Step Three: Get coffee all over his shirt

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Apparently, Nico sitting alone was just a thing now, and Nico was oddly envious of Will. Why the hell should he give up his seat for some guy he doesn't even know?

Because he's actually likable, unlike you, the small voice liked to chirp in his head, but Nico constantly pushed it to the back of his mind, and he pushed the agreement further back.

Still, it felt horrible sitting alone. Not only because he wasn't sitting with anyone, though that was a major part, but because of the looks he got and the embarrassment he felt. He wasn't even sure why he felt embarrassed, who cared that he sat alone anyway?

Nico wasn't even sure how he felt about Will. Sure, there was the obvious jealousy and the initial disliking and anger. But that was mostly due to the fact hat he stole his boyfriend, kind of.

He only really got to see Percy at lunch, and now, because of Will, he didn't get to see him. He wasn't sure why he was so intent on seeing Percy, he was kind of a jackass anyway. But, as Percy said, whether or not he liked it, they were boyfriends. And boyfriends were supposed to go out of their way to make each other happy. Even if it felt like he was the only one trying to make the other happy.

Nico sighed, shoving a fork full of pasta into his mouth and glaring over at the table filled with the only people he ever talked to. He wondered what would happened if he just sat there anyway, but he was, admittedly, to scared of Percy to actually do that.

He hadn't ever actually hit Nico before, but he had come awfully close, and he didn't want to push Percy to do it. Even if he had stopped himself from hurting Nico, he always gave a lingering threat that he would if he needed to.

Nico clenched his fist into his jeans, looking off to the side.


It was Nico's fault, and he should have been paying attention, and he hated himself so much.

"I'm sorry!" He shouted, then slapped a hand over his mouth, his face going red. Because that was unnecessarily loud. Will's eyes were wide, from being yelled at or from getting hot  coffee splashed across his chest, Nico wasn't sure.

"I'm sorry," Nico mumbled, quietly this time, almost a whisper, his face going even redder as laughs spread around them. Will let out a chuckle himself, and Nico let's out a miserable groan in his head, looking down at his feet to cover his face with his bangs.

"Hey, it's okay," Will says, but there's amusement in his voice that makes Nico practically shake with embarrassment. Nico looks up at him, "I have a shirt in my gym bag, no worries, but that's the loudest I've ever heard you talk." Nico groans again, bending down to pick up the fallen cup. So much for treating himself to Starbucks, though the slick shirt didn't look disappointing against Will's chest.

When he has the cup back in his hand, he looks off to the side.

"I'm sorry," he says again, "I'll go get a janitor and ask if they can clean this." And as he walked off, he ignored the looks people were giving him.


He's surprised when Will sits next to him in class, and he maybe stares at Will a moment to long. He doesn't really mind, though, especially when he raises a golden eyebrow.

Nico flushes, looking down at his desk.

"You smell like coffee," he blurts, then cringes. Of course he does. Will snorts, and Nico thinks it's one of the cutest sounds he's heard. But he quickly pushes that from his mind.

"Why don't you ever sit with us at lunch?" He asks instead, sensing Nico's inner struggle. Nico frowns, fidgeting with his pencil.

"Percy doesn't want me to," Will frowns this time, and Nico hunches his shoulder. He wonders if Percy would be mad at him for saying that?

"Why not?" He asks.

"I- uh, I don't know. It's stupid. Never mind," he says, resting his chin in his hand and looking in the other direction.

"Aren't you two dating though? Shouldn't he want to sit with you?" Nico doesn't answer, just takes a sip from his water bottle and ignores the way it doesn't taste like coffee.

He wonders if Will's chest tastes like coffee.

He pushes that thought back with red cheeks.

"You know, I never would have pinned Percy as a bad boyfriend. He seems nice."

"He's nice to everybody but me," he says, except he doesn't say that, he doesn't say anything, actually. He wants to, though, he has a strong urge to, and he isn't exactly sure why.

It's scary, but it's also exciting.

"Do you not like him?" Will asks at Nico's silence, looking over at him, and Nico tenses.

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I just wanted to get to know you," he said, giving Nico a strange look, "Are you two fighting or something?" Nico shook his head, crossing his arms as he sat back in his seat.

"Our relationship isn't any of your business," Nico said, a bit sharply. Will was giving him a weird look, and Nico shrunk in on himself.

"Sorry," Will said, putting his hand up in surrender. Nico huffed, then let out a relieved sigh when the teacher walked in.


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