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The gentle breeze outside greets Rose's skin as she climbs out her room window and onto the roof of her house. She grips the window sill tightly, as she slowly makes her way down the side of the house.

Rose steps down onto a pipe that flowed down the side of the house, her feet now barely touching the roof. Her heart thumped rapidly in her chest, to where she felt it all the way in her toes. She had snuck out many times back in Texas, but this time she felt cautious, because of what happened the last time she did. The last time Blake had made her.

Rose makes it to the bottom of the pipe and jumps down, cold air rushing past her as she does so. She falls with a silent thump on the soft soil, and lets out a sigh of relief. She checks her watch while her other hand fumbles for her Father's stolen car keys in her pocket. Finally, she caught the cold metal.

Rose pulls it out and proceeds to the front of the house where the car was parked. Stealth- like, she opens the car door and jumps in; starting the car and quickly taking off.

Hours later, her phone vibrates in her pocket and she pulls it out;

Blake: Hey, I'm waiting!

A smile made its way onto her face as she pulls up to a small part out of town.

No house was in sight, making it completely deserted.

Just perfect, she thought.

Rose saw a dark figure standing before the car, waving its arms. Her heart fluttered with excitement as she hops out her seat and runs up to the hooded figure.

"Hey babe, long time no see!" She wraps her arms around her boyfriend and held him tightly. His voice sent thrills down her spine as happiness shot through her whole body. The smell of warm scented honey filled her nostrils and she felt safe.

"Thanks for travelling all this way just to see me." Rose thanked Blake with a warm smile, tightening her hug around his stomach.

"I missed you, babe!" He says lightly while wrapping his hands around her as well. "How was your first day of school?"

Rose lifts her head, "great, " she lied. She didn't want to worry him, so she settled for a little white lie.

He nods his head and plants a kiss on her forehead. Blake was the only one who didn't question her about the Col brothers, in fact, he stated; he didn't care, as long as they didn't fucked with her. She was his.

"What are they saying about me?" Rose asks, her smile faltering a little. She looks up into Blake's soft hazel eyes, as a short brown curl falls out his hood and lands on his forehead. Rose raises her right hand to tuck the lock of hair back into the hoodie.

"Don't worry about it. C'mon!" He leads her back to her car and gets in. Rose sat on his lap, straddling his hips. He pulls her in for a kiss, but she refuses.

"No, n- not right n- now," Rose whispers apologetically. She gulps as she saw something darken in his eyes at her refusal.

"C'mon babe, I haven't seen you in about a month. Please." Blake's right hand travels up her shirt, resting under her bra. She shuffles away, so she now sat on his knees.

"I know it's just that I-"

"-You're not ready!" Blake finishes for her. Aggravation was clear in his voice, and it made Rose frown, deeply.

He turns away, refusing to look her in the eye. Blake knew Rose was not ready, but when was she ever going to be? It's been two years, he surely was ready. His plan for the night included a long make out session, but he now knew he could cross that off his list of affectionate things they were to do. And everything after that.

"Y- yes," Rose buries her head in the crook of his neck and inhales his scent.

She always tried to avoid these sexual conversations with Blake; they never turned out good. He just didn't understand that she wasn't ready for such sexual activities, and wanted to wait.

"You're never ready!" Blake whispers under his breath, but Rose caught on.

She gives him a light kiss on the chin, and whispers; "sorry."

They stayed like that for awhile, Rose with her face buried and hands wrapped around Blake's neck. While Blake's hands lay lazily around her thin waist. Silence rose to the top of the car and engulfed them.

Rose thought about the last time she saw Blake, the day of the accident-

"Hey. Babe?" Blake says, breaking the silence and Rose out her thoughts.

"Huh?" She lifts her head, meeting his gaze.

"You 'member Sandra?"

Rose let out a chuckle, "you mean Miss Plastic. Yea, I do, why?"

Blake didn't reply. Instead, he refused to look at her, again, turning his attention to the window.

She waits for him to say something, "what about her?" Rose tugs at his hoodie strings, trying to get his attention, but he doesn't budge.

Blake held a faraway look in his eyes, as his lips curled into a snarl.

Sensing something was wrong, Rose folds her arms. "Bla-"

"You never give me anything!" He yells, continuing to look out the window. She felt his arms around her waist disappear, and she twitched on his lap.

"W- what?" Rose was utterly confused, what did she not give him? She always made sure to show him how much love she has for him and she was always understanding. The only thing she didn't give him was-

"You always push me away-" Blake snaps his head around, his eyes now boring into her wide ones.

"Is this about me not having sex with you?"

Blake stayed quiet.

She was right, she knew.

"And how does this have anything to do with Sandr-" Rose gasps at sudden realization, her mind going blank after the thought of Blake ever cheating on her.

How could he? And with Sandra, the school's shared slut? Blake turns his head away from her, staring out the window again. -"Blake, how could you?"

Rose shook her head, not wanting to believe that Blake would ever do something like that. No! Blake would never do that, not Blake! But deep down, she knew he did.

Tears stream down Rose's round face. Her heart breaking into tiny pieces as what their conversation meant slowly dawns on her. They had plans, starting with them finishing high school and getting married soon after. They even planned on having a child after they both finished Uni. But now it was all gone, slipped down the drain in one week. It sicken Rose, she felt as if she had just been thrown in a closet again, and it didn't feel good.

"How c- could you?" She yells, stabbing him in the chest with her finger.

How could he?

She wipes at her eyes furiously, but the tears wouldn't stop falling. She trusted Blake with her whole life, and he betrayed her. To say she was furious, was the least.

Blake, deep in his thoughts realizes what he had just said. And he also knew what it meant.

Rose reaches for her car door, but her hand is pulled away, "don't do this Rose, it was only one time!" Blake begged, desperation taking over his hoarse voice. Rose looked at him with disgust, "Blake, you cheated on me!"

"I know baby, it-."

"No! Blake y- you cheated on me! You couldn't wait for me?!" And with that, Rose pushed open her car door and gets out, "go! Get out. Blake, y- you monster!"

Blake looks at her, sadness filling his orbs. "Baby!"

"No! Go!" Blake stood up and got out. He brushes past her, walking away with his head hanging, and arms in his pocket.

"I don't ever want to see you again!" Rose yells after him. She stood in the dark night, the stale moon shining above, providing enough light on both Blake and the situation.

"You'll never be able to replace me!" Blake replies without turning around to look at her.

Rose didn't reply, knowing it was true, Blake was her soulmate, or at least she thought. She slid in the driver's seat of her car, slamming the car door.

Her hands found its way to her face and she wiped at the last tear that fell.

Worst day ever.  

thank you for reading.



What is your favorite song?

-d. roze

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