The Day "Worst Case Scenario" Became Truly Real

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     "A birthday party for Zeus' newborn baby? What an honer!" Pit exclaimed, his normal smile taking up the better half of his face. A month after the ball for Skyworld's victory, Palutena had just received a formal invitation to a birthday party from the god himself. It turns out that he even invited me. Shocking.  "I can't believe we all get to go!"

     "Yes, we should buy a gift and help decorate and maybe buy another gift," Palutena started going off and getting ahead of herself, as she always did when she was super into something. The typical goddesse's behavior was besides the point, though. I was a little more worried about my bad luck. The thing was, I had not yet found a way to control it, despite having my memories of being of Atë. From what I could remember, it just came so naturally to her... or me. (I wasn't exactly sure if I was still her.)

     "A party sounds like a great time," I tried to hide my nervousness with a smile. Blue the cat purred as he walked up next to me. He was getting more and moer atached to me everyday it seemed like. "So what should we get the baby?"

- (This line means there is a timeskip.)

     I smoothed the blue skirt of my dress as I walked through the golden archway that most people would call heaven. "Palutena, Pit, (Y/)n), thank you for making it!"

     Zeus greeted us in a happy tone. It was plain to see that he was overflowing with joy. Plautena replied, "Thank you for inviting us, Zeus. Where should I put your son's gift?"

     "Over there on the large table," he pointed to a round table made of gold, presents stacked high in the sky on top. The venue was just a large cloud that floated by his palace, gods and goddesses mingled in every direction. 

     'Why was I born an introvert?' I groaned inside my head as I heard a voice.

     "Well, if it isn't Pit-stain and his little assistant," I knew that anywhere, all three of us turned our head to see Dark Pit in gray dress clothing and a violet tie.

     "Oh shut it, Pitoo!" Pit growled at his twin. "We need to be a good example for the baby."

     "That's true. I would usually allow you guys to entertain the three of us girls, but not today Pitoo," Viridi walked up behind the dark angel, smirking. 

     "Hi, Viridi!" Pit and Palutena greeted the sassy goddess of nature in unison.

     "Palutena, you should come with me. A certain frenemy of yours is talking smack," enlightened Viridi, instantly catching the group's attention. Palutena having a frenemy seemed unlikely. We all followed Viridi over to a group of goddesses, talking by the cradle where the baby was. "Oh, Diana! Your best friend arrived."

     A goddess with long, strawberry blond hair looked up, her green eyes meeting Palutena's with a scary expression. "Long time no see, Plautena, goddess of light."

     "Same to you, Diana, goddess of the hunt," the green haired goddess replied, matching Diana's tone. This couldn't be good.

     "You go away for twenty years, show up randomly to defeat Hades, kill him only to sommen him again, and kill him once more," Diana's crown sparkled in the sun. "Is that the correct story?"

     "It was actually the human's fault," Viridi quickly through me under the bus. Why was I always her target? 

     "In my defense, it was Pandora's fault," I whispered under my breath as I was cut off by Diana.

     She laughed. "Oh, I forgot about the part where you saved some helpless human. You know better, Palutena."

     "I guess you didn't hear the part about how she is Atë's reincarnation, and actually manged to deal the final blow to take down Hades" Palutena shot back. The air was so thick that it was starting to push away the other goddesses. Looking around, Dark Pit had already disapered and I could tell Pit wanted to do the same.

     Or so I thought, until a goddess with an insain sense of fashion walked up the group. "Diana, lay off. We need to be a good example for the baby."

     "Aphrodite, good to see you still have morals," Palutena forced a smile. Aphrodite's olive skin  was just a little lighter than her silky brown hair, her long bangs reaching past her waist by a few inches. The rest of her hair was done into space buns for a childish look. Tied around them were big red bows. Her dress was baby blue with lots of ruffles and layers, decorated with a print of building blocks and passafires. I didn't even want to look at her shoes, but I did anyway.

     'Bunny slippers, really?' I mentally facepalmed as I directed my attention back to the conversation. Diana was about to retort an insault, but I walked away at the sight of dark Pit, standing around like he was lost.

     "What are you doing?" I asked, having no idea why he seemed to open.

     He derected his attention to me. "What do you mean?"

     "You are standing around, staring off into space like you are expecting someone to walk up to you and save you from your thoughts," bluntly, I attemted to read his mind. "Anything you need to get off your chest?"

     "First of all, no. Second of all, I'm not jst aimlessly wondering around," sighed the raven angel.

     "I find that hard to belive," I huffed quietly. "But side note, I have didn't know you had mutible suits."

     "Why would even take the time to notice that, (Y/n)???" he questioned like I was the weirder one out of the two of us. 

     "I don't know. You don't stike as someone who gose to partys and events," I tried to explain. "Therefore, I didn't think you would even have one nice outfit for ocasions."

     "I could say the same about you and that dress," Dark Pit pointed out. Toche.

     "Well in any case, nice outfit, but I'm going to find Pit now," I giggled akwardly (because I am an introvert and have a horrible time leaving conversations, but that's besides the point.)

     "Oh yeah, I like your dress, too," he commented as I turned to walk away, but stopped in my tracks at the sound of the lighthearted sencerness in his voice. I didn't want to admit it, but his complement made me feel so much better about being there (because I am an introvert and have a horrible time being at soical gatherings in general, but that's besides the point.)

     "You think so?" I turned around to look him in the eye.

     "If you don't belive me, then ask Aphordite for mirror," he joked.

     I twirled aroung in the dress, admiring the soft blue fabric. "Thanks, I like it too!"


     "Thank you everyone for coming today!" Zeus started as the crowd started to quickly quiet down. "It is now time to introduce my son to you all!"

