Camping... Permanently

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     My eyelids felt as if they had boulders weighing down on them, and my vision blurred the closer she got. 'Maybe I'll go to sleep for just one second.'

     "(Y/n)!?" Phosphora shrieked in surprise as I opened my eyes. "You're finally awake!"

     "What, but I only closed my eyes for..." I paused and took in my surroundings. This wasn't the same place I had landed in after my fall down the hill. "What happened?"

     "I heard a yell and found you on the ground. I ran over, but the moment you saw me, you passed out."

     "Oh..." I took a second to regain my strength. "It only felt like a second went by."

     "That happened to me once, but it was because I was fighting in the war, and you shot Hades. It's like the entire underworld ascended and got shoved in a box," Phosphora scratched at her cheek. "It turns out there was an explosion right after that light, and it knocked me out of the sky!"

     "You blacked out too?" I asked with anticipation. I really wanted to figure out what had happened after I got my memories back from my past life. "I blacked out and no one told me anything."

     "No one told you-" she stopped herself and thought for a moment. "Well, that makes sense, actually."

     "Are you going to tell me what happened? Is ANYONE going to tell me what happened?" I sat up, realizing that I had bigger questions to ask. "But first, where are we?"

     "Oh, this little thing? This is my new home!" she gushed with enthusiasm. I looked around the place. It appeared to be some sort of opening in the side of a rock formation; a miniature cave, basically. Vines grew along the walls and ceiling, and rocks covered in moss sat in the corners of the cave. The place wasn't big, but it had enough space to be the size of two storage sheds. At the very back was a small waterfall coming out of the wall and creating a small pool of water. "Welcome to the cave, (Y/n)!"

     "This is... incredible," I stared in wonder at the oasis that was Phosphora's living situation. That's when logic kicked in. "Why the heck would you be living in a cave???"

     "Well, Viridi got mad at me during a meeting and fired me... again," Phosphora looked away in anger, contradicting her normal easy-going persona. "She usually rehires me after a few hours, but this time she was actually mad, and now she won't let me back into her army!!!"

     Judging by the steam coming from her ears, it was safe to say that the lightning goddess was SUPER mad. I then asked carefully, "A-are you feeling ok?"

     "I'm perfectly happy now that I have this WONDERFUL CAAAVE!!!" she sang, her mood changing quicker than lightning could flash. "Are you feeling ok?"

     "I'm fine. A little lightheaded is all," I smiled in appreciation.

     "Lightheaded? Girl, that's never a good sign," Phosphora corrected and looked over at the small waterfall. "Come over here."

     "What's this?" I questioned, and she led me over to the pool of water, just big enough for three or four people.

     "This is a hot spring. It's magical water that heals any injury or illness," Phosphora enlightened me as I stared at the glowing liquid that reflected an aqua hue onto the rest of the cave. "Not to mention, it's great for your skin!"

     "So, if I dip my head in, I'll feel better?" I asked, trying to understand this weird concept that she had introduced.

     "Yeah, that's pretty much it," she confirmed. "Here, I'll help you!"

     At that moment, Phosphora playfully pushed me into the water, causing an enormous splash. The small hot spring was deeper and clearer than I had originally thought. It was like I was floating in crystal clear, liquified glass.

     It was so stunning that I forgot to breathe, forgot to think. I forgot I was even alive. After I was nearly out of oxygen, I swam to the surface to see Phosphora peaking over the edge that divided the hot spring from the cave floor. "What is this?"

     "I know, right? Don't you just feel so awake?" Phosphora asked as she pulled me out.

     "Yeah... actually," I replied, not even bothered by the fact I was wet. The water was just the perfect temperature that I didn't feel cold in the hot spring and out of it. That's when I remembered, "Wait! You need to tell me about the explosion!"

     "Right." Her eyes lit up in remembrance. "Are you sure you want to know?"

     "Why wouldn't I?"

     "I was told not to tell anyone, and so was everyone else."

     "Is it that bad!?"

     "Well, I blacked out after the explosion, but Viridi gave me the basic rundown of the event."

     "Yikes, everyone really wanted to keep the big secret, so they all pretended that nothing happened."

