The Clans - Territories: Herbs

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Ah, hello again. You still committed to this whole thing? (By the way, you can skip this section if you are using the forest or lake territories in the books)

Now you have your basic territories right? Landmarks, landscapes, land, land, land. Now you need to know what herbs inhabbit your territories. If your territory is a swamp, look for herbs on this list that can be found in wet areas, make sure to eliminate herbs that would not be found in your territory


Alder Bark - Found in all seasons near rivers or marshy/swamp areas. Its possible to find it in leafbare too!

Beech nuts & leaves - Found in moist, damp, and rich soil

Bindweed - Unknown where it is found, said to be found in Clear Sky's territory.

Birch sap - Said to be found in RiverClan's lake territory, though I assume you can harvest it anywhere where birch trees are found.

Blackberries & Blackberry leaves - Almost anywhere, though I don't think they are going to grow straight out of the water or rock.

Blazing star - Found in by the pine forest(I assume ShadowClan's lake territories) by the thunderpath

Borage - In forests or near ridges. Though I believe it can be found pretty much anywhere

Bright eyes - Sunny wooded areas, thickets

Broom - In the forest, can be found in Leafbare

Burdock root - By a gorge? Though I believe it can be found in forests too as seen in The New Prophecy arc on the journey

Burnet - Forest, sunny areas

Catchweed - In forests near shrubs and hedges.

Catmint - Near twoleg places in dry conditions

Celandine - Grows in forests and near rivers, though better in forests

Chamomile - Sandy soils in cool areas, twoleg place

Chervil - Rocky areas in forests

Chickweed - In forests, near rocks

Cob nuts - In sunny spots under hazel trees

Cobwebs - All around the forests, near roots of trees, in caves, in canyons, pretty much everywhere that a spider can be.

Coltsfoot - Pine forests, near waterfalls,

Comfrey root - Damp grassy places

Daisy leaf - forests, in lake territories so may be found in damp places too

Dandelion - Almost everywhere, though I believe it would be more plentiful on the moors

Dock leaf - NOT IN MOUNTAINS. Best in leafy areas or near streams

Elder leaves - Not specified, though I would imagine in forests

Fennel - Dry soils near the sea/coast or near riverbanks

Feverfew - Grows best along the water

Goatweed - Near rivers, streams, or lakes

Goldenrod - Moors or grassy areas, though in real life I've see that it also grows good by the edge of forests

Hawkweed - Unknown but I assume it is similar to a dandelion, so probably in moors

Heather Nectar - Shady areas

Honey - In beehives and honeycomb, which I would imagine would be in a forest or hanging from the side of a cliff, maybe near an abandoned twoleg place

Horsetail - Marshy areas

Ivy leaf - Forests, shaded areas

Juniper berries - Dry places

Lamb's ear - In the mountains

Laurel Leaf - Forests

Lavender - Twoleg places, sandy or gravely soil in sunny spots

Lovage - Unknown, though I would assume sandy areas or somewhere similar to brighteye

Lugwort - Moor

Mallow leaves - near shore, but collected at sunhigh when they are dry

Marigold - Near water

Mint -  Forests near bushes or rocks

Moss - Forests or marshy locations, though in real life I have seen it in areas with hard soil, it grows faster than grass

Mouse bile - Anywhere mice are present, I assume forests, caves, and barns

Dried oak leaves - All over the forest floor in leaffall

Parsley - Moist, well drained soil full of sun? Oxymoron?

Poppy seeds - In forests, near gorges and twoleg places

Ragweed - In mountains

Ragwort leaves - cool areas with high rainfall

Raspberry leaves - Not specified but I assume by the edge of forests

Rosemary - In the forest

Rush - infertile soils with a range of moisture conditions (Possibly near moss?)

Sorrel - Forests and near twoleg places

Stick - Anywhere near trees

Stinging nettle - forest

sweet sedge - near water

Tansy - In twolegplaces or forests

Tormentil - moist cool areas or twoleg gardens

Thyme - hot sunny locations

Watermint - damp areas, near streams, wet earth

Wild garlic - Forests, pine forests,

Willow bark - Near twoleg places, near water

Wintergreen - sandy areas, in oak and pine forests, near the base of mountains

Wood sorrel - shade, forests, fields

Yarrow - rocky areas in forests

Death berries - moist areas with shade, in forests

Foxglove seeds - forests, forest clearings, partially shaded areas, wet soil

Holly berries - moist areas in forests

Meadow Saffron - damp grassy areas, forests

Deadly nightshade - moist shady areas rich in limestone

Water hemlock - wet marshy areas, its flower might be confused for yarrow

NOTE: If you want, research plants that could be found in your territory, make your own herbs!

AHHHH THAT WAS SO TIME CONSUMING!!! Now its your turn to look through them and see which would be in your territory. And you have to do it for every single clan you make.

In the next section I will explain where prey can be found and all that stuff.

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