ㅤ theodora "terry" gale

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she's crazy, she cheers too loud,
she doesn't know shit about football,
and always parks her goddamn mini
van in the wrong spot every fucking
time. phoebe fucking loves her. ❞

━━ a very annoyed roy kent,
describing terry to coach lasso.

❝ good god, lasso... and i thought
i didn't know about football. ❞


universe — ted lasso
faceclaim — winona ryder
love interest — ted lasso
status — alive

❝ oh my god, dinner's gonna burn! i
knew i had forgotten something! 


NAME. theodora gale
previously theodora beckham, when married.

ㅤ › terry, by everyone. the standard nickname since she was a kid, which probably also sounds childish now that she's a fully grown woman with a kid of her own, but well, that's life.
ㅤ › ted, or ted 2, by ted. once ted found out terry's name was theodora, he made sure to call out TED!  whenever they met. richmond players also started taking after him and greeting ted twice — hi ted, hi ted — when they were seen together. eventually, terry would join in on the bit as well, so they often greet each other as ted 1 and ted 2.

AGE. 45 as of season 1, and from then on.

 GENDER & PRONOUNS. cis female, she/her

SEXUALITY. unlabeled
ㅤ she's had her experiences with people all over the gender spectrum and out of it, and honestly nothing makes sense at all when it comes to terry's feelings, so she just assumed she loved her husband and that's what mattered. apparently that's not just what matters anymore. things continue not making sense, though, but she'd rather push it aside and repress it than actually sort out anything.

PLACE OF BIRTH. london, england

❝ goodness, he fucking hated me!
he did! i could see it in his eyes!❞


FACECLAIM. winona ryder

ㅤ › a few little scars from paper cuts, bumping onto things, burns from cooking, falling when she was a kid, scraping her knees and stuff. she was a pretty rowdy kid and is still kind of clumsy. nothing very significant, though.
ㅤ › lobe piercings for earrings. 
ㅤ › a small tattoo, roughly the size of a coin, of a rubber duck on her right lower back; she got it due to losing a bet, when she was twenty and stinking drunk. she regrets it very, very much, and pretty much the only people who know this are her ex-husband and her one-night stands.

ㅤ › terry has a pretty basic style — t-shirts and jeans are the default look, sometimes a sweater or flannel or jacket on top. she's not the biggest fashion guru or something, and most of the time only grabs the first thing she sees in her closet (much to keeley's horror). 
ㅤ › her appearance is not an overall disaster, but she's not a fashionista beauty queen either. however, especially after the divorce, she's been a tad more self-conscious regarding her appearance; fixing her hair, worrying about zits and wrinkles, that type of stuff.

❝you know, being single
isn't exactly my jam. ❞


ㅤ terry is... complicated. not the absolutely unbearable type of complicated, not we don't talk about terry complicated, not says-she-has-strong-personality-but-is-actually-a-bitch complicated. it's more like... not understanding what's going on, or trying to keep it together and kind of failing complicated. she's lovely, of course; with a big smile and a friendly attitude, big bear hugs and some snacks every game, terry is your friendly neighborhood mom. she cares about people and just seems to be overflowing with love, whether she's hugging her daughter after a football game, or bringing snacks for the entire team, or dancing with little lizzie in the kitchen. the thing is, terry is also a walking ball of anxiety. it's kind of obvious — in the way she always stresses over forgetting her keys, or picking up her daughter on time, or her room being a mess. it's in the little things, such as her almost-too-fast stream of thoughts and almost-too-visible eyebags. because terry cares about people so much, she can't help but care about what people think of her. that seems a little contradictory, since terry has a sort of eccentric personality, loud and energic behavior, and makes a fool of herself with a notable frequence; however, she is actually constantly worried about... a lot of things. how annoying she is, how she drives people away, how much of a failure she is as a mom and as a person. but for her daughter's sake, and her own heart's desire, she still has a tired smile on her face at the end of the day.

