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Rose had to walk with a slouch all day, making the day even more tiring and seeming longer than it really was.

Iran, she sneers silently in her mind. Just the thought of him made her cringe and shiver at the same time.

Rose checks the time on her phone, it was only three- thirty in the afternoon. She realizes she had nothing to do, except for homework, which wasn't much of a priority in her mind. Not that she wanted anything physical to do, due to still being in a lot of pain. But, she didn't want to be bored, and homework was for sure, boring.

The phone vibrates, slightly changing its position on the wooden surface of the night stand. Rose picks it up once more, and saw that she had received a notification. It was a message from Blake, her boyfriend.

Blake: I miss you!

A warm rotating feeling erupts in Rose's stomach after reading the message, all the pain from her back dissolving into little tiny particles. It always amazed her how everything became so insignificant when she thought of Blake. Rose smirks, her reply forming in her head, she missed him too. Since she had left Texas, Blake only texted her good mornings, or ask questions about her day.

Rose: How about you come and see me?

It was a long drive from Texas to California, Rose knew it would take hours, but it would all be worth it in the end. And she knew Blake and her would share the same thought.

Rose: I'll drive half way there, and you meet me halfway!

Blake: Your car was revoked, Rose.

The situation that took place in Texas travels back in Rose's mind and being casted away to her father's home, was only half her punishment, the other was her car being taken away for a year.

Rose: I know, but my Dad's wasn't, I'll use his.

Blake: That's my girl. Tonight?

Rose: Yes! I'll see you in a few hours. Love you.

Blake: Love you, my little prickly Rose!

The rotation in Rose's stomach spun faster at the thought of seeing Blake. They had been dating a little over two years. The two met through friends of friends, and soon started dating. Ever since, it was her and him against the world. Or so they'd joke.

Rose stands up, grabbing her backpack from behind her door- where it was being hung- and empties it on her bed. She runs down the stairs with her now empty backpack, filling it with supplies for the long drive that awaited.

Iran steps outside, the cold air hitting him with all force. He felt his cheeks redden with color, so he pulls at the hoodie of his jacket, covering his hair.

Him, about to get in his car, stops as he hears noise coming from the house beside his. He knew the Woods live there, but they were usually at work around this time. He pauses, and moves around his car, so he could get a better view.

Iran watches as Rose steps out the house and locks the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. He recognized her as the girl he threw in the closet earlier, but why was she here? Was she following him?

Rose jumps in fear, but slowly turns her head, to see a suspicious Iran before her. "Oh, it's you." She growls, turning the key to her house and pulling it out. She purposely acted as if Iran wasn't there, watching every step she took as she proceeds to the garage.

With one click of a yellow button placed on the wall next to the white garage door. The garage opens, noisily as it did so. Rose wondered why Iran was so intrigued by her, and what was he doing here? Was he following her? She frowns, wondering if throwing her in a closet on her first day of school wasn't enough?


"None of your fucking business, okay?" Rose snaps, she had to get rid of him somehow, she didn't want a witness, that could report back to her Father of her bad doings.

The garage now fully open, displayed different sets of colorful cars; red, purple, yellow, green, blue, orange, gold, gray, silver, and brown. Rose swung her house keys around her index finger, slightly chewing her bottom lip, with one hand propped on her hip. She glances at each car, wondering of which one to take.

"You're sneaking out, aren't you?" Iran asked, a smirk playing on his lips. He observed her, the way she stood, and he was sure he was correct. As his eyes trail her body, he felt a shiver crawl the little hairs of his skin. He adjusts the hoodie over his head, thinking the cold was getting to him.

"No, now mind your damn business," Rose turns her attention towards Iran, a scowl expression taking over her features. He wouldn't quit, would he? Rose thought. She spots a slight glint in his rich sky-like eyes, as if he was thinking of something.

"Well, you see-" with each word escaping his mouth, he crept up on her, -" this is my town. My town, my rules!" Iran was now mere inches away from Rose, he had made his way over the sidewalk and up her driveway. His car keys shook, breaking the suspense that followed each of his words. "And you're not going anywhere, fucking got it?" Iran grips his keys, halting it's shaking. His breath was shagged as he stood dangerously close to Rose.

"What?! No!" Rose runs a hand through her hair, as she lets out a mocking laugh, " my life, my rules!"

"Don't fucking piss me off, again!" Iran's voice lowered sinisterly, causing him and Rose's breath to mingle. He closes his eyes, inhaling Rose's scent deeply. On his third breath, the smell of caramel disappears, and Iran's eyes flutter open.

Rose had entered the garage, she unlocks the grey car with the key in her hand and heads over to it.

Iran relaxes, seeing Rose wasn't far. He leans backwards onto the front of one of Mr. Wood's cars, "you're Mr. Wood's daughter, aren't you?"

Rose ignores him, entering the car and inserting the key, she turns it, but nothing happens.

Was it broken? She thought, trying again.

"You see. Those cars aren't programmed, only models for his company. Hmm, wouldn't you know?"

With the last words falling off Iran's tongue, Rose freezes.

How would she know? She hadn't seen her Father for ten years. Her head moves left to right, examining the car. She realizes the car was missing a couple things, for one, a seat belt.

Rose rises her head, only to see that Iran had speed off and was gone, leaving her all alone, feeling stupid.

That son of a bitch!

Rose angrily exits the car, what was she supposed to do now? She pulls out her phone and texts Blake.

Rose: Start driving, I have to wait until my Dad gets home to use his actual car.

Rose slips her phone in the back pocket of her jeans and heads to the front door of her house.

Her thoughts wonder back to Iran, she really hated that guy. Always finding a way to interfere with her life. Rose realizes that the house next to hers, is the Col's.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket and she slips it out.

Blake: Okay, if you're going to start late, I'll drive a little more than halfway. See you soon babe!

thank you for reading.



What movie do you really want to go see?

-d. roze

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