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A template for creating your prophecy:

Story outline: (The outline of your story [Pretty self-explanatory])

Characters: (Rainpaw, Grasspaw, Sandfur)

Replacement words: (Water, green, desert)

Draft: (The beginning stages of your prophecy)

Final draft: (final prophecy)

What I changed: ([OPTIONAL] What you changed to improve the prophecy)

(Note: I'll underline anything that I mention in a tip or "What I changed" section.

Alright, got it? Great! Now here are some examples:

Story outline: main character and their best friend hang out a lot, but then one cat, the leader, betrays the Clan. Main character goes with the leader before realizing what she has done after her best friend led her back. A flash flood will rid the forest of its prey and resources, but together the friends took down the leader.

Characters: Mc-Leafpaw, f-Crowpaw, at-Cloudstar

Replacement words: Leaf, bird, sky

Draft: When leaf and bird leave one another, sky will betray the clan. Leaf will rise to bird and the sky will fall.

Final draft: When leaf joins the sky that rules the forest, bird will conquer the black abyss.

What I changed: "When leaf and bird leave one another," because it was unnecessary. Even though it is an important part of the story, the prophecies usually don't explain specific events. Also, I said the "Black abyss" instead of sky because it makes it less obvious. The more obvious the prophecy, the less interesting the book.

Tip 1: Use "when" or "they/it will" instead of "if" because prophecies always get fulfilled.

Story outline: A rouge will come to help the clans through trying times when somebody rules in evil.

Characters: Mc-Poppy, at-Scourge (Don't yell at me plz)

Replacement words: Flower/Petal, Shadow/Black

Draft: When flower comes to a shadow-swallowed world, it will show the way to the light.

Final draft: Flower will bloom in a world of shadow, lighting a path through endless darkness.

What I changed: Saying "Bloom." The world bloom relates to a flower, making the prophecy seem more cohesive. "Shadow-swallowed." Even though it did sound cool, I shortened my prophecy. The shorter, the better.

Tip 2: use words such as "endless" or "infinite" to make it seem more hopeless or like the evil is more prominent.

Story outline: When the sun sets, a cat comes every night to spy. When they get caught, the clans realize they need this cat because of their skills and this cat leads the clan into victory when badgers rose

Characters: Mc: Eaglewing, Clan: SandClan, Badgers: Stripes

Replacement words: Wing, Sand, stripes

Draft: When wing spies on the clan he joins and helps the sand in evil stripes.

Final draft: Wing will take flight each night and lead the sand through evil stripes.

What I changed: "When wing spies." Spying is super boring in a prophecy, and like I said, the prophecy usually does not state specific events. "Lead" instead of "Help," because it makes "Wing" seem more important. Also, I got rid of "Joins the clan" because, I'll say it again, SHORTEN YOUR PROPHECIES.

Tip 3: You don't always need to change the name of a cat or clan, if it leaves it still hard to guess.

Tip 4: Rhyme! It sounds more poetic, and perhaps more mysterious as well. (DONT make your whole prophecy rhyme, that's WoF not WC.)

Tip 5: Try making the prophecy as short as possible to leave it more confusing, such as a canon prophecy, "Fire will save the clan."

Tip 6: If saying, say, "Poppy will engulf the world" sounds a bit dumb to you, feel free to just make the enemy less known by saying something such as "Dark clouds," or "Shadows." This creates more suspicion, as the reader will have no idea who the enemy is, or less idea at least. Just make sure you don't have a character named "Darkcloud," lol.

That's all for now.

Feel free to comment your prophecies in the comments! :D

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