Chapter 3 - Too late?

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Hi guys,

Soo, at this point I am actually just uploading for the people who added me in their reading list (thank you for that ;)). 

It's literally just in my head and it had to get out, so here you go, hope you'll enjoy: 


The next morning started with Piavri softly shaking Zain awake. Disorientated he blinked a few times, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he saw Piavri's tired eyes. "Pia?" he asked, voice wrecked and confused and then right this second the reality of yesterday's happenings sunk in and he closed his eyes trying to deal with his chest tightening from anxiety. He felt Piavri's hand slowly caressing his head, which calmed him down more than he thought it would.

"Zain", he heard her soft voice, very calm and soothing but still trying to get his attention. He opened his eyes and looked at her, hoping she'd feel his gratitude he had towards her. "I am so sorry.", she started, still caressing his scalp slowly. He tried blinking at her and tried to give her a small smile but failed miserably. She cleared her throat and continued: "I managed to book a flight for you that's why I woke you up". The surprised look on his face was what she was hoping for to see. "Yeah, did you forget that my friend works as a flight attendant?", she asked him, smiling slightly. Piavri felt how Zain was reaching out for her hand, grabbing it and squeezing it, saying thank you without words. "The flight is in 3 hours, you should be there at least 2 hours earlier", she explains as he finally started to move and get up. "Go freshen up a bit, I'll organize your stuff", she said kind of ushering him to go.

When he was about to close the bathroom door, he saw how Piavri was slowly getting up from where she was sitting, her joints clicking from the way she has been sitting for hours. She was stretching herself and rubbing her eyes indicating that she hasn't slept at all. 'you're such an idiot', he thought to himself as he finally manages to close the door.

At the time he comes back, she had a bag ready with almost everything he needed. "Okay, I called an Uber, it should be here in 10 minutes, do you have everything?", she asked literally running around in his room, tidying everything that needed to be tidied. "I haven't told the guys from the set anything", he realised, almost panicking now, but Piavri's answer didn't even surprise him anymore: "I already called and told them. I cancelled all plans for the next few days as well, since your manager was kind enough to tell me the appointments.", she explains to him still rushing through his room. She was just unbelievable.

At the airport, Zain was about to go through security check. "Okay, call me when you land, Leila is already informed, and she will pick you up at the airport in Delhi.", she said looking at the clock next to her and checking her phone. She looks up at him and gives him a reassuring smile seeing his torn apart look. He sighed deeply, went closer to her and puts his forehead against hers. "I wish you could come with me", he whispered, hating himself for being so selfish and weak. "You'll manage", she says, closing her eyes since his proximity made her lose all kind of resistance she had in her. "I have something for you", she continued, bringing some space between them and removing the bracelet she was always wearing from her wrist, grabbing his hand and putting it on his wrist. "I got it from my mum when I came to Mumbai for the job, it's like a lucky charm for me. I am going to be right there with you, okay?", she says and as soon as she finished her sentence, she found herself in a bone-crushing hug. She lets herself feel the moment, but when he moved back, he put his hands on her arms, right where he had grabbed the night before and  squeezed, which made her flinch unwillingly.

His eyes were showing concern but then he remembered what happened the night before and therefore the reason of her reaction. Horrified he took a step back and Piavri saw how his eyes formed tears. Sighing internally, she started: "Zain, it's-", but was cut off by him. "It's really not", he said, "I-, I am so sorry.", he said his voice trembling with guilt, making her heart ache. She took hold of his hand and made him look at her by putting her other hand on his neck. "I know you are, Zain. This –", she says wiping away his tears from his cheek, " - is already proving me how sorry you are, don't worry about it", she said trying to reassure him. She pulls him in for another hug, which they only broke after she was sure that his breathing was calmer.

At the same time, an announcement stated the time for boarding, indicating them that it was time for Zain to leave. Piavri made him promise her to bring the bracelet safely back and gave him a kiss on his forehead making his heart jump at the way she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach...


4 years pass by, Zain and Piavri become even better friends, if not best friends at this point. Zain's career took off and Piavri was also very happy with the work she was doing. On the one hand, Piavri now, more than ever was certain that Zain is not at all interested in her as someone other than a very good friend. On the other hand, due to the fact that Zain was too afraid of hurting her again, he never really made a move on Piavri... until recently, when he was asked by his co-worker, how Piavri and him are doing, casually assuming that they were a couple already. Since that day, he had been thinking about it almost every free second he had.

They were at their mutual friend's birthday party, and since they were both exhausted from the work day, they kept it low-key and fortified themselves into a corner where they were able to talk.

However, something felt different, as Piavri could sense that Zain was observing her with eagle eyes. "What?", she asks supporting her head with her hand, trying not put her head straight on the table and sleep. "Nothing", Zain answers, taking the coffee mug into his hand and was about to take a sip. "Oh, c'mon man, I can see that you're not telling me something!", she says

Zain takes a sip out of his coffee smiling slightly at the questioning looks on Piavri's face: "I'm in love with someone.", surprising himself by the words that left his mouth.

Suddenly, Piavri was not sleepy anymore. Her eyes shot open and she stood straight up, heart becoming heavy with sadness. But as she's good with hiding her feelings, she manages to act excited and surprised. "Wow, dude! Do I know her, and did you tell her already?", she asks and tries to smile. "No... and", forming a thinking face "- I think you know her.", Zain said. "Okay, even if I don't know her, you should tell her and follow your heart!", she says sincerely. Zain put his mug in the table, smiling at her and he was about to say something, as her phone rang. "Oh, my mum", Piavri said scrunching her brows. "I should get that", she says quickly and goes to a more appropriate place to talk on the phone. Zain sighed deeply and shook his head... 'it's okay, you'll tell her when she comes back.', he thinks.

After quite some time, Piavri comes back, her face somewhat motionless. "Is something wrong?", he asks her concerned. She shook her head no, but gave him a weak smile. "It's just...", she started, shaking her head and huffing at her hesitance. "My parents found someone for me to marry. I have to go back to Delhi in a few days.", she finishes. Zain's thoughts began to run a marathon. 'What?, why? How, has she already agreed?', he thinks, almost panicking. "You're okay with it?", he asks, his voice small. Her answer was a simple: "Yeah".


I don't know when I am going to post the next part. Even though I don't think many of you are interested, I would still be glad to get some feedback. 

The next part will most probably be the part which was introduced in the teaser. 

Thank you for reading!

And if you're in India, please watch Naamkaran at 9pm on Star Plus. 

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