ㅤ › writing & storytelling. it's kind of an obligation, as it's her job, but writing is also her passion and terry is very damn good at it. she works as a journalist and mainly writes articles or reports, but she has this longtime, distant dream of writing and publishing a book. the main outlet for this creative side of her writing is currently telling bedtime stories to lizzie — say what you want about her mothering, but terry's bedtime stories are unbeatable.
ㅤ › baking. as a stay-at-home mom, cooking was something she kind of needed to be good at; still, her cooking is kind of average. what she's good at, actually, is making cakes. especifically cakes. to be honest, it's a single recipe of chocolate cake handed to her by her mom, which tastes like childhood and she often makes when she's stressed. 
ㅤ › driving. even though she always forgets where she is allowed to park, don't doubt terry's abilities in conducting a mini van. phoebe swears to this day that once, when they were late for a game, she saw terry drift it in high speed and then parallel park it so they arrived on time (roy calls it bullshit).
ㅤ › board games. especially clue. her notes are always terrible, but either she's a terrific player or she's very lucky. she lets her daughter win in game nights with friends, but there were times in which terry absolutely crushed a bunch of eight-year-olds.
ㅤ › screaming. this is kind of a joke, but also not, because terry does have powerful lungs and vocal chords. either for calling her daughter from afar or screaming REFEREE! when needed.

ㅤ › music, like 70s, 80s and 90s pop and rock, the ones she can dance to in the kitchen and sing along with a hairbrush as a microphone. she's a terrible singer and definitely tone-deaf, though.
ㅤ › dancing, not like she's a dancer or something but rather casually in her house. when terry is happy, she's practically bouncing around. she also often puts on some music from her teenage years to dance along to, and most of the time pulls lizzie along to hop and twist around the living room somewhat out of rhythm but having fun nonetheless.
ㅤ › her daughter, it may seem like too much but lizzie gale really is her best friend and the person she loves most in the world.
ㅤ › kids, in general. as the resident mom of lizzie's football team, she is often tasked with carrying the girls around, taking them to eat and hosting amazing slumber parties and game nights. she's always wanted to be a mom, and maybe even a teacher, but she doesn't trust her organizational skills (or lack thereof) enough.
ㅤ › wine, it's not like she's an alcoholic, but she likes to drink a glass of wine sometimes. it's like, one of the only alcoholic drinks she actually likes the taste of. after the divorce, however, she's been drinking a bit more of it than she should.
ㅤ › sweets & desserts, especially chocolate and cake. terry is a big stress eater and an acceptable baker, which means she usually drowns her sorrows in a chocolate cake. or deals with stress. or simply eats it when she wants to.
ㅤ › shortbreads, which are the second thing she stress eats beside cake. actually, terry tends to eat more biscuits than cake when it comes down to stress, because sometimes she's in too much of a hurry to bake. there is an everlasting stock of shortbread in her pantry.
ㅤ › cats & dogs, she loves pets and would like to have one, but she's allergic to them. lizzie wants a dog, though, so she's trying to find courage to take allergy shots.

ㅤ › arrogance, god, arrogant people get on her nerves. she isn't all trying to be nice just so an asshole can come and make everybody in the room feel bad. that usually makes her lose her composure, or at least get pissed.
ㅤ › aggressively straight guys, you know, that specific type of guy that makes liking women and fucking women and going to dates with women and being very very macho his entire personality. dates with those types of guys are always uncomfortable, and oh how she went with dates with those types of guys. her twenties were dreary times in regards to her love life.
ㅤ › tomatoes, she hates their taste, or lack thereof. but she has to be a good example for her daughter to eat healthy, so she buys tomatoes anyways and puts them on the salad, even though something in her bowels twists in disgust when she eats them.
ㅤ › yoga, she tried. she really did try. but no force of nature or humanity would be able to make terry sit still and meditate. 
ㅤ › mosquitoes are her sworn enemies and she keeps one of those electric racquets to kill those hellish little creatures.

ㅤ › needles. she's kind of ashamed of it, but terry has been scared of needles since she was a kid. she doesn't even believe how the hell did she get a tattoo when she was in college, but she blames it on the alcohol. 
ㅤ › being alone. terry's biggest fear, by far, is being alone. she cares about people so much, and gives so much of herself to others; but then they walk away, and she's left wondering whether she was the problem from the beginning. her chaotic romantic history definitely heightened her fear of not having anyone by her side in the end, and especially of being the one to blame for it. she seeks some kind of validation from people, mostly romantic nowadays, due to her fear of being abandoned.
ㅤ › her own forgetfulness. it's not exactly a fear, per se, but terry can't deny she's afraid of how much she forgets things and the impact that may have on other people's lives. terry's lack of personal organization is a huge insecurity for her, and she constantly feels like she's a horrible mom due to that.

