Weird 0: Reverse Falls

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My life had always been a bit...weird. All the most ridiculous things happened when I was around, like flying raccoons or even setting a pool on fire (I was no where near the pool at all and still got grounded). So when I got shipped off to the very home of weird, my weird world became even weirder.


Anyway, my parents were sick of me doing shït like set the local pool of fire or somehow making cats turn into raccoons or something like that. So the next thing I knew, I was on a bus to who knows where.

The engine coughed horribly as the bus rolled to a screeching stop. I got up and headed towards the front. The bus driver looked at me from the mirror, mouthing "Good luck". What the hëll did I need luck for?

I stepped off the bus and it zoomed away, leaving me in a thick cloud of nauseous. I coughed and cleared the air in front of my face with my hand and looked around.

Woods and the road streched around me. Even if I could leave, where could i go? I scoffed and picked up my bag, the only thing I brought with me.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a scrap of paper. On it was a hastily scribbled map of where to go.

"Thanks Mom and Dad." I mumbled and walked away from the bus stop to look for a billboard sign. Or a sign. Or anything other than trees and the empty road.

Then I saw the sign.

"Welcome to Reverse Falls! Population: Weird!" Was what it said. <What the hëll?> I snorted at how random it was and walked towards it.

As I neared the sign, the road sloped downwards, revealing a town. It was...amazing! So small and yet the air was full of weirdness and random energy! I already loved it!

My eyes spotted a watertower, surrounded by trees. And a giant woodcutter with an axe? I laughed and ran down the slope, careful as not to fly forward and possibly break something.

I grinned as I raced down and touched stable ground, not missing a beat as I sped up and spread my arms out. My sleeves flapped in the wind as my hair whipped around my face.

I zipped past the buildings, my surroundings blurred until I collided into a solid object.

I was flung backward and immediately I scowled, looking up at whoever was in my way. My eyes widened when they met a boy's own.

His eyes were a stunning neon flame blue and he looked irritated. His clothing matched his eye color and he also wore a matching pendent that gleamed with a blue hëllish light.

"Watch where you stand!" I hissed, embarrassed and mad at this boy. I quickly stood up and brushed myself off, glaring at him.

"Why don't YOU watch where you're going?" He sounded snide, his manner of a spoiled brat. A girl's hand shot out and grabbed my hair.

"Who do you think you are talking to my brother like that?" She smiled, her eyes screaming bloody murder.

I winched as she pulled me closer towards them, my tangled hair my weakness for now.

"I don't give a dämn on who you two are and let go!" I tried to escape her grasp with a growl. She pulled harder, her smile turning into a frown.

"I don't think I've ever seen you here before. Are you new here?" She asked, looking into my eyes. She let go and recoiled back.

"What's with your eyes?" She rubbed her hands on her shirt and scowled.

I snorted and rubbed the top of my head. <What with her?> I thought with disgust.

"I should be asking you two that question. Blue eyes? That's just...weird." I blinked. I knew what color my eyes were. I was always teased for it.

"And so are blood red ones!" She snapped. She seemed to be afraid, but I ignored it.

"Who are you two anyway?" I asked, now curious about these twins.

"I'm Mabel Gleeful and this is my brother Dipper." Mabel patted her brother's shoulder. Dipper still looked irritated. "What about you?" She leaned closer.

"I'm Luna Sola and yes, I'm new here." I answered, eager to move on and get to where I was supposed to go. "Um...nice to meet you both but I need to go." I walked backward.

"Where are you going? I was just starting to hate you!" Mabel smirked. Dipper came forward and bent down in front of me. I looked down to see him pick up...a scrap of paper. My shïtty map!

Dipper looked it over with a bored expression. Then he glanced up at me. "Who the hëll made this map for you? It's the shïtish thing I've ever seen!" He burst into laughter.

My cheeks started burning. "My parents did!" I bit my inner cheek, deathly embarrassed.

"Then they must really suck at directions!" He clutched his stomach from laughing too hard.

My cheeks burned hotter. "It's not their fault that they suck so bad!" I hissed.

Mabel laughed with Dipper when she looked at the map. "They really are bad, huh?" She chortled. I bit my bottom lip.

"Shut the fück up you bïtch!" I growled and snatched the little map back. Mabel looked taken aback.

"Bïtch? I'll kill you for that!" She was going to step forward, but Dipper stopped her.

"The Tent of Telepathy is this way." He walked the direction he came from. I frowned and raised a questioning eyebrow at Mabel.

