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This is just a recap on what we've learnt so far.

The first step:
Knowing what you want your cover to look like and being able to envision it!

The second step:
Specifically, and purposefully, searching for a cover image on Pinterest that best resonates with your book plot, characters and vision.

The third step:
Using Over to edit that image to make it look cover worthy.

The forth step:
Adding fonts to make it a graphic work; adding your title, authors name, extra writeup, and getting that random image from Pinterest cover ready.

OVER: To edit photos professionally, add different fonts, write in fonts, and edit fonts.

CANVA: To add writing to an image.

PICSART: To manipulate an image and make it very graphic.

VSCO: To edit photos professionally(lighting, contrasting, highlighting, saturating, etc etc)

PHONTO: To use fonts to write on an image.

I hope I've been able to help you guys to make great covers too and if I have, don't forget to share this book as well as PM me to check out your work. I'd love to see all the great covers you make with this tutorial!

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