

"What?" You asked, perplexed.

"Look." He sighed, rubbing his temple. "The hickey thing is definitely working, but I think you should try provoking Taehyung first."

"Provoking?" You furrowed your eyebrows. That sounded way too much like something you would do to a specimen on Animal Planet.

Jimin looked at you funny, wondering how something that was so obvious to him could be anything but that to you. Even then, he knew that behind all the physical experience, your mind was still pure, if he ignored all the knowledge you had gleaned from the aptly named books. That you considered kissing him nothing wrong. Simply because no one had ever told you any better.

Never had he ever encountered someone as untouched as you and as close to him. And he knew he shouldn't, but he was getting too attached.

It'll go away.

"Yes, provoke." Jimin nodded. "What to wear, what to say, how to behave."

You tilted your head to one side like a lost puppy.

He shook his head in disbelief. How is she so cute? This is an adult I'm looking at. "Look, I'll start with the basics."

You nodded.

Jimin jerked his head once. "Remember, subtlety is key."

You got up, trying to follow his instructions. "Like this?"

He sighed before grabbing your hips, holding them in position. To show you, and also because he wanted to touch you. "Now try."

Though more than a little bemused, you replicated the moves with near perfection.

"Yes!" Jimin grinned, trying not to get aroused. "Now try some contact."

You lightly brushed your fingers against his chest.

"Okay." He shrugged. "But be a little casual. Lightly touching his shoulder when you laugh, brushing your arm with his, stuff like that. And try to initiate things. He likes confident girls."

You bit your lip. "You make this sound so dumb."

"Well, in all honesty, it is dumb," he muttered. "I should be getting paid for this.

"You're getting paid for it in kisses," you answered with a roll of your eyes, but you knew that you didn't consider it payment. Kissing was something both of you took part in and enjoyed on an equal basis. If anything, to you, it was like an unofficial class on human sexuality.

Jimin answered this with a grin.

"Okay, you have a point."


Taehyung approached you first the next day. "Hey." His greeting was as short and to-the-point as usual, but there was a sparkle in his eyes you didn't notice as you turned the corner taking the hallway towards the mess.

"Hey, Tae," you replied with a smile, and his smile widened fractionally at the nickname. "How's everything going?"

"Great now that I've seen you," he replied, and you laughed, brushing your arm against his. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." You smiled at the compliment, adjusting your denim jacket a little. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Taehyung winked at you. "Nothing in comparison to you, though."

As the conversation was now taking a repetitive turn, you simply flashed him a small, could smile before continuing walking. "You guys don't have a curfew, right? How did they let you stay out for the party so late?"

"It's the weekend," he said, shrugging. His fingers floated over your shoulder, not noticing you gulping. "We don't have it as good as you and Jimin do, you know. The RA for my floor doesn't let us stay out even half an hour past twelve," he added, tone souring.

You laughed a little at that. This was one of the many reasons you had gone for an apartment rather than living in the dorms, though the costs would've been covered by the scholarship.

He straightened suddenly, his hand running down your arm once before falling to his side. "But how's living with Jimin? I've always been curious as to how messy he is."

You sensed the underlying meaning of his words, freezing for a moment as you remembered your roommate's advice about the benefits of jealousy.

"He is pretty messy," you said, deliberately brushing away the hair from your jaw, where a couple of hickeys were still fading. "But it's not too bad."

Taehyung pursed his lips, eyes darkening as they landed on your exposed neck. "Doesn't living with someone like him make things more...intimate?"

"Ah, no." You narrowed your eyes. "He's not my type."

He laughed. "And what is your type?"

You allowed your smirk to grow. "I'm into smoother men."

Taehyung's smile widened. "That would be a great punchline taken out of context."

With a widening grin that you intended to hide, you turned away. "Well, see you later, Taehyung."

You turned around.

"Wait!" He exclaimed, and your grin slipped a little, expression twisting into confusion.

"Yeah?" You turned around, arching your brows.

"Are you free this evening?" Taehyung's eyes were intense.

"Yup." It could have been nothing, but your heartbeat sped up. "Why?"

"I was wondering whether you'd like to go on a date." His answer was smooth, true to your earlier response. You wondered if he'd been waiting for it. "Nothing major—because you have only a morning lecture scheduled for tomorrow."

"Uh, sure." As hard as you tried, you couldn't seem to keep that damned smile off of your face. "I'd love to."

"I'll pick you up at eight, then." Taehyung smiled back, dark eyes glittering.

"Sounds good to me." You smiled once again before walking away, mind abuzz with excitement.


you guys got me to 400 reads! i love you all so much thank youuuu! if it's not too much to ask, could you get it to 1k by my birthday? that would be the best gift ever. don't forget to vote, comment and share!

EDIT 190519 wow what is this liquid coming out of my eyes

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