She shrugged. "Don't know, but we should follow him, huh?" She smiled and turned on her heels, following her brother and flicking her hair away from her face.

<Drama queen.> I sighed and followed after them, head down. What a way to start my first day at a new town.

They kept walking for what seemed like forever. The bottoms of my feet were throbbing and I was tired. I was even more so when they finally stopped at a large tent.

A sign above the entrance read "The Tent of Telepathy". I neared it and looked down at the map again. This was the place. So that meant...

"You two are THE Telepathy Twins?" I asked, a bit shocked. Mabel snorted.

"No. I'm a mermaid and my brother is an inter-dimensional leprechaun." She snapped and walked into the tent, leaving Dipper and I standing in awkward silence.

"Don't mind her." He mumbled before following her in, leaving me outside with the wind. I rolled my eyes and was tempted to walk away.

"Come in." Dipper called from inside the tent, like he knew I was thinking of leaving. I jumped a little, but stepped in tentatively.

The inside was extremely large, enough to fit two crowds of people or less. It was dark, though a soft glow came from some hanging lanterns.

I was speechless. The outside wasn't much, but it was the inside was what really took my breath away.

"Oh wow..." I breathed and walked down a makeshift aisle, looking around.

"Thanks. This is where we perform." Mabel smirked from her place up on a small stage. The top of the stage went up to about my stomach and could easily fit 15 people at least.

"I can see that." I hissed at her manner. 10 minutes of talking with her and I already hated her from the bottom of my soul.

Mabel jumped down and grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me so we were face to face. Her eyes seemed to glow a brighter blue.

"Watch how you talk to me pink eyes. I'm not someone who takes an insult lightly." She whispered, her eyes drilling into mine.

I scoffed into her face. "Try me witch." I grabbed her wrist. She backed up and wrenched her wrist out of my grasp. Again, that same sense of fear emitted from her, but again, I ignored it.

Mabel turned heel and stalked away, pïssed off. I silently laughed to myself, crossing my arms.

"Pink eyes?" I questioned. "They're red genius!" I shouted, though she already left the tent.

I muttered under my breath and looked around for Dipper. Man, he sure did disappear fast. A hand gripped my shoulder.

I jumped and whirled around, nearly slapping Dipper's face. I clutched my chest.

"Don't do that! I nearly had a stroke!" I gasped, my legs bending as I gathered myself again. Dipper looked at me with a blank expression.

"As you know, this is the Tent Of Telepathy. Why did you need to come here?" He asked, backing up. I looked away from his blue stare and frowned.

"I don't know. My parents never said why. Just to find the Telepathy Twins or something. It doesn't matter." I replied, suddenly tired from all of the events now rushing back into my head.

It was all so fast. First the bus stop, then the slope, bumping into Dipper, dealing with his sister Mabel, the Tent, then a near stroke.

Dipper nodded and headed towards the tent entrance. He glanced back and made a gesture for me to follow.

I rolled my eyes and followed him, exhausted. <Where we going mime?> I thought as he led me away from the tent.

Mabel soon joined us and had a frown on her face, silently grumbling. She glared at me, flipped her hair, and stared straight ahead, walking in step with her brother.

"Drama queen..." I muttered under my breath. My footsteps were slower than theirs, but all I really wanted was to pass out and just find the place I was supposed to stay.

"We'll be there soon!" Mabel sneered and walked faster, Dipper keeping up.

"Yay...." I muttered unenthusiastically. <Where the hëll are we going?> I thought as we walked in darkening shadows.


A mansion. They lived in a fücking mansion. You've got to be kidding me.

"How the hëll...what the...?" I was speechless when the gate opened before them and the two granted me access inside.

"We live here. Deal with it pink eyes." Mabel huffed and stormed up to the front steps, knocking once and waiting. Dipper came up next to her while I still tried to get a good look at how big the place was from the outside.

I blinked and shook my head, "Wait up!" I scrambled after them. The interior was even bigger than the exterior.

But before I could even get a good look at all the furniture, walls, and such, a wave of exhaustion washed over me and I toppled forward, warm arms catching me.

"You're only staying for the night." A voice told me, but it was almost like a buzz in my ears as sounds faded and I closed my eyes, soon falling asleep in those warm arms.


Author's Note: Sorry this chapter was so long. Nearly 2000+ words! But what did you guys think? Comment if you would want to. And I welcome criticism, but don't be hating and telling me how bad this was. Don't be mean. See you in the next chapter if I can stop procrastinating 😂😂😂😂

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