Phosphora's "Worst Day Alive"

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(The picture above is of Atë at her execution. Don't steal, but you can credit me if you want to use it along with any piece of art I do.)

(Phosphora's POV)

     "Mistress Viridi!" I sang as I waltzed into her throne room hours after the incident at the meeting. "Have you had enough time to cool down?"

     "Phosphora, how did you even get in here?!" she shrieked. "I told the guards to not let you in!"

     "Easy, I threatened them," I let lightning jolt through my veins, causing my skin to conduct the lightning. "You of all people should know I'm trigger-happy."

     She seemed to still be irritated in exchange for how she would usually react when I come to get rehired. "Just get out."

     "Get o-o-o-out???" it was safe to say that I was floored with her words. Though, that was only half the show. Mistress Viridi's face said it all; tired and serious. Now, those were two things that no one in their right minds would use to describe the goddess of nature herself. (The words they would use are loud and classic tsundere.)

     "You heard me, Phosphora. You cause far too much trouble and that meeting was the LAST STRAW," my ex-boss spelled it out for me, and I could tell that she actually meant it.

     "But, I need to help you find (Y/n) and lead your army into the battle like always," I clenched my fist, my words slurring as the waterworks came uncontrollably.

     "I know you never get the message, but every time I fire you, I only let you back in because your so pushy and can never take five seconds to read the room," Mistress Viridi crossed her arms. "Just please, don't make this harder for yourself."

     At this point, and I hate to admit it, but I was in full cry baby mode. It was so bad to the point where the janitor could mop the floor with my tears. The worst part was that I wasn't even pretty crying because I was actually devastated. Well, that wasn't the worst part.

     After a minute, I got my crap together and whipped the tears from my face. I wasn't sad anymore, but furious. "I should have known! You are just as cruel as everyone says, but I was too dumb to see it!"

     She looked like a deer in the headlights after hearing me actually rebel against her. "Phos-"

     "I'm leaving you and your stupid army!" I spat in anger. "Have fun with no-nonsense Arlon having to lead your army now. Or is the rock gonna lead things now? HA!!!"

     I skipped out the door and out of my old life, leaving the goddess of nature nothing less than speechless. And no, I didn't feel bad for addressing Craggalanch as an inanimate object. Stupid rock. We all knew that it was Viridi's real favorite commander, though Arlon refused to admit it and Dark Pit couldn't care less. That aside, if Viridi didn't want me anymore, then I would have to find a job somewhere else. And you already know that I knew just the god to be my new employer.

     To Mt. Olympus I flew, right to the tip-top. At the gates of Zeus' castle, I remembered that I would actually have to get through security to actually get anywhere. UHG. "HALT! Who goes there?"

     "Hello kind guard sir," I greeted in a childish voice. "I'm here for the..."

     "Yes, miss?" I didn't even have a plan! Upon noticing this slight miscalculation in my ongoing plan to spite Mis- Viridi , I had to improvise.

     "I'm here forrrr... the babysitting position!" I lied, and my voice was TOO close to cracking while I said it. It could have given me away! It could have been a disaster!!! But he bought it, so it doesn't matter.

     The guards started to whisper to each other. "Was the babysitter coming today?"

     "I guess, but I thought that was scheduled for tomorrow," whispered the other.

     "Should I go check with the boss?" the first one asked.

     "I don't think you would have to do that," whispered the other.

     "Me? No, you would go check," the other didn't even bother to whisper anymore.

     "No, you would check!"

     "No, you!"

     "No, you!"

     "NO, YOU

     "NO YO-" ZAPPP! I electrocuted them both and walked in myself. Stupid men.

     I slipped open the gate and walked straight in. With my luck so far, there wasn't any way my plan could fail. It was the greatest plan in all the human world and the world of the gods! Walking through the yard was a breeze since all I had to do was electrocute every guard in my way. 

     Skipping and twirling my way through the castle was like playing a video game where you had to kill all the enemies. I don't know why Viridi hates humans, if they were crafty enough to invent technology like that. Reset bombs are such a waste of resources. After electrocuting every guard in my way, I came upon the throne room. It was showtime!

     "Hello, Mr. Zeus, god of Mt. Olympus and King of the world. I, your humble servant, Phos-" I was swiftly cut off in the middle of my marvelous introduction by the big boss himself.

     "What the heck? GUARDS!!!" his voice boomed through the castle and guards started to flood into the room. Crap, it was time to get out of there! I didn't even think about a plan B! Panicking, I electrocuted the entire room, knocking all the guards out and flying out of an open window in the nick of time. Outside, a large storm cloud formed in the air above the temple of Zeus. "NEVER COME BACK, INTRUDER! YOU ARE BANNED FROM OLYMPUS!"

     It started to rain, flattening my perfect hair and ruining my outfit. "I hate my life."

     I flew into the forest to regroup, but now I didn't have a home to regroup in. Eww, I would have to sleep in the woods below Olympus. As much as my brain was begging me not to go in there, there wasn't much of a choice. This was officially my worst day alive!

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