ㅤ lucretia bergamaschi

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❝ and there's king's dominion's own
little primadonna. it's a look, don't
touch, case, dude; better yet, don't
even look, unless you wanna wake
up with a knife to your throat or
something. if you're too unlucky, the
knife may even be poisoned. ❞

━━ billy bennett, to marcus lopez 

❝ you know, it's called  legacy
dance. i suppose for a reason.❞


universe — deadly class
faceclaim — greta ragusa
love interest — billy bennet, or marcus lopez, or oc
status — alive

❝ one could always be a little too
clumsy with their arsenic... ❞


NAME. lucretia bergamaschi

ㅤ › lucca, the abbreviation most commonly used by everyone
ㅤ › mia bella (my beautiful), sorellina (little sister), and other nicknames in italian by her brother cesare
ㅤ › primadonna, by king's dominion students

ㅤ › around 16 as of the show's first season (1987) 
ㅤ rough estimate, she's the same age as the protagonists, in her freshman year at king's dominion. i just can't believe those guys in the show are 14-15, that's all.

GENDER & PRONOUNS. cis female, she/her

SEXUALITY. bisexual
ㅤ lucca doesn't know that about herself yet, but she's bisexual — which means she can be attracted sexually, as well as romantically, by people on the whole gender spectrum. the signs are there, she just hasn't explored her sexuality enough to be sure of it.

PLACE OF BIRTH. bergamo, italy.
ㅤ currently resides in the united states, she moved when she was three.

❝ i'm sorry. really. i wish it was less
complicated. but it's not like i can
do anything about it, anyway. 


FACECLAIM. greta ragusa

ㅤ › no notable scars nor marks on her skin, she takes very good care of it and keeps it pristine.
ㅤ › lobe piercings for earrings in both ears.

ㅤ › lucca presents herself almost like a princess. elegant, fancy, with her nails and hair well taken care of; she cares a lot about her appearance and it plays a great role in her confident, almost royal posture.
ㅤ › she feels great in king's dominion's blazer, shirt and skirt uniform combo, as her style is similarly formal or preppy. tennis skirts, light dresses, fine jewelry, fancy sweaters, pearl necklaces, and lace; lucca is always looking elegant or fancy to some degree. 

❝ you take care, i'm being serious.
after this, it's not me you should
be worried about. ❞


ㅤ lucretia bergamaschi is a queen bee — you can clearly see it in the way she strolls down the hallways, with her chin up and one or two extra buttons of her shirt open. she's comparable to the snakes curled up in the school's coat of arms: manipulative, cunning, charismatic, and definitely venomous. lucca can lead almost anyone to do whatever she wants, whether with sweet words, beautiful lies, or things even more beautiful; whatever goes on behind closed doors doesn't actually matter, as long as she gets her prize. every word of hers has a motive, a meaning; every action can be acting when you least expect. she's calculated, of course — in that snake pit that is king's dominion school for the deadly arts, who isn't? lucca exhales confidence, with the perfect pose of a primadonna and her head held high as if she wore a crown on top of it (considering her family, she might even). however, whoever said pride could kill was all but wrong — lucretia's pride can be her downfall... if other things don't kill her first. she's incredibly vain, and in the school's social environment her beauty is her defining trait: the other students see her as the mafia's little princess, this pretty face they cannot mess with — less for her own merit, more due to the bergamaschi surname. courtesy of her father and brother. she's not one to stay invisible, of that we can be sure, but her abilities and proficiency often do; it's annoying, to say the least, but lucca uses it to her favor, along with the ditzy innocent girl act. she most of the time acts like she's superior to everyone; the only people actually above her, whose power she is aware of, are her father and brother. at first glance, she is loyal to her family and her group, but in king's dominion it's crucial to know that anyone can betray anyone. because after all, lucca's attitude is no more than an elaborate facade: the emotions she refuses to show are bubbling, boiling, stirring inside, like a time bomb ticking and waiting for its moment to explode. lucretia is tired — tired of being her brother's pretty face or her father's weapon, tired of being everyone's toy, tired of being locked in her golden cage. she practically never loses control, but when she does eventually snap... heaven help us.

