Tip 3 - Updating

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Today, I have something to share that I think all of us have had a problem with at some point...


In order for your fanfic to be successful, you want to make sure you update frequently. I know I'm not really one to talk, but it's a tip of advice I think I need to work on, and this book is something that we can all learn from. So, here I am.

Updating on a regular basis is important. It's okay if you can't update everyday, or every other day, but you need to make a point of taking some time to continue your story. If you become inactive, you will eventually start to lose fans. No one wants that!

When your readers comment, telling you to update (or better yet -when people go to your message board to ask for an update) you need to listen to them. They are what make your writing Wattpad careers what they are, so I suggest you don't neglect them. If they love your story so much that they ask for updates in different locations, you must have a very well written and well plotted story! Don't take that for granted, or waste what your mind was able to come up with.

Also, if you can't update on a regular basis, or can't rely on your schedule to let you update in a 'pattern' (EX: Update every Monday, Wednesday, Friday), I suggest you let your readers know when you think you can update again. Or, just inform them that you can't update for awhile. Give them some type of security that you won't leave forever. Be honest - tell them you are just are too busy to keep your story going, but that you will continue to do so as soon as you can. You will find that the vast majority are very understanding, and that they will greatly appreciate the notice.

Another thing I've seen people do is edit their story titles to: *TITLE* [ON HOLD]. What this means is that they know they can't continue writing for awhile, so they let their readers know they won't be able to through that "On Hold" notice. 

I know I kind of wrote this tip differently than I have my other ones, since on this one, I'm writing it from my perspective. I thought I'd try something new. What do you guys think?

Or maybe it's not that different, I'm just weird like that.

Anyways, please take this tip into consideration. If you would like, comment suggestions of what you would like me to give you tips on! I'd love to write this book based off of your personal needs in writing. I'm not perfect, but I'll try to tell you what I do when I write to help you.

Thank you for being patient with me while I went off of Wattpad for a week or so!

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