The Clans: Territories - Building it bigger

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Your clan territories have prey, herbs, landmarks, and more. But now what? We need to know what's beyond your clan!

We will be needing a few basic things to start off with.

Gathering place
Whatever surrounds all of the territories

The Moonpool/Moonstone will need some building iteself. Where is it located in the territories? Is it in a cave? Under a tree? In the canopy? What kind of landscape is it in? A desert? A forest? What does it look like? Is it a tree? A stone? A pool of water? Maybe even a flower! What is it called? Moonstone? Starstone? Spirit Cave? Great Tree? Be creative. Make sure you give it a description too, the area its in as well as the thing itself. If your cats don't believe in anything you won't need this.

Gathering place. You will need one of these. Its most likely going to be in the centre of all the territories, though it could be somewhere else. What is it? A rock pile? A tree? A waterfall? A cave? You need to name it too, as well as give it a description.

Borders are odd. There are more of them than you think sometimes. There's the borders between the clans, which you will need only a description for, and there's the border or outline of the territories, the division between the territories and whatever is beyond them. You need descriptions for these as well.

Now for the best part. Outside the territories!!!

Maybe your territories are surrounded by a ocean or a desert? Maybe twoleg places or deep dark forests where evil spirits roam? Maybe there's the border to StarClan or the Dark Forest? Perhaps a giant mountain range?

Maybe a few of these things could be used.

I'm going to create a few examples so you can understand this next part more.

Lets say our clans live on a cliff or mountainous area. They can't escape here because of the harsh terrain. They are surrounded by a drop to the death, into a dangerous region where lava sometimes spurts out ofthe cracks. There are ways down into this area, but its very difficult to get to. In this deadly wasteland, there are only a few landmarks.

There's an old petrified shipwreck in the side of a cliff, its completely made of stone. There can be treasures and bones found inside, and shiny bits of metals can be found in what's left of the floor.

A while in the other direction is a area filled with bones, sticking up from the ground, many are majorly broken, and very large, though some are small, and about the size of a... There's also a sword that has been stuck face down into the rock. What do you think could have happened here?

There's a dark cave full of spider webs, and anyone who has gone in, never came out.

Ooh! Look! Just by making a few ideas for outside of the territory, we've got some LORE!!!

And guess what, next chapter we will be moving onto that glorious glorious lore!

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