Step Ten - Achieve Trust Level Two

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Mark drove Jack to court the next day. Jack hadn't spoken to anyone since the previous half of the trial. He got himself ready alone, and even walking out of the house he seemed to avoid everyone. Of course, Mark not only being his ride but also having to be at the trial as a witness, he couldn't avoid Mark for long. But he stared out the window silently, not even looking at Mark's reflection.

Once they had arrived, Jack was escorted to the courtroom and Mark was rushed to another empty room. Jack's other witnesses sat silently, not being allowed to talk to each other or listen to the trial about to start. Mark sat down at a desk and pulled out a book, sighing as he glanced at the clock.

Jack's lawyer saw him walk in, and made her way over to Mark. "Hey, how was your morning?" She asked, pulling up a chair.

"Uh... Am I allowed to talk?" Mark asked quietly.

"To me, yes. They just want to avoid you guys creating a biased opinion with each other, but I'm your team's lawyer, so I already know everything you know and what I'm not supposed to tell you." She folded her hands and lay them on the desk. "But I want to talk to you about the trial yesterday."

"As if Jack's silent treatment hasn't given me enough time to think about it." Mark sighed, tossing his book aside.

"I just want to tell you that it's nothing to judge him for. This is going to be something that will haunt him for the rest of his life." She said sadly.

"Of course I don't judge him for it!" Mark turned to her. "Going through something like that is something I can never even begin to imagine. It's absolutely nothing to judge him for. To me, knowing this... Doesn't change anything. It doesn't make me see him any differently. Well, except for the fact that he probably sees me way differently. He probably thinks that I think it's gross or I see him as 'impure' or whatever, but... He's just Jack. He's the same boy going through tough times." Mark sighed. "He's just my Jack."

"I just wanted to clear that up. I know it's a hard thing for some couples to grasp, but I'm sure he appreciates that you care about him that much." Jack's lawyer reached out and pat Mark's hand. "I'll see you after the trial."

"Good luck." Mark watched her stand up and push in her chair. Once she left the room, Mark put his head down on the table and took a deep breath. "This is going to be a long day..." He whispered to himself.


"The jury finds Felix Kjellberg guilty of illegal drug possession, underage drinking, and for the abuse and sexual assault of Seán McLoughlin."

"You little bitch!" Felix shot up out of his seat and tried to jump the table, but police grabbed him before he could get too far. "You fucker! If I ever see you again, I will KILL you! I'll kill Mark, too! I'll beat the shit out of you both! I'll fucking KILL YOU!"

Jack broke down into a panic attack and sank into his chair. Felix kept fighting, kicking, and screaming until a police officer tased him. The police dragged him out of the room, and Felix's lawyer hid her face in her hands.


"Felix was determined guilty." Jack's lawyer swung open the door. Everyone in the room with Mark seemed to sigh of relief, but they already seemed to know that he would be guilty.

"How long is he going to jail for?" Mark shot up.

"I..." Jack's lawyer but her lip. "I don't know. Felix cut them short before they got to that part. But you should know soon."

Everyone started making their way out of the room and into the large hallway of the courthouse. Mark looked around, but he couldn't find Jack.

"Where's Jack?" Mark asked his lawyer.

"He received some threats from Felix. He's talking with some police right now. He should hopefully be out in a moment." Jack's lawyer pointed to the courtroom. "It was nice working with you two. I wish you nothing but the best in the future." She smiled kindly and shook Mark's hand. Mark nodded politely in return.

Mark turned away and sat on a bench. He waited, staring at the large doors in front of him. Finally, Jack emerged, sniffing quietly as he stared at the ground. Mark stood up and approached Jack. Jack refused to look at him or do anything, so Mark enveloped him in a warm, tight hug. Jack finally hugged him back, and Mark sighed of relief. The two walked out of the courthouse together and to Mark's car, their footsteps being the only noise shared between the two for the past day,

and for the next week.


Jack didn't talk to anyone. He hid all by himself. Occasionally Mark would see him wander around the house, but he would just return to his hiding spot minutes later. None of the boys were sure if he ate, drank, or even slept.

One day, Mark came home from school, and the house was completely empty. He walked to his room to find Jack sitting on the floor leaning against Mark's bedroom door.

"Jack?" Mark dropped his bag on the ground as he looked down the hallway. He walked up to Jack, but Jack didn't move. "Hey, are you okay?" Mark kneeled down. Jack stared forward blankly, not responding to Mark.

Mark sat down and leaned against the wall next to Jack. Jack was completely silent and unmoving. Mark looked down and saw Jack's hand laying on the floor. He carefully rested his hand on top of Jack's. It was cold and stiff, but Mark finally felt a rush of relief from finally getting to touch Jack again.

He looked back up at his face, and Jack blinked. He finally saw Jack take a breath and sigh deeply.

"I wasn't expecting you to be home so early." Jack muttered. His voice was course, but it was gentle on Mark's ears.

"What are you doing here?" Mark brushed his thumb over Jack's motionless fingers.

"I was waiting." Jack continued staring forward. "And thinking."

"Where have you been?" Mark scooped up Jack's hand in his and held it gently.

"Waiting." Jack repeated. "And thinking."

"Waiting for what?" Mark asked softly.

"I don't know." Jack sighed.

"What have you been thinking about?" Mark intertwined his fingers with Jack's.

"I've been thinking about what I've been waiting for. But I'm not really sure what any of that is. It's all fuzzy." Jack stared forward.

"Is there any particular reason your at my door?" Mark looked him up and down.

"Probably waiting for what I'm waiting for." Jack closed his eyes and rested his head against the door. "There's just so much buzzing around right now. I don't understand anything that's going on right now or what has happened in the past... It just doesn't make sense." Jack finally turned to look at Mark. "And I'm scared."

Mark pulled Jack close and hugged him tightly. Jack relaxed against him. Mark gently kissed the top of his head, "Jack, I know what you're going through is tough. It's going to be a long road ahead, but it's going to be a long road ahead for the both of us. I don't want you to be alone in this. You don't have to fight through this all by yourself just because you're scared of what happened in the past and scared of what other people think. There is nothing that you could ever do or could ever happen to you that would change the way I feel about you." Mark pulled away and held Jack's face in his hands and looked him in the eyes. "Jack, I love you."

"I love you, too."


Boy howdy it's been a long time. How have you all been?

Sorry, I've been so busy with school and theatre. But my big production just ended, and I'm starting to feel a little better about writing, so hopefully I'll start writing more.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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