     "Pretty much. Are you sure you want to hear the news, though?"

     "Yes, I'm ready."

     "CUE DRAMATIC LIGHTING!" She clapped, and the lights of the glowing moss and water dimmed a 'dramatically.' Her voice drooped in pitch just as low. "Viridi described it sort of like this:

     The trees shook violently as the wind blew harder than ever before. It was as if the sky would fall and such chaos would push the Earth out of orbit. A harrowing sight, indeed. Everything and everyone on the planet screamed and cried in horror from wherever they were standing.

     The sound of the explosion was large enough to reach across Europe. The frail ceased all the villainous deeds of Hades and his pawns with the piercing of a single arrow, one shot by the very unlucky (Y/n). Contrasting the rest of the time she had existed, this time wasn't so unlucky in her plan. In survival, she wasn't so gifted by the gods above.

     She fell through the sky, her body giving way and her mind cutting out from reality like a computer disconnecting from the internet. What she wasn't awake to see was a scene that instilled fear into everyone, even the gods, who had nothing to do with the matter.

     As (Y/n) fell to the ground, a spirit arose from inside the girl, growing by the second. The soul smirked, a crazy look in its eyes and thorn-covered vines wrapped around its body. There was no mistaking who that was for anyone who had seen them alive. Atë was alive and well inside (Y/n).

     'I'll give you something to talk about when the war dies down, oh gods and goddesses,' she spoke with such a sickening tone, it would have made anyone puke. 'I'm the goddess of Bad Luck, the one thrown away by Zeus, and scorned by everyone else."

     The goddess continued. "I will one day use this whimsy young child to recreate the great massacre, and you will all be to blame for not trying to kill her, but let her reclaim the place in the world of the gods. It's cute how much you have become attached to her, truly.

     "Ha... haha... haha, haha. HahahahahaHAAAA!" she cackled like a madman, her eyes swirling and smile as wide as the sea. Then she disappeared."

     I sat there stunned by her story. "Atë... is going to use me to recreate the massacre from my last life?"

     "Don't ask me. I'm just the messenger," replied Phosphora, not proving to be any help in that department. I just had to hope that she hadn't exaggerated the story at all. That's when my stomach rumbled. "Oh, I'm a terrible hostess! You are in luck that I just hunted dinner before you came along."

     "It's okay. I'll just go home," I told her, hoping that Oliver probably wouldn't mind if I brought a friend to live with us in the castle. "You can come with me to Pandora's dimension. She left a castle for her and me to live in before she died in the war."

     "A CASTLE!? No wonder you left this dump of a universe," Phosphora freaked out at the thought of living like a princess. "Can I really come with you???"

     "Of course. My friend Oliver lives there and usually takes care of the cleaning and cooking when I can't help him. He's so nice, too," I gushed about the boy.

     "Yes, yes, yes! Let's go right now!" she jumped for joy and all her fantasies coming to life. "EEE!!! I have always wanted to be treated like royalty!"

     "Alright-" I would have used the dimension staff to take us home, but the staff was nowhere to be seen. That's when I started to feel anxious. "Did you happen to see a staff of any sort with me when I fell down the hill?"

     "A staff?" I'm not sure," she replied, pondering the question. I could feel my entire body want to curl up and die at the thought of not being able to go home. Where was it? Why was it gone? Was I ever going home? When would I see Oliver again? What would I do without Blue? 

     All these questions circled in my head, causing me to project onto the future. Every possible ending that I could achieve ended with me not being able to save Blue from my own bad luck. I could feel tears form in the corners of my eyes, and spilling out like a cup of water that tipped over onto the floor. "B-but... that's the only way to get home!"

     "(Y/n)!" she panicked at my sudden change in emotion. Not knowing how to make me feel better, she wrapped her arms around my soaked body and reassured the future that I could seem to hope for. "Everything will be okay! I'm sure we can find it."

     I looked up as she whipped tears from my eyes. "But what will we do?"

     "Live here, silly!" the goddess of lightning smiled. "It's camping, but permanently. But when we find it, we will live in the castle like queens every day!"

(AN: sorry, for making yn seem like a little crybaby and seem sort of edgy, but I will probably explain my reasons later.)

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