19. Mine!

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"What's the point of this training?" Snotlout asked as Kierra used her magic to raise a boulder from the ground.

"Eric knows magic, I don't know how strong he's gotten since I last saw him several years back so I must practice." Kierra replied as the boulder floated through the air slowly and landed next to Moonfire. "The stronger I get, the better chance I have of defeating him next time we meet again."

"AAAAH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! PLEASE!" Tuffnut wailed as he fell to the floor withering in front of Loan.

"I barely poked the edge of your mind." He reminded him with a shake of his head and looked to Kierra. "This human is so sensitive of the mind."

"Well he managed to keep you from touching it, didn't he?" Ruffnut asked as her twin clung to her leg. "Bro, get up. You're being embarrassing."

For the past few days since the Eric incident, Kierra, her riders and their have been training nonstop. Though a few times Hiccup, Eret and the others had to break them away from their training to make them eat or rest up. The dragons were grateful for the breaks, but the riders were rather annoyed by it.

Today Kierra and Loan were training with their magic while Astrid, the twins, Snotlout and Eret supervised them. Of course Loan had insisted on helping the twins learn how to guard their minds next time they came across an enemy dragon rider or magician.

"Very." Astrid muttered before turning to Eret. "How is it that you are so good at the mind shielding stuff?"

Eret gave a simple shrug. "Practice, that's all. Lots of practice with Kierra, though she likes to poke at the more private parts of my brain when she does it."

I've looked into my rider's mind, and all the things about you are strange. Moonfire muttered as he shifted his leg to keep Eragon, who he and the other dragons were trying to keep an eye on, from escaping. Little one, leave your mother alone while she practices.

"I wan mama!" Eragon cried angrily. "Mama mama!"

"He's nearly three and he still gets fussy like this." Kierra murmured as she walked over to her dragon to poke her head over the side of his leg. "It's okay dearest, mama is just gonna train for a bit more. Once I'm done we'll leave to spend time with Papa, okay?"

Eragon pouted. "Nooo!"

"Stop giving your mother a hard time, she's stressed." Eret scolded as he stood next to his lover to scold his son. "Behave yourself or no morning cuddles, and I won't bribe Angela for candy to give you."

"That's why he's so hyper lately." Kierra muttered, giving Eret a look. "Hold still. Eitha!"

Eret felt something push him away from Kierra and stumbled back from the force. "Love what are you-"

"Eitha! Eitha! Eitha!" Eret was pushed away again and again with each word.

"What was that?" Astrid asked in alarm.

"A push away spell." Kierra replied. "The more force I put into it, the harder I push something away. Now, come at me Astrid."

"Uh... alright?"

As Astrid walked close to her, Kierra held her hand out in front. "Letta!" She yelled loudly, causing Astrid to suddenly stop walking. The shield maiden struggled to push against the magical force as the dragon rider struggled to keep her from moving forward.

"Whoa...it's like an invisible wall." Snotlout commented when Kierra dropped her arm to release Astrid. "What else can that be used for?"

"It could stop arrows in mid flight that fall near us, or could be used to stop a charging enemy from plowing right into us." Loan explained. "Bit of a defense tactic, really helpful too. Used it a couple of times when I fought."

"How do you think the others are doing?" Eret asked tossing Kierra a water sack as Eragon was released.

"Probably fine, unless- Eragon!" Kierra had to keep herself from being thrown backwards when her son plowed right into her legs. Eret rushed forward to immediately grab her arm and pulled her back up.

"You nearly made your mother fall!" Eret scolded as he bent down to unlock Eragon from his mother's legs.

"No! Mine! My mama!" Eragon hissed, swipping a hand at his father's own hand. "No touch!"

"Oh we found ourselves a real dragon, guarding his treasure." Loan joked as the toddler clung to his mother tightly.

"Not funny Loan!" Kierra snapped. "Eragon release me, please?"


"Gods help me..."


"He hasn't released her." Ugh whispered to Eret as Kierra dragged her leg behind her as Eragon continued to cling on as she walked into the library.

"Isn't there a spell for that?" Eret asked.

"'Fraid not, at least one that won't hurt the boy. But the least you can do is either bribe him, or wait for the little chap to tire himself out."

"A little help would be nice, man who fathered this little child!" Kierra yelled. "And I thought you were clingy!"

"Was not!" Eret snorted as he stood up from the table to aid her. "I never clung to your leg like that!"

"Yeah, but after we got together you used to cling to me like a child, got a bit cranky when someone who wasn't you tried to tap on my shoulder."

"You mean anyone who wasn't part of the crew?"

"Yeah that."

"Eragon let go!" Eragon made a growling noise and hugged his mother's legs.


"For Odin's sake..."

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