You Guys Are Awesome!

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Kimberlions, do you know how awesome you are?! Pretty freaking awesome! I feel like I'm at the dentist's office, pumped up with drugs BECAUSE of how awesome you are. This post is basically a massive thank-you from me to you.

Rainelle's mini book (the free book currently online) is doing well and it actually got to #453 of all of Amazon because of your awesomeness. Thanks to everyone who's checked it out, it's getting all the more popular and it's all because of you. So seriously, you guys, from the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU! I am truly blessed to have you guys on my side (every last one of you). Thanks for your support.

And guys, if you still want more goodies, awesome stuff and the latest news, you definitely need to sign up for my blog! If you haven't signed up by now, what the heck are you waiting for? :D There's so much in store for you (SO MUCH) *cue heavy mouth-breathing*

Here's the link It's also in my bio, where you can actually click it.

So once again, PLEASE sign up. It only takes five seconds and I want you guys in the inner circle. (I'm on my knees, begging you pleeeeease...remember Duffy? What happened to her?) In any case, you guys have totally kicked ass when it comes to supporting me on social media.

I need to thank everyone who has added my book to their shelf or left a review of my book on Goodreads. I wish I could kiss you all. If you haven't left a review of the book on Goodreads, please do! :-) It takes only a sec and I would really appreciate it. Please also 'like' my Facebook page here:

All the links are in my bio so you can click them!

And now I must bid you adieu until the next post. Or, as some people would say, valar morghulis (and guys, whoever comments the ACTUAL response to that goodbye, I love you, OK?).

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