What is "Writer's Block"?

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writer's block

ˌrʌɪtəz ˈblɒk/

1.the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing.

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To start of, we are going to go through two types of Writer's Block.

The first one that we are going through is the Writer's Block when we have many ideas coming to us and we are inspired but, we cannot write. This is what I(Mia, virgoghs) is going through most of the time because damn my brain never stops. This is the type of block that I hate the most because I can just see two people talking in a cafe and my brain would be like 'omFFDJBA AN IDEA!!11!1!!!!!' but another part of me will just be like 'NO. Sit the fuck down you're not doing any writing, remember the other 10824910 ideas you came up with??? Yeah, nope.' and down into the archive of ideas, that I will never touch, it goes. And after that, another 9201973 ideas come and I'm still not able to write anything because I don't have the motivation and I can't proceed with the writing I'm doing.

Personally, I constantly feel pressured to write a good story to deliver to my readers and I'll end up procrastinating which is a bad thing because I get distracted very easily (ngl, I was distracted while writing this and went to instagram for about 10 minutes fml). I also have a mindset of 'no one is gonna read this piece of crap y do u even bother anymore just give upPnijbcj', again, not a good thing. ALSO, when I open my Bear app (it's an app for notes and I use it a lot to store my ideas and drafts for stories), I get very overwhelmed because I have so many ideas???? Like, how???? And when I got to Microsoft words or just Wattpad's works, I get incredibly overwhelmed with the never ending white blank spaces and my brain automatically goes 'nope.' My brain completely refuses to work and when I force myself to write, I can write about two long paragraphs and then my brain shuts down.

And sometimes when I have the motivation to write, I go to my drafts and then I just stare blankly like 'wow this is so bad how did i even come up with this i-' and I just get stuck at wherever I left the work at and I'm lost. I don't know how to continue. Also it is the worst when the book is published and few chapters in but when I go back in to continue to update, nothing feels right and I can't work forward and continue writing, making the update delayed and I just blame everything on the block because wow rood i need to update!!111!!!!!1!11!!1!1!!!

That's the first type of Writer's Block, a complete arse I might add because there's so many ideas coming but nothing is executed, leaving you completely overwhelmed and stuck.

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The second type of Writer's Block is when you can write, however, you have no inspiration for a story but you still just want to write! This doesn't happen to me often but I still do sometimes face this. Sometimes, you might just feel the urge to start writing for no particular reason but when you want to write, you just stop because you don't have any inspirations to write and you can't think of anything to write about. Even if you have something, you don't feel like it's good enough.

When the inspiration is gone, you are just stuck in one place and you can't carry on even though you have the urge to write. You have the motivation, but the inspiration isn't there. And that's a really bad thing because you may start feeling little of yourself and feel useless because thoughts like 'you call yourself a writer when you can't even come up with something creative??? shame on you.' may appear. WHICH IS BAD. No one should feel like that. If you ever feel like that, PLEASE stop. We are here! We're here to help you. That's the reason why FictionLike exists, to help writers who gets these Writer's Blocks.

[if you ever need inspirations, we have a prompt shop open, go there and we wish you a happy trip there wink wonk,,, just adopt a prompt or a plot and you're good to go hehe]

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Writer's Blocks can also be caused by many other different things such as; physical illness, depression and other mental illnesses, financial pressures, the end of a relationship, or a sense of failure [credits to wikipedia lmfao]. Basically anything that makes you feel like shit and makes you not want to anything except lie in your bed doing nothing. Been there, done that. Happens all the time, 10/10 not recommended. So please, keep yourselves as healthy as possible.

Anyways, what can we conclude is, Writer's Block = a bitch.

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