Part 5: Character Development

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So, since you guys know how to make a good physical character, it's time to learn about the personality and character of your OC!

The Flaws of Flawless Characters:
"Mary Sue! Gary Sue!" If you've heard these, then it's one of two things:
1. Your character is not challenged by anything, they are good at everything, everyone loves them, etc.
2. The person is just saying it to be mean. (I have an example, but for the sake of the user, I'll keep my mouth shut)

Maybe you're confused. See, I truly believe that a character is there for you to struggle with, to grieve with, to triumph with, just to relate with. If your character is perfect, how many of those things above can you do? Maybe one: to triumph with. You can hardly do that, because it's not a triumph if they are always winning, it's just everyday.

Some Character Flaws:
You need to give your character flaws, or he/she is boring. If you want flaws in personality(or the related stuff) try:
• Your character isn't nice
• Your character is struggling with their faith in StarClan
• Your character is negative about everything
• Your character thinks they are the best at everything
• Your character doesn't agree with the warrior code
• etc. etc. I THINK YOU GET THE POINT...

Something as simple as those can make your character, and you're entire book, much more enjoyable.

Physical Flaws:
Physical flaws are just that. It means, it's something physically, instead of mentally. Try:
• Your character is deformed
• Your character has a hideous scar or something
• Your character is a terrible Hunter
• Your character is a terrible fighter
• etc.

Now, guys, don't take these lists the wrong way! You know what people hate more than a "Mary Sue"? A pathetic sob-story. "Woe is me! No one likes me, and I'm disabled, and I'm no good at anything, WAAAH!" People hate that.

Developing a Character:
The most important part is developing your character. This means, you take their flaws, and give them situations, have them make mistakes, etcetera, and help them grow and learn from it. This is one of the most important parts of your book. For example, your character can be the one who takes nothing serious, but, after several hardships and learning some lessons the hard way, your character learns to be serious when it is needed. Always make sure that you're character is struggling. I'm really tired, so I'm publishing this part, and I'll finished the rest later...

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