Authors Note

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And that's it! Wow! I can't believe this is the end of my first ever romance book. I think I did okay with it. I know I had fun writing it and getting to show Olivia's and Charlie's journey. Do I think I'll ever write plain romance again? No. But I did learn a lot while writing their story.

Some of the big things I learnt is that I should plot down on paper and not use google sheets. There's just something about plotting on paper that makes details easier for me to remember. Another part of that is that I also need to do better at remembering to remember the little details that will later be bigger. But, I mean, you always learn something new when writing because you're always growing as a writer. 

It's been awhile since I finished writing How To Find Your Future offline, so I'm not really sure what to say. But let's move on to the thanks then!

I'd like to thank dreaminginreverie for reading every update and being there from the start. Thank you to sandydragon1 for binge reading and getting caught up so you're there for every new update! Your comments always put a smile on my face and make me think about my own story. I'd also like to thank AutumnLynn24 and my Nana for reading each update and loving the characters as much as I do! And for everyone that the chapters were dedicated to, thank you for any way that you have supported me, given me tips and tricks, or even just for being a writer buddy!

Thank you to everyone who is reading and has reached the end. Your support means so much to me! And I'm so glad I got to share this story with you. 

For those of you who don't know How To Find Your Future has a playlist! It's composed of the songs that were in the heads of each chapter and some other songs that I though fit Charlie and Olivia and their story! Make sure to take a listen!

Now, some questions for you:

Was there anything you think didn't fit?

Who was your favorite character?

Who did you wish you saw more of?

What's your favorite type of fudge? (Fun fact, I remember when I thought of this story. I'd been eating a hot dog when I was on a day trip with my family and a song came on and I thought about this love story. But it wasn't until much later on that I realized the bakery should be a fudge bakery and how the story should go down)

Was there anything that confused you? Anything that was mentioned that didn't get resolved?

Any questions for the characters themselves?

Thank you to everyone for reading and for your support! Make sure to check out my other works if you enjoyed this one!

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