❝ lizzie, dear... mom's just a
little tired. that's all.


ㅤ › journalist, pre-canon. terry graduated in journalism and had a promising career in a local newspaper until she married donald and got pregnant a while later.
ㅤ › stay-at-home mom, pre-canon. from her daughter's birth to her divorce, she stayed at home, taking care of lizzie and other mom-related matters.
ㅤ › pharmacy clerk, seasons 1-2. after the divorce, she had to start working again very quickly — terry got a job at a local farmacy as a cashier and store clerk while she went back to job interviews on local newspapers.
ㅤ › afc richmond website writer, season 2. near the end of season 1, keeley asked terry to write articles for the afc richmond official website and social media as part of her marketing plan. what started as favors for a friend and individual articles as a side gig became an actual job during season 2.
ㅤ › journalist at the independent, post-season 2. in the end of season 2, terry gets a job as a writer for a column in the independent. cue ted going terry gale, the independent!  when she announces the new job.


ㅤ › early life. terry was born to margaret and frederick gale, a random couple in a random neighborhood in london. they were not poor, but not rich either; not bad parents, but not that fun; not perfect, but not traumatically flawed. margaret and frederick were awfully average. terry loved her parents as a kid loves their parents (if they're not assholes, of course), but their family dynamics were incredibly dull and often she wondered why did her parents marry anyway. well, that wondering proved itself to be valid, since the gales divorced when she was around ten — frederick moved away from their house and margaret never really recovered. terry grew up with her mom crying at a song coming up on the radio, or cutting off her ex-husband's face from family pictures, or throwing away useful things and brand new items simply because frederick bought them. they were invited to frederick's second wedding, and margaret forbid 13-year-old terry from going. actually, she still thinks her mom wasn't exactly heartbroken, and more like angry/sad at being abandoned, but that's a story for later. what matters is that, as time passed, terry got a reputation in school as "the weird kid with a crazy mom". terry's school life wasn't the most abnormal, but it also wasn't the best — as in, she didn't have many friends, but it wasn't outright bullying or something like that. she was never the best at social interactions, so from early on her reputation was of the "awkward weird kid". her mom's somewhat erratic behavior definitely contributed to that; margaret became increasingly unstable and bitter after frederick's departure. terry wasn't the brightest, her thought process was too chaotic for that, so she simply tried to guide her school life as smoothly as possible. she didn't go out at night, didn't have friends anyway, so she spent them studying; didn't have bonding time with her mom, margaret was too busy crying and complaining, so she spent time studying; didn't have much attachment to stay home, so she spent her time studying, to get in a good college and pursue her dream of writing. and that happened just as planned, which prompted her to move away and motivated her to turn her life around.

ㅤ › college, career, & the seven (hundred) boyfriends of theodora gale. terry spent her entire childhood as this meek little kid with little to no friends and almost no life experience, so she decided to go all out in college and live the teenagehood she didn't get to, in some way. beside still focusing on her grades and her creativity, writing for the school newspaper and discovering a knack for journalism, terry turned her mind to dating, because the last thing she'd like to be is a virgin at 40 or something. college parties were a gateway to guy after guy after guy, and succesful and failed (more often than not failed) dates, and hookups and flings and boyfriends who didn't last more than a month. and girls as well, one-time nights in bedrooms and kisses in corners that she still hasn't thought much deeper about to this day. after college, terry got an internship, and later started a job at a conceited newspaper in london; while her career seemed to be thriving, her love life was... something. 

