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" Mine."

It was quite odd, the thought. Why didn't she pick Iran's?

The answer was easy and stuck out, but hard for Rose to admit. She cared. Deep down, she cared for him. She didn't want to see him hurt any more. She couldn't. But the consequences for her choice was clear to her, she knew what would happen because of that single word.

Rose hangs her head, " I choose mine Katherine."

Rose felt like a liar. Two words repeated in her head; sorry and Iran. She wasn't the innocent girl he always thought she was. Now he was going to know, along with everyone.

" Silly girl!"

Rose's head shoot up, " what?" She asks surprised.

" Why did you pick yours? Foolish girl."

Rose steps back in confusion, and maybe a little of fright mixed in, " because I care about Iran. That is why!" She admits, more to herself, and did it feel good. Yes! She cares about Iran, she...like liked him.

" Well then, tomorrow be ready!" Katherine sharply turns and exits the closet, leaving Rose behind to drown in her own thoughts.


" What the hell is this?" Iran's voice booms through Rose's house. She had just gotten home to find Iran sitting on her bed with a piece of paper in his hand.

" What?" She drops her backpack on the floor where she stood and runs towards him. What was he talking about? Paper?

" Rose!"

" Iran what-"

His sudden action cuts her off, he threw his hands up in the air turning towards her while shoving the paper at her.

It was the note from Katherine!

Oh, no!

" It's nothing!" Rose stammers out, her heart rapidly beating in her chest. She snatches the note from his hand and throws it in the garbage.

" Rules? What does Katherine know that I don't?"

" A lot of things Iran!" Rose says, her mind trailing back to the dinner night.

He looks at her, " I know you probably don't like me, trust me, or even believe me, but I need to know." He says, his voice soft and slow.

" Iran, don't say that, those are all untrue."

" Then tell me!" He begs.

" I can't!"

" Please, I-I." Iran grabs Rose's shoulders, planting a kiss on her forehead, " please."

Rose studies his features. He really wanted to know. Desperation shone clear in his eyes as he raked her face.

" Promise me one thing though." Rose mumbles in Iran's shirt.

" Anything!" He says, planting another kiss on her forehead.

" Whatever you hear, promise me you-"

" Rose, It's not going to affect how I feel for you!"

" Ok. " She takes a deep breath before beginning, " so, it all started..."



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