     The god pulled the veil of the cradle to revel the small god beneath. The baby's blond hair was as shiny as gold in the sparkling sun. The entire crowd cooed at the sight of the newborn god smiling back at them with wonder. A god in the crowd asked what Zeus was going to name his child. "Yes, my wife and I have decided on the name Hercules. Time to open presents!"

     As everyone cheered, I felt something nudge my elbow. Dark Pit had finally had the decency to actually appreciate why we were all here in the first place. "Where the heck have you been?"

     "I just did some exploring down below," he whispered back. "Care to join me?"

     "Why would I do that. We need to be here," I whisper yelled. 

     "If you should know anything about Zeus, then you should know that he's going to be here for the next 24 hours," the raven-winged angel smirked. I just gave him an unamused stare. Half of my mind knew that this wasn't going to end well, but the other half just had to know what he found while he was gone.

     "Fine, but we have to be back before Zeus is done," I told him, not giving him a choice but to agree. Suddenly, he started pulling me though the large crowed by the hand. When he let go, we were at the edge of the venue under the golden archway. A staircase of clouds went all the way down to the castle courtyard. The height was tall enough to make me sick to my stomach.

     "You want to see who can make it to the ground first?" Dark Pit challenged, making my stomach feel even worse.

     "I think I'll just meet you down there," I said with the same unamused stare and started to walk down the spiral of clouds without him. If I was going to disrespect a god, then at leas I was going to live this time.

     "Whatever," he sighed and quickly flew to the bottom. That's when I realized that this was going to take longer than it should if I walked. 

     'What if I skipped steps?' the question echoed in my head as I attempted to jump 2 steps down. Jumping a bit too far, I landed one foot, but leaned over the edge to far. The next thing I knew, the air was flying past my body as gravity pulled me closer and closer to the ground. I didn't use energy to scream. All I did was glance at the sky before the sun made me shut them. What a fitting way for my bad luck to end me.

     I was expecting to pass out mid-fall and die, but I landed safely in the arms that I could assume belong to Dark Pit. "Are you alive?"

     "Yeah, just put me down," I could feel my face heat up as he snickered.

     "Oh, I'm going to die, so I'm going to internally monologue about before my demise," Dark Pit mimicked what he thought I was thinking in a high-pitched voice. "Woe is me."

     "PUT ME DOWN!" I groaned as he landed on the ground. "So, why are we here anyway?"

     "Look around and see for yourself, Ms. BLIND," emphasized the angel. As I decided not to agknolage his comment, I looked around to see that he had flown over to the archery section of the training area. "Arn't you good with this stuff?"

     "Well, I don't really have a right to say that,"  adjusting my dress, I walked over to grab a bow and arrows. "My bad luck always gets in the way."

     "You blame everything on your bad luck don't you?" he asked, crossing his arms.

     "Well, I am the reincarnation of Atë," I pointed out. "There's a reason I blame everything on bad luck."

     "Maybe if you didn't think about it, you could train it to impact your life less," Dark Pit pointed out.

     "I tried that, but it always seems better to just emotionally prepare for everything to go wrong," I explain the way I thought of things. Standing in front of the target, I drew the bow in my hands. "It's better to be right then disappointed."

     At that moment, the arrow somehow bounced off the target and flew straight into the sky. Oh, great.

(Pit's POV)

     I didn't want to have to sit through Zeus' entire lecture, but I would have rather talked to (Y/n), fight some underworld goons or literally anything else. That's when something... unexpected dropped in from the sky. No, it wasn't Hades or Medusa or Pandora or anybody. It was a shiny gold arrow going up a few yards high before turning back around and falling back down at high speeds. That's when I realized, 'IT'S GONNA HIT THE BABY!!!'

     Before I could move, the arrow landed. Where did it land? It was about 2 centimeters from killing the newborn. My jaw dropped. How was that even possible!? That's the part when Zeus got mad, and I mean REALLY mad. The sight of almost seeing his son killed scared him so badly that a big storm cloud started swirling above the venue. There was lightning and everything, it was a full on storm! Everyone knew that it was time to leave and started scrambling for the exit Lady Palutena, Viridi and I looked around to find Dark Pit who had gotten separated from us when the crowd started to form by the cradel. 

     "Wait, where's (Y/n)?" Lady Palutena asked as her eyes met mine.

     "You don't think... "I trailed off at the very thought of what I was thinking. " ...(Y/n) shot the arrow?

     I sprinted to the edge of the venue and looked down, but I was too far up to see anything.

(Y/n)'s POV)

     "Um, did I do that?" I asked, feeling a beed of sweat slide down the side of my face. 

     "Yeah, I think that was you," Dark Pit replied, just as shocked as I was.

     That's when a voice came through the air as Pit landed on the ground. "Guys, we got to go, NOW!"

     "What happend?" I asked, alarmed with his sudden entrence.

     "You almost killed the baby, but that's besides the point!" he shouted. "All of us will be next if we don't hurry!"

     "Is he killing the guests or something?" Dark Pit questioned as he glanced up to see god and goddesses fleeing the scene.

     "No, but if he sees (Y/n) with that bow, Skyworld's in big troble-" Pit was cut off by a booming voice in the clouds. 

     "I SEE YOU, HUMAN!!!" Zeus' voice sounded more like thunder that anything. "YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES WILL PAY!!!"

     'Lady Palutena, IT'S A GOOD TIME TO GO HOME NOW!!!' Pit screamed using the larel crowns. A light sorrounded all three of us as we were all teleproted to the tempel. 

     Note to self: don't train when in the proxcimity of a baby. Or at all.

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