ㅤ › poisons. lucca's thing in king's is poisons of all types. she's naturally proficient with preparing and using poisons, and has a vast knowledge of their various applications.
ㅤ › short blades. she's also skilled with daggers and small knives, as stealthy weapons that can be easily hidden. lucca is not one for direct confrontation, but she knows it's better to keep a knife or two in her dorm when it comes to studying at king's.
ㅤ › manipulation & seduction. she doesn't resort to weapons first, as her words can be nearly as deadly. lucretia knows very well her way with her words, and her main tactics revolve around them... or her looks, which also help her wrap people around her finger. due to this, she has been for too long used as a pretty face and a tool to get everyone doing what she — or in most cases, her family — wants.
ㅤ › stealth. lucca is used to attracting attention, but she also knows how not to. not ninja-like stealth, that is, invading places and whatnot, but she's not one for flashy killing or torture and has an ability to do things as silently and surreptitiously as possible.
ㅤ › singing & piano. not a deadly art per se, but can definitely come in handy; lucca has a beautiful singing voice and has done singing and piano lessons for most of her childhood and early teens.

ㅤ › red lipstick, most of the time she has a strong shade of red on.
ㅤ › jewelry, gold and silver and pearls and whatnot. it builds on her look.
ㅤ › expensive drinks, such as wine and champagne — she is very, very picky regarding pretty much anything, from what she eats to what she wears.
ㅤ › when people do what she wants, self-explanatory. it really pampers her ego when she has people wrapped around her finger.
ㅤ › italian food, especially her mom's spaghetti alla carbonara
ㅤ › strawberries.
ㅤ › classical music, especially violin pieces. she has a record player in her room and several records of classical music, opera, jazz, and pop as well.
ㅤ › baroque art, which was very prominent in italy in the 17th century.
ㅤ › red, pink and white are her favorite colors, and she tends to incorporate them in her outfits.

ㅤ › rats, at least in the beginning of the story progression. she's a legacy, after all, so the base of the food chain shouldn't bother her.
ㅤ › her family, her brother and father, and the sick control they have over her. what lucca wants most of all is to break free, but she doesn't have the guts to do it yet, as it could bring more destruction than she ever imagined facing. she does not dare to show this opinion, instead maintaining a facade of loyalty, the relationship to her brother cesare is more complicated than simply dislike — he loves her in a very, very twisted way, bordering obsession, is overprotective and treats her almost like a porcelain doll. 
ㅤ › dirty spaces, dirt in general, disorganization. lucca hates feeling dirty and not perfectly calculated as she usually is.
ㅤ › the dixie mob, she thinks they're disorganized, annoying, arrogant, stupid, and goddamn nazis.  
ㅤ › beer, she hates the taste and the smell, especially if it's cheap beer.
ㅤ › dumb people, she has no patience for those.

ㅤ › imperfection. when it comes to king's dominion, or worse, her family, imperfection can be the cause of your downfall. her father made it especially clear to the siblings in their upbringing, as he only accepted the best results and nothing less. 
ㅤ › cesare. well, she's not exactly afraid of him... but she can't help but fear what he can do. cesare, her brother, doesn't measure reactions and can quickly snap at anyone in his way. if she's deadly, he's brutal. he would never hurt her directly, she's at least sure of this, but people she cares about can quickly become a target if he judges so.

❝ chico can andare a farsi fottere.
if he wants war, he'll have it.❞


ㅤ › the bergamaschi mafia, run by her father in the united states italy. it was started by her grandfather, in the 20s, who immigrated from italy to the us and slowly but surely established his domain over the italian community and the bergamaschi family as a major power in organized crime. currently, the bergamaschi mafia is run by her father, ruggero bergamaschi, who's training his son cesare to take over when he dies.
ㅤ › la fraternità, the gang in king's dominion affiliated to the bergamaschi mafia and representing most of the european crime families in general. she's a legacy, as the gang has a history with their father as the founder and a graduate of king's himself. her brother cesare is the leader of the group, while lucretia is more like a princess; untouchable due to her status, but with no real decision power whatsoever.


ㅤ › early years & bergamo. the bergamaschi lineage can be traced back to the city of bergamo, italy, in the region known as lombardia; where her grandfather antonio was born and immigrated from to the united states, but not without securing his contacts and allies in the city. that's where lucretia was born — the youngest daughter of ruggero bergamaschi, or don bergamaschi, antonio's son and the current leader of one of the most influential crime families of the united states. she was born during a strategic retreat to bergamo orchestrated by her father to protect his pregnant wife, caterina, and their eldest son, cesare — then months away from being two years old — from possible retaliation due to especially risky business. they spent around three years in bergamo, surrounded by green fields, housemaids, family friends; the kids were homeschooled by tutors and their mother herself, while their father was across the ocean and they barely knew his face. lucca has few, happy, vague memories of her first years of life, before the family moved back to the united states when she was three.

