\♢■♢\Chappie 1/♢■♢/

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So your here to... I don't know what are you here for? That's a rhetorical question. Or not.

I'm here to show you my experience in Highschool (Secondary School) so far in my life. There has been: several fights; Love drama; Rumors but worst of all. Homework. I don't have many friends in real life. (Let's get straight here do any of us do? And if you do I envy you.) So you have an outsiders perspective of things! Actually I get all the gossip because I'm that person who it always leads to somehow.

Take love drama for an instance. Apparently I told this kid, let's call him *Googles random name* Redford, that's this girl that he liked, *Googles another name* Leah, that liked him back. And it was true in the end. But I didn't tell him! How?! Please explain this to me people of the Internet.

So yeah... I'm the Jughead Jones of my year. But without all the gang crap. And I'm not 16...




Okay let me talk to you about my school. Let's call it Uptop Secondary school. We have houses. I just Googled, "Do American Highschools have houses," No they don't apparently so I'm just gonna...

*copy and paste from Wikipedia*

The house system is a traditional feature of schools in the English-speaking world, particularly in Commonwealth countries, originating in England. The school is divided into subunits called 'houses' and each student is allocated to one house at the moment of enrollment. Houses may compete with one another at sports and maybe in other ways, thus providing a focus for group loyalty.

Different schools will have different numbers of houses: some might have more than 10 houses (with as few as 50 students in each house) or as few as four or fewer (with as many as 200 students in each).

Read it if you want. I don't care but our houses are named after English people. Gotta test my knowledge now. Never been good at history. Let's call them:

Brunner: After Mr Brunner from the PJO series. This tie is red.

Melanie: After Melanie Martinez because she is fabulous! This tie is yellow!

Grover: After Grover Underwood. By the way why is he black in the movies. Not anything racist or anything but why?! This tie is green!

Cryaotic: Because he is wonderful and I know he is epic even if I've never met him before. This tie is blue!

I know I said historical figure but this is the 21st century people. Do you think I'm gonna keep to my word? Another rhetorical question. Or not.

So yeah. Let me take you to before Highschool. When I was still a Year 6. I had - key word had - a friend called *Google help me out* Millie. By the way this is on my transition day. Where there was a day where we got use to all the new people in our tutor. We were pretty cool. She likes creepy pasta I like creepy pasta but the only thing keeping us from drifting apart was the friend ship with this other girl. Evie *another name via Google #NotSpon*.

So when we were put in a tutor.



Okay chill. Tutor is just 'homeroom'. Don't know what that is? I don't care Google it yourself.


I made a friend called Leah. (Yeah her) She likes Dan and Phil so we immediately hit it off. But Millie isn't good at making friends. (No she's not a fangirl) Millie is like a chameleon. If you like it she likes it. So when I made a friend she also made a friend.

Now that's a dick move (please don't report) because now she stole my new friend.

And that is how my transition day went. Don't understand how I type for some strange reason.

probably because I skip from topic to topic at the speed of sound

Please oh do tell me how you absolutely hate me.

Peace out! ^-^ ♡~♡

Lesson 1: If your only friends with a person because of another friend. Your not really friends. ×-×

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