How to care for Cassiel.

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((A special chapter, dedicated to AshesUponMonsterr ))

Dear reader, if you're on this page, the likelihood is you're responsible for Cassiel for however long. It's great that you're looking after him, dear reader, but there's some things you should definitely know when caring for him

1) He isn't a morning person.
Cassiel doesn't do mornings, and is very difficult to wake up. He can sleep for 14-16 hours uninterrupted on average. My advice is, bring him a coffee and carry him around the room. V does this very well, he's got it down to a T. Just carry him around for a bit and he'll start to stir.
Warning: Watch out for his wings. They're quite large and are often limp when he sleeps so if you carry his about, be mindful of those feathers.

2) Cassiel cannot survive in the cold for very long.
Cassiel tends to hibernate in winter, making nests out of anything soft that he can find. Let him make his nests. It's an instinctual thing that he can't help, but his nests are often very warm and very cosy. The reason for the need for a nest is because his body shuts down over winter and his immune system becomes weak, while in the warm he's fine, outside he is a risk from becoming ill or freezing to death.
Warning:  if you have to take Cass outside for any reason in the winter, make sure he is properly insulated against the cold.

3) If you're a stranger, don't touch his wings.
Angel wings are very delicate and sensitive, and can cause a variety of different reactions. V can get a good reaction, having been doing this for a while now, and often gets squeaking, or a happy purring sound. Strangers will either get a screech or a hiss. So watch those hands okay?

4) Food.
Cassiel doesn't eat very much, but you must remember to give him food at points in the day. He likes pizza (one of his favourite human things) and Chinese food. Apart from those he doesn't eat much. Encourage him to eat apples and fruits too.
Warning: During hibernation, Cassiel will not eat very much if at all and this is normal. Make sure he has enough food before he hibernates, as he usually has an increased appetite a week or so before.

5) Give him snuggles.
At the end of the day, Cass is very loving and affectionate and very much likes to snuggle. V spends most of his day cuddling Cass, but he loves it I'm sure. Cass likes to feel safe and loved, so if he nudges you and wants cuddles, cuddle him.

There you go reader, some basic tips on looking after a small Angel. Need more information? Don't hesitate to ask.

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