ㅤ › childhood & the mafia. when the bergamaschi children moved back to the united states, they were thrusted straight away into the snake pit that is the crime world and the bergamaschi family. their father, ruggero, was now personally responsible for their education; caterina stood aside, as the mafia women did, and could only watch as her children were molded according to their father's wishes. lucca was only a child, but was quickly forced to grow and adapt. cesare was the eldest and trained to be the future leader — ambitious, ruthless, confident, a figure of strength and power. lucretia, on the other hand, was a pawn dressed as a queen. she was trained all her life to be her father, and eventually her brother's weapon; the pretty face who  could get everyone at her feet, or could kill you before you even noticed. she was taught the art of lying and manipulating, while herself was controlled like a doll. 

ㅤ › king's dominion, present day. when the siblings came of age, their father put them in king's dominion with no discussion — being a graduate himself, they were legacies and thus deserved to continue the family lineage with the best training available. cesare quickly made himself comfortable leading the gang, while lucca stands obediently by his side. currently, her father and brother control nearly every aspect of her life; now that she is at king's, ruggero is somewhat more distant, but in turn cesare keeps a watch on her almost all the time. it's almost like she doesn't have a life without her brother and the family, as he "protects" her in an obsessive manner. although she has been used to this her entire life, lucretia slowly but surely harbors a wish to break free — which would only be possible by killing her brother and father.

❝ you know... i didn't expect to
feel this way about you. it's
strange. it's... wrong. i like it.❞


ㅤ › antonio bergamaschi, her grandfather. dead.
the founder of the bergamaschi crime family, a figure of power and resilience. lucca didn't get to meet him, he died months before she was born, but cesare did. the bergamaschi property in bergamo and the family's enormous house in new york have paintings of him, along with the current and eventually future leaders of the family.
ㅤ › ruggero bergamaschi, her father. 54 in 1987. alive.
the current leader of the bergamaschi mafia, lucretia's father is a dangerous and imposing figure. he exerts his authority over his children even from affar, and controls the family business with an iron fist. lucca and cesare have no real intimacy with him, he's way more a figure of power than a father per se.
ㅤ › caterina bergamaschi, her mother. 43 in 1987. alive. 
caterina is very family-oriented and devotes her life to taking care of the children and the household, which was exactly what ruggero looked for when they married. she is way more intimate of her children than their father, but still was more and more estranged from the siblings due to ruggero approximating them to the crime world, of which she does not participate. lucretia has fond memories of her mother still, and sees her as a victim of her father's mindset.
ㅤ › cesare bergamaschi, her older brother. 17-18 in 1987. alive.
her brother cesare is the leader of la fraternità, a grade above her in king's dominion and the future leader of the bergamaschi family. confident, intelligent, deadly, ambitious, but also dangerously short-tempered and arrogant, he's truly a force to be reckoned with. he's overly protective of lucca to a point where it becomes an obsession; his love for her is twisted and destroys everything around her. cesare has also acquired a habit of... scaring away most of lucca's boyfriends, or flings, or any guy that looks at her or something. rumor has it he killed one or two (he did, a random guy she met in a club and a dixie mob kid, whose murder was completely silenced by the bergamaschi's connections). 

ㅤ › her gang — her main social circle is the fraternità, as king's dominion's social environment is strictly divided between the gangs.
ㅤ › maria salazar — two legacy gals who want to have fun and escape the overbearing men in their lives. lucca and maria quickly became friends, even though cesare and chico are almost always on the verge of jumping at each other's throats. they often have girl's nights, talk about various subjects and overall are good friends who somewhat understand each other's problems. especially when it comes to romance, which is a touchy subject in both of their lives, they know they can trust one another to keep secrets.
ㅤ › saya kuroki — hang out with maria and you'll eventually bump into saya, which is what lucca found out after some time. the three of them are a vaguely improbable trio, and they have their nights of freedom mostly outside the school. as the leader of the kuroki syndicate, saya has a reputation to her name; "saya will be there" is kind of a green card for cesare to somewhat believe she'll keep lucca out of trouble.

ㅤ › brandy lynn — she's deeply annoyed by anything that comes out of brandy's mouth. she doesn't have a tinge of class or elegance, and her ways of attracting attention are the worst possible in lucca's eyes. her technique lacks refinement and in lucca's opinion she's not skilled, just outright cruel, in a pretty lazy way to try and show "how evil she is". 
ㅤ › her father and brother — not outright, but every day she's angrier and more convinced she can't stand their control anymore.

❝ i know this is stupid, and i'm scared,
and maybe i'm gonna regret it, and
maybe i'm gonna get killed, but... i
really liked talking to you tonight. 


