Prologue: Amelia

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Are you a cry baby? (I don't know if you understand what I mean by that so I'll ask you straight forward: are you a Melanie Martinez fan?)

Because if you are, you've mostly likely heard the song "Soap".

A few weeks ago we had to do song analyzes for English and I chose that song. Me and Miles are pretty hard core fans. He did his on "Pacify Her".

What I realized from the analyzes is I truly shouldn't tell Miles how I feel about him.

I'll "throw a toaster in the bathtub," (which means I'll shock the friendship so badly to the point of no return.)

I mean I'm no expert on relationships (like he is), or dating (like he knows very well), or sex (he tells me all the details when he gets laid so maybe I'm wrong about this one,) but I know one thing for a fact: telling Miles I love him would be the worst mistake ever.

He's Miles the schools biggest fuck boy, I'm Amelia, the girl with the problem of PDA.

He openly makes out with some random bitch, while I warn him about manos (some kissing disease, don't ask.)

Anyways I'm pretty much screwed. He's in love with our other best friend, Charlotte, the schools biggest slut.

Nice friends of mine.

Anywho Charlotte is in this dramatic relationship with Zane. I think they've watched Jane the Virgin too much to not realize life isn't a telenovela.

Anyway because Miles loves Charlotte, and she has her Zane drama going on, I get to listen to BOTH of their problems. They seem to forget I have a life-

Anyways ( I say that a lot) it's kinda of hard to not notice why everybody loves these two.

Miles has his whole Sirius black look going on, with his long brown hair and gorgeous grey eyes. I think every marauders fanfiction I've read, has Sirius as a fuckboy, even if he is the love interest.

Charlotte has her perfect straight ginger hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and perfectly proportioned breasts. She. Has. Fricken. Freckles. On. Her. Dimples. Do you know how adorable that is?

Not many people expect me, a girl with untangible black curly hair, black eyes, pale skin, and skinny asf to be friends with these two.

People are still thrown off when they see us together. It's a friendship that's been going on since kindergarten. Can't they just get used to it?

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