ㅤ › donald beckham & settling down. terry's messy, complicated, agitated love life was faltering, half-alive, stumbling, kind of going; that was until she met donald beckham. it was a blind date set up by some friends in common at a fancy restaurant. they talked a lot, got to know each other. donald had a charming smile and a smooth way with words, a tender look in his eyes and the manners of a gentleman. and the sex was great — they clicked after hours of conversation and some glasses of wine, and of course that guy was handsome enough for them to hit it off immediately. it was all quick, and heated, and passionate; terry and donald got married after a bit less than a year dating, and moved in together. three years after that, they decided to have a kid; that pretty much marked terry's official settling down as a full time stay-at-home mom and wife. as soon as little lizzie was born, terry knew she loved that kid with all her heart, and would do anything for her. what she ended up doing was putting up with donald beckham for ten years — because the first years were amazing and a lot of fun, but the more time she spent with him... the more she found out he was an asshole. he was annoying. he seemed to not care for anything at all, like, you know, his family. he had strong opinions on everything about everything and was willing to die on all the small hills, thought he was right all the time, felt like he knew and had to explain everything. and it got to a point where terry simply couldn't listen to his voice without wanting to physically cringe, roll her eyes, or just die on the spot. terry and donald started fighting, or the environment of the house turned so passive-aggressive the tension could be felt in the air. it was simply unbearable. it took ten years for terry to get the courage for it, but she finally divorced donald after ten years and took lizzie with her.

ㅤ › the divorce, and what comes after — season 1. divorcing donald was definitely the best thing for terry's own well-being and sanity, but now she had quite the problem in her hands. the thing was, terry spent so much time living her life beside him, practically in function of him (or the thing they could somewhat call family), that she didn't know anymore how to live otherwise. first, she had to get a job. that was obvious. but doing an analysis of her life, she was in a worse point that she thought — her social life was resumed to her husband's social circle, which meant now non-existent; her professional curriculum had a seven-year gap in it; and now she had to work things out as a single mom. at least she had lizzie and her minivan. now, her life took kind of a turn, in some way, when terry met ted lasso; due to lizzie's football team and roy kent himself. you see, phoebe kent is none other than lizzie gale's best friend, which led to terry and roy bumping into each other with a certain frequency. and that, in turn, led to terry meeting ted when roy kent brought him along to visit the girls' school. that led to meeting each other in some other occasions, then some meet and greets with afc richmond players for little lizzie, then a friendship with more people surrounding the team, and suddenly terry was an official part of the afc richmond team.

ㅤ › a deep dive into afc richmond — season 2. after being relegated, richmond needed more publicity than ever; terry and keeley were the best duo the team could ever find. keeley, as their pr manager, decided to hire terry to write articles about the team for their website and social media. she finally, after all these years, was working again with what she was good at: writing. and terry finally had a group, a job, friends — keeley and rebecca were the girl gang she needed all her life. she finally had people to count on and was doing something she liked again, after seven long years. she's trying to heal — i mean, trying, emphasis on trying — and her love life is... starting up? i mean, between trying her luck at bantr and getting busy with work, trying to forget her ex-husband and taking care of her daughter, trying to sort out her emotional issues with depending on relationships and fear of abandonment... she's going well. and there's ted. ted who's very much a friend at this point, or maybe even more. maybe. just maybe.

more to be added...
ㅤ › what comes next — season 3. 

❝ you know what, donald? fuck you!
i never liked your stupid hair, or your
dumb car, or your annoying ass voice! 


ㅤ › elizabeth "lizzie" gale, her daughter. around seven years old at season 1. alive.
a smart little girl and the love of her life, lizzie is the whole word and so much more for terry. like, she'd kill for this kid in the blink of an eye. terry loves lizzie not only as her daughter but also as this beautiful human being that she loves spending time with — good god, her biggest passion is her daughter, and she constantly feels like lizzie deserves so much more than this mess that is terry gale. her daughter is the main reason she didn't ask for divorce earlier, as she tought elizabeth needed a better familiar structure, and didn't trust her own abilities as a mom until the last minute (actually, she still doesn't).
ㅤ › margaret gale, her mother. alive.
terry isn't exactly close to her mother. alright, she raised her, and right, they live in the same city, but they don't have much contact besides sometimes calling each other. of course she won't just abandon her mom, but it's not like margaret was the most emotionally open mom around or they established some big connection while terry was growing up.
ㅤ › frederick gale, her father. alive. 
she's even more distant from him than she is from her mom. since the divorce, terry has barely had any contact with her father at all, at first due to her mother and then later due to a lack of attempts by frederick. he calls her happy birthday at least, but it doesn't go much past that. it was more of an issue growing up than now.

