The Tales of Greek Gods and Goddesses

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(Dark Pit's POV)

      A few days later, we all met up at the Library to find the book Lady Palutena had told us about. I didn't know how it was going to solve the problem, but who was I to complain at that point. The elegant library of Mt. Olympus looked similar compared to everything else around it. Tall pillars, white walls, flat roof, wide entrance, and an assortment of decretive stain-glass windows. Nothing new to an angel living in the world of the gods.

     Entering the extensive building was just like entering some narcissist's dream world. That narcissist was Zeus. I could just tell he was full of crap by the way he held himself, waltzing around the world of the gods, looking down on his high horse like he's the best thing that ever happened to the universe. The audacity was ridiculous.

     Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate when I see something pretty, but Zeus opening the library for the public and then claiming his personal library was nothing in comparison left a nasty taste in my mouth. But all my thoughts were beside the point; get the book. As the doors closed behind us, Lady Palutena, who was leading the operation, turned around and gave us her directions.

     "Alright, everyone looks for a book by the title 'The Tales of Greek Gods and Goddesses," she ordered, and we all split up. The funny part was that the goddess of light had to write the name down so Pit could actually identify the title by seeing if the cover matched up with the words. As Pit-stain's opposite, I could read just fine and occasionally read in my free time, before the birthday party incident at least.

     I first made my way to the myths and lore section, as the book was most likely written by a human and their ever-idiotically small amount of knowledge that they could worship gods and still call them myths. What kind of person does that? The only human I knew with common sense was (Y/n), but then again, she was the only human I knew at all.

     I started up a marble staircase the swirled up-wards in the center of the library, from where it was easy to access all floors. The floor was quite beautiful, with paintings and memorials of humans that were helped by the gods in the past, the ones that earned their favor, only to lose it after getting a full head. Typical.

     I started with the first shelf and worked my way over to the end in a matter of two hours, bumping into Arlon along the way. We had the same thought process when it came to finding a book written by a human. I was halfway through when Viridi stomped over to me, fuming.

     "Dark Pit, I swear I will murder everyone in this room if I have to read another title in this Zuse-forsaken library," she stomped her foot on the ground. Reading might have been a pastime of mine, but Viridi was too short on patience that she could get past the first page. Maybe she was mentally 9-years-old.

     I suppressed my urge to laugh and turned to her. "Done already? I guess everything everyone says about you is true."

     Her eye twitched at the thought of people gossiping behind her back. "Dark Pit, is there something you would like to tell me?"

     "Oh, don't think about it. I just heard something from Phosphora..." I paused, pretending that I hadn't already remembered Viridi fired her. "... When she was still here."

     "You know, I don't even care about it anymore," Viridi's tone changed from childish tantrum to tired mother in a moment. The goddess's face drooped from her mouth to her eyebrows. "I don't want to think about her."

     Viridi walked away from me, dragging her feet, but this was nothing new. The goddess would do this at the castle and didn't enjoy ordering her army and making fun of Pit anymore. My theory was simply that she missed Phosphora and the chaotic life she brought to the realm. It had gotten to her so much that she didn't even want to know what she said. (Phosphora didn't actually say anything, I was just trying to mess with Viridi.)

     I shrugged it off and turned the corner around another shelf, finding Arlon. "Hey, Arlon. Could you take care of the shelves in this area? I could use a break."

     He agreed, being the pawn that he was. "Of course, Dark Pit. Just don't be too long, or Misstress Viridi might notice."

     So, I took my leave and climbed the staircase to the fourth floor, grabbing a random book on the way. On the fourth floor was a large balcony where gods and goddesses could sit and read. Why was I out here? I didn't know myself, but no one was there, so I took it as a sign of the gods to recharge.

     The view was beautiful, more than that even. There was an expansive forest below that was lush with green trees clumping together. It reminded me when (Y/n) and I had sat on top of the glass dome shielding the library.

     She was reading when I came along, blocking the light of the moon. She looked up at me and came to talk. When I left, (Y/n) vanished back to Pandora's dimension hoping to get rid of her bad luck. A shiver went down my spine at the thought of losing her so easily. It made me feel like a complete idiot.

     Shaking my head, I snapped myself out of my thoughts and looked down at the book. 'The Tales of Greek Gods and Goddesses,' was printed on the cover in bold letters. I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. Of course, the moment I go to relax, work forced me to go back. Oh well, I could relax when I got back to Viridi's domain.

     I turned to go back inside when I heard a yell, and there was something familiar about it, too. Really familiar. Familiar enough to make my heart stop beating and my mind stop thinking straight. "(Y-y/n)?"

     There was no time to waste, so I jumped from the balcony and flew into the forest below, dropping the book. That was where I thought the scream come from, at least. It was hard to tell where it really came from, but my mind was too clouded with (Y/n) to even expect where would be the best place to look. As soon as I reached the forest, I speed past every tree and bush, searching for the only thing that mattered. My thoughts were so loud it was as if I had another person talking in my ear.

     That's when something caught my eye. It was the same shade of (F/c) that colored the jacket (Y/n) always wore under the light brown toga she had been wearing since the war with Hades. Like lightning, I bolted to where I saw it, only to be greeted by a small pond, glittering in the sunlight. Fish of different kinds swam along the bottom, hiding amongst the sea grass and plants. The (F/c) came from around me, as rose bushes that were still sprinkled with morning dew, despite it being in the middle of the day.

     It was beautiful, and even dream-like. Where had the perfect hide-out to escape the stupid responsibility of being in Viridi's army been all my life? I didn't know the answer, and a part of me didn't even care since I had found it. That's when I heard a rustle in a bush from behind. "Hello?"

(Y/n)'s POV)

     I cuffed my hand over my mouth and shivered at the thought of being near Phosphora. Why was I hiding from her? Well, she found a cockroach and dangled it in front of my face. I screamed and ran like the wind because the gods above knew I wasn't putting up with that.

     That's when I heard a hello from someone near the bush I was hiding in. It sounded familiar. WAY TOO FERMILIER. It was Dark Pit; there was no about it! I tried to steady my breathing so I wouldn't give myself away, but that backfired quickly. I evidently rustled a few branches and gave myself away. A rabbit jumped from the bush right by me, which distracted him. The last thing I heard him say was, "I'll report back to Lady Palutena and Viridi."

     With that, he was off.

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