Tip 1 - Grammar

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The first tip I have to share is quite important. It is the foundation of the way you write your story, and it's the breaking point of whether you catch the attention of readers or not.


What is grammar? Grammar is the correct way to write. It reflects on things such as correct spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and even the way you speak.

I'm sorry, I'm an English freak. Always have been, and most likely always will be. But grammar sets the line of whether you look professional or not. I see a lot of issues with grammar in Warriors fanfics, and I wish that would improve. I've stopped reading quite a few because of it. You need to keep in mind that when someone is looking to read a Warriors fanfiction, they are essentially looking for another Erin Hunter book, but with a different story and characters. Writing grammatically correct is the most important thing in creating this imitation accurately - no matter how fascinating your storyline is.

If you have trouble with grammar, you can always ask an older sibling or your parents. It's not a hard thing when you really set your mind on what you need to do. There are also countless websites online to help you learn correct mechanics to succeed grammatically. You've most likely already received plenty of grammar lessons in school, depending on how old you are and what grade you're in.

To show how important grammar is to your readers, answer this simple question: Which would you rather read?

Option 1: "r u ok firekit"

Option 2: "Are you okay, Firekit?"

Hopefully, you picked Option 2. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to write it in the comments, private message me, or even write it on my message board.

Thank you for reading, and keep on writing! Don't let that story plot go to waste!

Note: All the definitions and tips in this book are credited to me. Feel free to tell others about them, but if it's in written context, please give credit to me if it is shared publicly. I have not looked up anything I write, this is purely based on how I write my own fanfiction. Thanks!

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