ㅤ › ted lasso — ted and terry immediately clicked. from their first interaction with some corny jokes and large smiles, terry realized ted was someone really special to have by her side. he made her smile, had an uncanny knowledge of pop culture, and, on top of all, saw the good in pretty much everyone. hell, he saw the good in her before she even did. ted is her partner in crime, her better half. as ted would say, their interactions are like giving a guy a bunch of explosives — you don't know what's gonna happen, but it surely is going to be a blast.
ㅤ › keeley jones — first and foremost, keeley is an angel. the best friend, hype woman, wingwoman, personal stylist every gal would ever want. terry properly met keeley through ted and the team, but actually she used to frequently buy stuff in the drugstore she worked at. more importantly, keeley was the person mainly responsible for making terry feel welcome among the richmond team, and she feels like she owes her so much; from restaurant bills she paid to clothes she lent her to literally giving terry her current job. 
ㅤ › rebecca welton — it was only a matter of time until terry was introduced to the head of afc richmond, mrs. rebecca welton herself. and from "scary ceo lady", some nights out and drunk conversations later, rebecca became a vital part of the girl gang™. what they found out later is that both of them had a lot more in common than they thought; the need to unwind and stop stressing, the fear of being alone, and the history with awful men and equally awful divorces. terry and rebecca end up being a great support system for each other.

ㅤ › roy kent — as disgruntled as roy may be with terry, you can't deny he warmed up to her with time. since phoebe and lizzie are best friends, and part of the football team, both have known each other for quite some time. and when terry enters the richmond family officially, she and roy actually start to enjoy each other's company more, even giving each other parenting advice.
ㅤ › coach beard — hanging out with ted, you would eventually hang out with coach beard as well. he's not the most accessible guy, but terry does like his company, and she found out she can understand him better than she thought she could.
ㅤ › flo "sassy" mcwilliams — after one crazy night with rebecca's childhood best friend, terry felt more alive than she did in years. flo is an amazing person to go out and have fun with, and she's probably the only one who could get ted to forget about external validation for a hot minute and just drink for a while.

ㅤ › donald beckham, her ex-husband — donald is an annoying, self-righteous, dim-witted, project of an asshole. after ten years, what she wanted to do most was strangle him. what she ended up doing was simply divorcing him. still, as much as she thinks it was the right decision, she still feels like there's a missing piece; terry has always searched for external (especially romantic) validation, and got so used to being married to him, she's still working out how to live and view herself without his presence. and she hates his guts.
ㅤ › rupert mannion — even before she liked rebecca, she disliked rupert. based on gossip websites and twitter feed news, sure, but still he seemed like enough of an asshole and reminded her enough of donald for him to get on her nerves. now, after becoming best friends with rebecca, terry would fucking jump rupert in a heartbeat if he ever got near her. thank god they never met.

❝ gale? see that, coach? we're not
in kansas 
anymore, but we sure
as hell found our dorothy! ❞


LOVE INTEREST. theodore "ted" lasso


ㅤ › first meetings — early season 1. ted and terry met through roy kent. or better, through phoebe kent and lizzie gale. terry went to pick up lizzie at school on a regular day, but then she bumped onto a certain famous football player and his coach who were visiting the school. now, terry already knew roy kent — he picked up phoebe from her house more times than she could count — but the coach was a new face. and a hot one, i'll add, because terry first glanced at ted and immediately set him as her newest dating goal. she was not the best at making a move, that's for sure; but ted was so friendly and smiley and just a great person overall, even after her clumsy introduction and maybe-talking-too-much spiel with a wide smile. and on top of that, for some damn reason, ted agreed to a coffee. the more he talked, the more terry wanted to... i don't know, hug him, or get it on with him, or both at the same time.

ㅤ › something more, something deeper — season 1. sure, she had first met ted with the intention of getting a date — because terry gale can't stand a minute without romantic misadventures, apparently —, but it quickly became so, so much more. terry didn't want to make a move too fast and risk ruining it, so she waited; and that might have been the best thing she ever said. navigating afc richmond and meeting so many amazing people, terry realized her relationship with ted was (and honestly should be) so much more than just a romance, someone she would date for three months maximum and then break up with after some messy arguments. he didn't just make her feel better; he made her better, in the best way possible. it was simpler. coffee dates were just coffee dates. talking was comfortable, sweet, heartwarming. as the season, and their relationship, progressed, terry realized she was feeling for ted something she hadn't felt in a long time. and she was oh so scared of it.

