28 - We're Not Dating

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I take a deep breath as we make our way into the pet store. I don't know why I'm nervous. It's not like this is the job. It's just a job similar to the one I want that I'm hoping will allow me to glimpse into it to learn if it's really what I want to do.

Charlie makes his way up to the counter, just like he has at all the previous places.

Everything is fine between us. But I can't shake the feeling that something is different. I just can't put my finger on it. As much as I want to believe nothing has changed I know something has. After that kiss with Nick my thoughts hadn't been about him. All the years of dreaming of Nick I was positive he would be my every thought after a kiss. But he wasn't.

Charlie was.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. About the way that he looks at me when he thinks I can't see. About how he's goofy and sweet. About how often he would visit me at the bakery and we'd just sit in silence doing our homework. About the way he gave me space when I needed it. About his blue eyes and his brown hair. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Now, seeing him lean against the counter as we wait for an employee I want to reach out and grab his hand. Or maybe even run my hand through his hair.

I cross my arms. My nails dig into both of my arms.

He shoots me a grin but it doesn't reach his worried eyes. "You okay?" He comes off the counter a bit.

"Fine." I nod.

He doesn't seem to believe me. But he's stopped from worrying as a lady maybe in her twenties comes out of a back door. She grins when she sees us. Her black hair hangs pinned behind her head with two bright pink hair clips. "How are you doing today?" she asks us.

"Good. You?" Charlie asks, ever the gentlemen.

"I'm good. What can I help you with?" She looks at Charlie when speaking. I try to not let it bug me.

Why does it bug me?

"We're actually here for a job showing? I emailed someone yesterday about it."

"You don't remember who?" I ask.

Charlie looks back at me with a sheepish smile. "I was really tired when I sent the emails out."

"Oh." He stayed up late? To help me? It had only been... eleven o'clock. Which, now that I think about it, is late to some people. And I guess one of those people is Charlie. I smirk at that.

The girl glances between us. She puts on a smile and says; "I'll go grab our manager for you."

Charlie turns back to her. "That'd be great. Thanks."

The girl nods before ducking back into the door she came through.

I go to put my hands in my pockets before remembering that I left my sweater in Charlie's car. I settle for crossing them instead.

"So," Charlie says. "You think you know what you want to do?"

I nod. "I'm not one hundred percent sure yet." I look at the floor and my sneakers. "But I've thought a bit about it and it seems like something I want to do. Something that might fit me well."

"So this place?" He looks around at the pet store. "What does this place have to do with figuring out if being a vet is for you?"

I shrug. "Starting small seemed like a good idea." I gesture around us. "If working here and taking care of the animals didn't work for me, then would being a vet really work?"

Charlie nods slowly, like he's absorbing this information.

"It does make some sense. On... a level of logic."

I snort. "I didn't think it was that horrible of logic."

He bounces off the counter, his expression panicked. "No! No, I didn't mean it like that."

I laugh. "I'm only joking."

He relaxes at that. A sigh comes out of him and brushes across the top of my head. When did we get so close? If I looked up I could see the bottom of his chin. He must realize it at the same time as me, as he steps back and rubs the back of his neck. He looks sheepish as a red tone creeps up his face.

Did I make him blush? How?

I look back at the door as it swings open again. Another lady comes out this time. Her skin is a darker color, while her hair is black. Her eyes are a bright blue.

"Hi there," she says, sticking a hand out to Charlie. "You're Charlie, I presume?"

Ho nods and takes her hand. "And this is Olivia." He gestures at me.

I reach out and shake her hand.

"I'm Milly."

"It's nice to meet you."

She steps back and looks at Charlie. "So you're here looking for a little tour, right?"

Charlie nods. "Basically. Olivia here –" he steps closer and wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side. My face goes hot. "–Is wanting to try out different jobs to find the one she wants to do."

I nod, too squished against Charlie to form words. Or sentences. Why is he so warm?

Milly grins. "That sounds like a great way to find a job. Getting to test out everything without actually getting hired?"

Charlie nods. I feel it more than I see it. All I can see is my nose as I go crossed-eyed trying to remain calm.

"It doesn't always work out that well. Some places don't like it, others can't do it for safety reasons. But overall it's helpful for a lot of people."

"So you do this for a living?" she asks.

Charlie finally releases me. And thank god, I think I was going to combust if he held me for much longer.

He reaches up and scratches his neck again. A sheepish look on his face once more as he looks down at the ground. I want to reach out and comfort him but- Ah! Nope! I can not be thinking like that!

"It's not my job yet. I'm still in high school, but one day it will be." There's a hopeful look on his face. One filled with both determination and joy. How long has he known what he's wanted? How long did it take him to figure it out?

Milly smiles. "I'm sure you'll be great at your job if you're helping your girlfriend find herself a job."

"I'm not-" I start, but the words come out weak and quiet.

"We're not dating!" Charlie exclaims. Too fast. Too loud.

Why do those words drive a knife into my heart? Why do I wish that it wasn't true?

Milly has the decency to look embarrassed. "I'm so sorry." She holds her hands out, palms towards us as if to show she means peace. "It just seemed like you were."

"We're not," I say. I glance down at the floor in the opposite direction of Charlie. The words come out harsh, but he said it first. Didn't he?

We're not dating.

Milly looks between the two of us with wary eyes. "Um... shall we get started then?"

I nod. "Let's."

She nods cautiously before turning around. She takes us through the store telling us where everything is kept, and what they do there. Then she takes us into the back room, where the first girl is, and shows us around there. There's a little cleaning area, and then there are the cage displays.

My eyes go wide.

"They're so cute!"

I run over to the cages where two border collie puppies sit playing. When they spot me they bound over to the glass separating us. They jump against it trying to get to me.

Milly walks over and joins me at the glass. "Are you ready for the fun part of today?" she asks.

I lift a brow. "What do you mean the fun part?"

She grins an oddly evil grin for someone who works at a pet store. "We're going to give them a bath."

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