LOVE INTEREST, first option. billy bennett


ㅤ › first interactions & friend groups. lucca is a legacy, billy a rat — that pretty much sums up their dynamics at first. she looks down upon him and his group of friends as they wreck havoc, and stands tall in her position upholding the school's hierarchy. there's a slight crush on his part, but it's something distant and only based on her looks — of course the boys will dream of the untouchable, almost ethereal girl that they could never have. it's not deep, it's not intimate, it's not real. that is, until marcus shows up — marcus, a rat, who ends up talking to saya and maria, who happen to be lucca's local girl gang. what starts as a source of gossip for the three of them becomes lucretia's main connection to the rats as a social circle. plus, tagging with saya for shabnam's party leads to interesting and unexpected interactions with the rats, and billy's crush in lucca becomes gradually more tangible — of course, her brother can't know, as saya very alarmingly warns him.

ㅤ › unexpected friendship & the vegas trip. lucretia's growing thirst for rebellion is given voice when maria and saya make her a bold offer. in either the best or worse decision of her life, she joins them in this impromptu trip to vegas, without even telling her brother or anyone for that matter. it's a breath of fresh air to finally have a moment away from the watchful eyes surrounding her, and that is when lucca and billy have their more elaborate interactions — you know, besides rat vs. legacy shenanigans or sparring sessions. during the course of the trip she finds out he's actually pretty funny, and kind, and gentle, and cute. sure, the trip ends in disaster, with the chico and chester incidents, but it's not the biggest of lucca's problems when she goes back to king's: her brother knows she went out. still, now she can consider him a friend, and billy starts to realize maybe he has a chance; especially when he was able to meet the actual lucca beyond the looks and reputation.

ㅤ › growing feelings & bigger problems. cesare is a problem. cesare is a very big problem. because cesare knows lucca went out, although not with whom. and now she's hanging out more and more with the rats, and she's hiding two big secrets — one, vegas as a whole, two, her may-be-feelings for billy (that definitely are). and on top of it all, cesare is invested in finding out the names of whoever his sister has been seing and didn't tell him. and now the soto vatos are a problem, and her father may become a problem, and chester is another problem, and the school's administration is one more problem. her newly formed disfunctional group of friends is building up as quickly as it can fall apart. the school's tension is palpable. everything is a problem, including her own inability to deal with her emotional and mental state — lucretia is not used to this type of feeling for someone, and she especially hates the tension and fear for his life that she knows comes with it.

ㅤ › the raid to chester manor. going against everything she ever thought she'd do, lucca decided to help the group in the raid to shabnam's house, now chester's lair. she fought alongside the group and risked it all to help those people that she never thought she'd care about, but she could now call friends. especially billy — god, she really liked having billy by her side, and it's amidst the raid that they confess their messy feelings for each other. that's the good part of the moment, at least — when they decide to acknowledge it, take it forward and sort it out. however, lucca also watched in horror as her friendships were torn apart, relationship dynamics shifted and everything seemed to be lost, even after they killed chester. now the cartel knew about chico, and chester, and the vegas gang. and, like the cherry on top of the shitshow sundae, cesare knew about billy, which instantly made him a target. things were going to get messy.

more to be added... post-show, comic arcs.
ㅤ › a fling, a problem & the aftermath. during snake pit.
ㅤ › the finals. during die for me.


ㅤ › extraordinary girl, by green day
ㅤㅤ ❝ she's an extraordinary girl
ㅤㅤ in an ordinary world
ㅤㅤ and she can't seem to get away
ㅤㅤ he lacks the courage in his mind
ㅤㅤ like a child left behind
ㅤㅤ like a dog left in the rain ❞

ㅤ › 12 feet deep, by the front bottoms
ㅤㅤ ❝ you are water 12 feet deep
ㅤㅤ and i am boots made of concrete
ㅤㅤ i'll wear cool clothes, you can show some skin
ㅤㅤ flash a fake so we will both get in
ㅤㅤ now we're dancing, we're so drunk,
ㅤㅤ we are so cool, we are so punk ❞

ㅤ › last night on eart, by green day
ㅤㅤ ❝ my beating hard belongs to you
ㅤㅤ i walked for miles 'til i found you
ㅤㅤ i'm here to honor you
ㅤㅤ if i lose everything in the fire
ㅤㅤ i'm sending all my love to you ❞

❝ your brother? jesus fuck. 

