24 | Didn't Know

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"Lesson number four." Jimin's voice was breathy and heavy as he leaned closer, the outline of his collarbone highlighted by the thin shadow it cast over his chest.

As if by instinct, your eyes closed, face tilting upwards to meet his lips as they slanted over yours. The contact sent a ripple of pleasant shock through you, making you arch up against him, the corded muscle in his arms tightening around you as he pulled you closer.

The day had been stressful, and somewhere at the back of your mind, you were still aware of the six thousand word essay you had to turn in within two days. Just a few minutes ago, your eyelids had been drooping with exhaustion as you pored over the still-incomplete assignment.

The night had been fresh and inviting, the humidity of the city turning into a pleasant chill by the time the stars came out. But you had been unable to enjoy the weather, and instead of leaning out the window to taste the night air, you had found yourself slumping in a chair, a looming headache threatening to knock you out despite the three cups of coffee you had inhaled in the matter of a few hours.

It was then that Jimin had shown up, like a phantom leaning against the door, his silvery hair gleaming ad ghostly like light radiating through layers and layers of water. You hadn't even seen him at first, since the rest of his body had been cloaked by the darkness your room had been plunged in.

"Study time?" He had questioned, and something uninvited had fluttered in your chest. It was weird that you had known what he was talking about even if he had phrased it so cryptically.

At his innocently-phrased question, you had felt good, then felt bad for feeling good. Despite that, one thing left to another—you shook the invading thoughts out of your mind as your roommate's hands lifted the hem of your thin t-shirt, slipping under the cloth, the touch sending millions of sparks through your skin.

Initially, you had refrained from making any snarky comments that would ruin the sensual moment, but now you were unable to speak. The sound of your heavy breathing mixing with his and the occasional rustle of clothes were the only things that irregularly broke the silence.

His open mouth slid down your jawbone, travelling down your neck to your collar as you pressed closer and closer into him. Your hair stuck to your temples with sweat, the rythm of his chest matching yours as it rose fast and then slow, the late hours of the night and the need to be quiet making the moment even more personal.

Your lips brushed faintly against the crest of his cheekbone just as his hands slid under the top of your shirt. At that, you bit down hard on your lower lip to keep from groaning, hearing his low moans deepen as you kissed him.

So far, you had succeeded in not letting a single sound escaping your mouth.

"Little science tidbit," he said through heavy breaths, pausing frequently, "women are significantly harder to satisfy—sexually—than men, at least during heterosexual mating." The sudden arrival of scientific terms almost tugged the corners of your lips into a smile. "Women sometimes fake orgasms just to please their partner."

His head tilted to the side as you tugged at his silver hair. You kissed him, successfully shutting him up. He moaned into the kiss, and you leaned into him, rising a little from your straddling position as his hands gripped your hips.

Finally, you moaned, failing to suppress the pleased satisfaction that rose in your chest like a high tide. Suddenly, he stopped, letting go of your hips and separating the two of you.

You stared at him in confusion, brow furrowed. A part of yourself protested at the separation, but you pulled yourself back from pulling him close again.

Jimin's eyes were still darkened with lust, and you knew he was achingly to get back as badly as you were. Then why? There was something dark in his eyes, a look that made you feel backwards as if someone had punched you.

"Lesson number four," he repeated, licking his lips as if trying to taste what remained of you on them. "You're worth being treated right, so make sure your partner satisfies you."


It was a week later after the incident that Jimin found himself frowning at your overly dressy attire.

"Where are you going?" He raised an eyebrow, stepping closer to you as you stepped back.

"Why do you ask?" You raised your chin in what was meant to be a defaint posture, but appeared more childish than anything.

"Because I'm your roommate." He rolled his eyes, stepping closer intentionally to make you uncomfortable. "That's why."


Your action did not go unnoticed by him, who grinned and stepper closer again. "I asked politely."

"I—" Your eyes widened as Jimin's nose nuzzled your ear, his hot breath hitting the side of your face. "Alright! Taehyung. Date."

Jimin's tongue flicked out from between his lips, lightly grazing your eralobe, before he stepped back, leaving you breathless. "You could've just said that before, babygirl."

The endearment brought back bad memories, but you were too preoccupied with how the boy had just assaulted you. You found yourself missing his warmth pressed against you as he removed himself, walking backwards before turning and going into the kitchen. "Jimin—"

"Have fun," Jimin said simply, not daring to look up lest he see your vulnerable face again, and lose control. He was finding you harder to resist day by day.

"I—I will." You swallowed, shaking yourself from thoughts of the silver haired boy before moving to the door and exiting the apartment with a dazed air.

Of course you will, Jimin thought bitterly as his eyes trailed after the door as it slowly swung close. He was feeling strangely bitter in the last few days, and he couldn't make head or tail of it.

He tried to distract himself by watching a movie, but even that was a failed plan. He should have known that it wouldn't work. No matter what he did, he couldn't stop thinking about you.

Rather than staying away from you, he tried to become closer—why that was, he didn't know. Maybe it was the fact that he wanted to prove some kind of claim over you—but you being with Taehyung all the time was bothering him.

He didn't know why he felt a weird sort if sensation in his chest whenever you fangirled over the boy you were dating. Neither did he know why he felt overly elated at every little kiss he shared with you or whenever your soft hands rested on his chest and when you looked up at him with big, puppy eyes and whenever your eyes fluttered close when he leaned even a little close—

Jimin shook his head, realizing that he had been getting a little carried away. That too had been happening a lot these days, more than he would have liked.

He closed his eyes, tipping his head back as he tasted your lips on his in a phantom kiss, your hands on his biceps in a phantom touch. He didn't remember the last time he had brought a random girl home, or even touched another one—his body and mind both seemed to be drunk on thoughts of you.

Jimin only seemed to want you. And he didn't know why.

It drove him crazy.

You drove him crazy.

The only thing stopping him from acting on it was that he didn't know if he genuinely liked you or simply the idea of you. The last time he had been romantically attracted to someone felt like ages ago, and he was afraid that he would get the girl only to find out that he hadn't really wanted her all along.

And what if Taehyung truly did like you? He hadn't done or said anything to prove otherwise.

A sharp ring brought him back to his senses, and one glance at the time told him he had been more busy thinking than he thought. Picking up the call, he pressed the phone against his ear before speaking. "What's wrong now?"

Your voice sounded too excited for his taste. "Nothing's wrong...in fact, you will never guess what happened!"

Jimin smiled lazily. "Did pigs fly?"

"Shut up." He could practically imagine you rolling your eyes. "But really, though, I couldn't be happier..."


Looking back, he shouldn't have asked.

"Chim..." The fluttering in his heart at your nickname use was only momentary. "Taehyung just asked me to be his girlfriend."

And Jimin didn't know why his heart plummeted.



also a casual reminder to some readers who get overly invested in the story (i'm so sorry you guys) that you're not obliged to like someone back simply because they have a crush on you. people have come to me about this problem and a bunch of stuff has been happening irl, but please remember that, for your life AND for the story.


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