40 - Thai Fudge And Kisses

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Luckily the bakery isn't far from school and doesn't put us far off from our destination. So it doesn't hurt us to stop in quickly. Plus, I think Charlie could use the tiny distraction, and if we're late would it really matter?

The bell jingles as I push the door open. A sigh of relief escapes me when I see my sister sitting at the front instead of Nick. Just because everything is cool between us doesn't mean I've told him about Charlie, or told Charlie about Nick. I don't know why I'm putting it off, maybe out of hope that the longer I wait it won't really matter?

"What are you guys doing here?" Sasha asks.

"Charlie needs something to calm him down before we go to meet his mom," I tell her, making my way over to the till.

She raises an eyebrow. "And why would you come here for that?"

"Because I want him to try some of our Thai fudge."

"Oh?" She peeks over my shoulder and looks at Charlie. "Oooh," she says, with understanding in her voice. "Luckily dad decided to make some today." She looks over her shoulder as she slides off the stool. "Between us, I think mom's being tough for him to deal with."

I nod. I had a feeling that even though she seemed to be okay with me leaving the bakery that it was just an act. And sadly, dad gets to see the real reaction and suffer from it. "It'll be fine." I shrug like it isn't a big deal. "They always work it out in the end."

Sasha bites her lip and nods. "Yeah... you're right." Then, as if I'd come here just to gossip about our parents, she finally walks over to the display case and grabs out two pieces of Thai Fudge. She places them in a bag and hands them to me. "Here you go."

"Thanks. I'll be home late tonight."

She nods. "Okay." Plopping back onto the stool she turns back to her homework, ignoring me. I shake my head, a smile on my face. It's a good thing I'm not a customer.

I turn back around to find Charlie hovering by the door. His hands shoved into his hoodie pockets.

"You ready?" I ask, making my way over to him.

He sighs. "As ready as I can be."

I reach up and rub his arm. "Don't worry. I'll be there with you the whole time. And we can leave whenever you need to."

He nods but still looks unconvinced. I hold the bag up to show him the acquired fudge. "You can try a piece when we get in your car and it should hopefully calm you down."

He eyes the bag. "I sure hope so."

"It will."

We head out to his car. Once we're both in I take the two fudge pieces out of their little baggie. Placing one in his and holding the other in my hand, I hold his gaze. "It's going to taste a little funny," I tell him. "But it should calm you down. Dad puts some herbs in it or something that's supposed to calm your nerves."

"Herbs? In fudge?"

I laugh. "I know. It sounds bad, but you won't taste it."

He still looks at me like I'm crazy, and maybe I am.

"Trust me. On three?"

He shrugs. "Why not."




We pop the fudge into our mouths. It seems to melt on my tongue, making me think the batch hadn't completely settled before it was put out. But other than that it tastes just like chocolate tea. Which sounds gross but really isn't. The longer I chew it the more I feel my muscles relax and the tension seep out of me. "So what do you think?"

He hums before nodding. "It's actually pretty good."

I nod. "That's why I like it. And there's just something about it that calms me, which makes it the perfect study snack."

His gaze softens.

"What?" I ask, giggling at the unexpected change.

"You're so cute," he whispers. He leans closer to me and I don't hesitate in leaning in and kissing him. As much as I want it to last longer, it doesn't. He pulls away and leans his head against the headrest. "I guess we should go see her."

I nod. "Yeah." My voice cracks. I don't want to go meet his mom. I want to stay in here and kiss Charlie until tomorrow. But he wants to meet her, and I'm wanting to support him. Maybe another day I'll get to kiss him all night long. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

He shakes his head. "No. It's fine. I'm fine." He sits up and starts the car as if to prove his point.

I frown but don't say anything and quickly buckle up as he pulls onto the road. Even with the radio on there's still a quiet that hangs in the car. It's not uncomfortable but it's not comfortable either. I want to reach out and comfort Charlie, but I don't know how. And if I don't know how to comfort him for this then would I really be a good girlfriend if we went there?

I turn my gaze out the window. I don't need to think like that. It's just one thing, not a ton that shows how bad I'd be for him. I care for Charlie, I really do. But is that enough to keep us together?

"We're here."

I shake my thoughts away and notice the restaurant we're pulled in front of. "Why did she want to meet here?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I'm not sure."

"Alright then."

We leave the car and make our way into the family restaurant. I remember coming here all the time when me and Sasha were little. It was the best place to eat out. But that's what it is. A family restaurant. And, although it is Charlie's mom we're meeting, this doesn't seem like the best place to really meet her and talk.

"Is she here yet?" I ask.

He shrugs as we make our way up to the host desk.

"Hi there!" a girl around our age exclaims. "Is it just the two of you today?"

"Actually no," Charlie tells her. "We're meeting someone here, but we're not sure if she's here yet."

The girl looks around before returning her gaze to us. She points around the restaurant as she talks. "You can take a walk around and see if she's here."

"Thanks." He looks over his shoulder at me.

"I'll wait here."

He nods before heading in and walking around. The girl stands there and watches him before turning back to me. "Just meeting for lunch or...?"

"We're meeting his mom," I explain.

She nods. "I think I might have sat her in the far corner then."

"Oh really?" Right as she's about to nod Charlie comes racing over.

"I found her," he says a little breathlessly. His eyes are wide.

I reach out and take his hand. "Thank you," I say to the girl. She nods before I pull Charlie in the direction he came from. "You're going to be fine," I tell him. "Just take a deep breath and hold onto my hand as long as you need." I glance over my shoulder at him.

His hand squeezes mine as his chest puffs out and then lowers. His breath tickles my face. "I got this," he whispers.

"Yeah you do."

He leads us over to the booth where a lady sits by herself. She smiles when she sees us but doesn't stand up. When we get there Charlie stands off to the side, so I scoot in first. Once I'm comfortable he sits down beside me.

The woman looks like Charlie, but at the same time she doesn't. She has straight hair, but in a light brown color. And her eyes are the same green shade of grass as his are. The only other noticeable similarities are their noses.

Charlie reaches over and grabs my hand.

I wasn't nervous until this moment. I'm not sure if I'm nervous for Charlie or myself, or both of us. On one hand I'm wanting to make a good impression. On the other I just want Charlie to get his answers that he deserves and then to leave.


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