LOVE INTEREST, second option. marcus lopez arguello


ㅤ › the new kid. marcus was a phenomenon as soon as he arrived, for all the wrong reasons. his reputation, his attitude, his looks, all made him a walking target through the halls and a protagonist in all the gossip from that moment on. it got on lucca's ears — through, i don't know, two little birds named saya kuroki and maria salazar — that the new kid was dangerous, and witty, and honestly kind of hot. but he was a rat, and he was reminded very clearly of that due to the warm welcome given to him by cesare and chico. but girls want what they can't have, so lucca is incredibly curious about the new boy, although from afar.

ㅤ › the vegas trip. lucca was dying for a chance to break free, and to meet the new kid, so she didn't even hesitate when maria and saya invited her to tag along for this crazy impromptu trip to vegas. for a single moment, she felt free. and of course, since her brother wasn't close, she started to subtly make her move on marcus. the pretty legacy girl was suddenly there in front of him, and with a spin of words and some well-timed smiles lucca already had marcus wrapped around her finger. at the time, of course, she just wanted to have fun, but it was all interrupted when the trip came crashing down in tragedy... or not, since no one would actually miss chico that much. it ended in trouble, that's more accurate.

ㅤ › sneaking around & something more. after the trip to vegas, everyone in their little group was playing a dangerous game. maria was spiraling after killing chico, saya had her own personal problems to deal with, and lucca... well, lucca had marcus. they had a thing of sorts — not an actual romance in the beginning, even though lucretia was starting to like that pretty boy more and more —, which already gave them the adrenaline rush of sneaking around and avoiding pretty much everyone: from the soto vatos, to the school's faculty, to lucca's brother. cesare was a problem, now that he knew she had been out and was trying to find out with whom by his own means, but lucca knew better than to hand him the one boy she liked on a silver tray. as the days progressed, their thing developed, and her feelings grew, she just hoped that would be enough.

ㅤ › the raid to chester manor. chester is after marcus, cesare is after marcus, and lucca is caught right in the eye of the hurricane. cesare knows she's got other friends, so it's not even that big of a surprise that she went out to help them in the raid to chester's manor, especially now that she was in the middle of the shitshow and the fraternità was on the verge of war with the soto vatos due to chico's death — imagine if they found out their little princess was amidst it all. lucca and marcus have their thing put to test exactly there, amidst the chaos, where trust is key and everyone can change in a heartbeat. as her friendships crumbled, their plan went to hell and they got even more powerful enemies, lucretia got proof that her and marcus' thing was for real. now, they had her brother, and an entire criminal organization, to deal with.

more to be added... post-show, comic arcs.


ㅤ › uma thurman, by fall out boy
ㅤㅤ ❝ she wants to dance like uma thurman
ㅤㅤ and bury me 'til i confess
ㅤㅤ she wants to dance like uma thurman
ㅤㅤ and i can't get her out of my head ❞

ㅤ › hayloft, by mother mother
ㅤㅤ ❝ my daddy's got a gun —
ㅤㅤ you better run! 
ㅤㅤ it started with the hayloft a-creaking
ㅤㅤ well it just started with the hay (...)
ㅤㅤ young lovers with their legs tied up in knots
ㅤㅤ young lovers with their legs tied up in knots ❞

ㅤ › peach, by the front bottoms
ㅤㅤ ❝ you are the reason i'm smiling
ㅤㅤ when there is nothing to smile about
ㅤㅤ one day you will find someone who will
ㅤㅤ love you like you deserve
ㅤㅤ but tonight i'm the only one left
ㅤㅤ and i'm betting it's a fact that you will never learn ❞

❝ don't mind him, he's an idiot.  



ㅤ › primadonna, by marina
ㅤㅤ ❝ primadonna girl, yeah
ㅤㅤ all i ever wanted was the world
ㅤㅤ i can't help but i need it all
ㅤㅤ the primadonna life, the rise and fall ❞

ㅤ › killer queen, by queen
ㅤㅤ ❝ caviar and cigarettes
ㅤㅤ well-versed in etiquette
ㅤㅤ extraordinarily nice
ㅤㅤ she's a killer queen
ㅤㅤ gunpowder, gelatine
ㅤㅤ dynamite with a laser beam
ㅤㅤ guaranteed to blow your mind
ㅤㅤ at any time... ❞

ㅤ › you asked for this, by halsey
ㅤㅤ ❝ go on and be a big girl
ㅤㅤ you asked for this (...)
ㅤㅤ i want my cake on a silver platter
ㅤㅤ i want a fistful in my hands
ㅤㅤ i want a beautiful boy's despondent laughter
ㅤㅤ i want to ruin all my plans ❞

ㅤ more to be added...

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