ㅤ › nobody needs to know... — season 2. after being hired by keeley as richmond's social media writer, terry was now living her biggest dream and nightmare: she was constantly around ted. they worked at the same place. she saw him every single day. and don't get me wrong, she liked his presence, but that was essentially the problem. at that point, terry had already come to terms with herself that she liked him — like, liked him, romantically —, but that doesn't mean she was ready to get all of that out. and having ted so close to her drove her crazy with... anxiety? paranoia? fear? a mix of all of that? still, terry and ted got closer and closer. of course, ted with his big smile and bright attitude whenever terry was around had to mean something, right? no, no, it was his common posture, don't be ridiculous. he would never feel the same for her... right?

more to be added...
ㅤ ›  what comes next — season 3.

ㅤ › the teds. ted & ted. ted 1 & ted 2. roy casually threw it around while complaining about those two teds, and keeley picked it up as an actual couple name.  
ㅤ › lassogale. ted [lasso] + terry [gale] 


ㅤ › i'll be there for you, by the rembrandts
ㅤㅤ ❝ so no one told you life was gonna be this way
ㅤㅤ your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's d.o.a.
ㅤㅤ seems like you're always stuck in second gear
ㅤㅤ when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month
ㅤㅤ or even your year
ㅤㅤ but i'll be there for you ❞

ㅤ › i wanna get better, by bleachers
ㅤㅤ ❝ i didn't know i was lonely
ㅤㅤ 'til i saw your face
ㅤㅤ i wanna get better! better, better, better!
ㅤㅤ i didn't know i was broken
ㅤㅤ 'til i wanted to change
ㅤㅤ i wanna get better! better, better, better! ❞

ㅤ › don't go breaking my heart, by elton john ft. kiki dee
ㅤㅤ ❝ don't go breaking my heart
ㅤㅤ you take the weight off of me
ㅤㅤ honey, when you knock on my door
ㅤㅤ oh, i gave you the key❞

ㅤ › exagerado, by cazuza
ㅤㅤ ❝ exagerado
ㅤㅤ jogado aos seus pés,
ㅤㅤ eu sou mesmo exagerado
ㅤㅤ adoro um amor inventado
ㅤㅤ jogado aos seus pés
ㅤㅤ com mil rosas roubadas ❞

ㅤ › 91, by bleachers
ㅤㅤ ❝ now someone new walks along
ㅤㅤ and steals the weight from your war
ㅤㅤ flickers a light, and you're sure
ㅤㅤ that you have been here before
ㅤㅤ she could have anyone
ㅤㅤ but she's asking after your dreams
ㅤㅤ now i know what i'm not,
ㅤㅤ but looking at you, i can't leave ❞

❝ i know i'm not the best at...
anything, to be honest, but
i'm here if you need any help. ❞



ㅤ › lonesome love, by mitski
ㅤㅤ ❝ i call you to see you again
ㅤㅤ so i can win and this can finally end
ㅤㅤ spend an hour in my makeup
ㅤㅤ to prove something ❞

ㅤ › heart of glass, by blondie
ㅤㅤ ❝ once i had love and it was a gas
ㅤㅤ soon turned out i had a heart of glass
ㅤㅤ seemed like the real thing, only to find
ㅤㅤ mucho mistrust, love's gone behind ❞

ㅤ › somebody to love, by queen
ㅤㅤ ❝ can anybody find me somebody to love?
ㅤㅤ everyday, i try and i try and i try
ㅤㅤ but everybody wants to put me down
ㅤㅤ they say i'm going crazy
ㅤㅤ they say i've got a lot of water in my brain
ㅤㅤ got no common sense
ㅤㅤ i got nobody left to believe ❞

ㅤ › me and my husband, by mitski
ㅤㅤ ❝ i am the idiot with a painted face
ㅤㅤ in the corner, just taking up space
ㅤㅤ but when he walks in
ㅤㅤ i am loved, i am loved ❞

ㅤ › ...well, better than the alternative, by will wood
ㅤㅤ ❝ pink lemonade on autumn bomber coats
ㅤㅤ peter pan collars, but my daughter's growing up
ㅤㅤ she's gonna be a lot like me
ㅤㅤ but i don't wanna be at all like me ❞

ㅤ › she's tone-deaf and a terrible singer. 
ㅤ › her daughter lizzie is a big richmond fan, taking after her father, and although terry doesn't care that much about football itself she takes lizzie to various games since she was little. 

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