Chapter 7 - I Don't Bite

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Fortunately Miles disappeared shorty after we arrived to Santa Monica Beach. The one hour drive there had almost been insufferable, both because of his presence and because of my hangover. He dropped us off and said he would come back later, that he had stuff to take care of in the area. I pushed my undesired disappointment to the side and decided to simply enjoy the company of my best friend on the beach this blissful summer's day.

We arranged our towels carefully, putting our shoes on top in each corner so they wouldn't blow away in the stubborn wind. I had just managed to find a position that was comfortable enough when Eliana tensed beside me and let out an excited noise.

"Oh my god, look who's here!" she exclaimed and poked my side.

I grunted and rose on my elbows, glancing over to where she was pointing. Two boys were standing by the edge of the water, both clad in bright colored swim shorts and sunglasses. Their tanned skin looked savory in the sunlight and I squinted my eyes, trying to recognize their faces.

"Is it. . . ?" I slowly said.

"Yes! It's Logan and Brandon! Should we call them over?" Eliana was practically bouncing, which wasn't that shocking considering the fact that she had been crushing on Logan since last year when he came back from summer break looking hotter than ever.

I did not like him at all. He was good looking but that didn't make up for his rude and stuck up personality.

"I don't know, maybe?" I said uncertain. I kind of liked Brandon. Or used to at least. He had transferred to our school after the summer break at the time when Logan had gotten hot, and naturally I noticed him since they instantly became close. And because Eliana wouldn't shut up about the gorgeous pair.

"Hey!" Eliana shouted before I had time to decide what I wanted. "Logan! Brandon!"

They both snapped their heads our way simultaneously, frowning before they recognized whoever called them over. Logan grinned widely and slapped a hand across Brandon's back, guiding him towards us.

"Hello, girls," Logan said once they reached us and continued to grin, not hesitating for one second as he plopped down next to Eliana on her towel.

She smiled dreamily and whispered a shy hello, making me shake my head in wonder. He was probably the only living person who could make her coy.

Brandon remained standing slightly longer, but thought better of it and sat down in front of me, barely using my towel. He took his sunglasses off and dazzled me with his smile and deep dimples. "Hi, Faye," he said.

I snatched his sunglasses up, letting them cover my eyes. "Hi."

He leaned forward suddenly, catching me off guard with his unexpected proximity and I didn't have time to react as he nabbed the hat I was wearing off my head. Smirking impishly, he put it over his dark locks. "You get to nick my glasses – it's only fair I take something of yours."

"True." I smiled back, tilting my head to study him. "It suits you."

"You look like a bum boy, you ugly fuck," Logan laughed, smacking the hat off from his head.

Brandon scowled, picking it back up and handing it over to me. "Shut the fuck up, Logan."

I glanced over to Eliana, who was conveniently busy studying her nails. She could act ignorant all she wanted, but it was obvious Logan was an asshole.

"So, what are you girls doing tonight?" Brandon said, drawing figures in the sand with his pointer. "I heard rumors about a party right here on this beach."

Eliana perked up at this, happy Brandon tried to smooth over Logan's uncalled for behavior. "Oh, really?" she said, grinning my way.

"Yeah and I also heard there would be a shitload of hot girls attending," Logan added with a wolfish grin.

The corners of Eliana's mouth tilted down for a second but she quickly composed herself and smiled back. "Hot boys too, I hope."

Logan huffed and stood. "We're here already, aren't we?"

I was just about to open my mouth and retort with something, because I was getting sick of his disgusting attitude, but a raspy voice interrupted me.

"Is there a problem here?" Miles had walked up to our little group unnoticed and was standing behind me with his arms crossed over his bare chest.

The tattoos and his height made him look a little intimidating and I cheered inwardly as I noticed how Logan's presumptuous attitude seemed to falter.

"No, we were just leaving," he muttered and was about to turn when Miles took a step forward.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister," Miles growled lowly, making Brandon stand to his feet as well. "Don't make me say it twice."

"Miles. . ." Eliana whined, obviously embarrassed by her older brother.

Brandon held his hands up defensively, trying to save the situation. "We didn't mean to—"

"I don't care," Miles snapped. "Piss off."

"Come on, Bran." Logan tugged at his friend's arm. "Let's go."

The boys left in a hurry, leaving us with a fuming Miles. I tried to withhold a giggle that desperately wanted to escape my lips by pressing them together tightly. Never had I seen Logan looking that scared.

"Miles, what the hell!" Eliana cried, slapping his calf from where she was still sitting. "Was that really necessary?"

He grunted and pushed his sunglasses up his forehead. "Yes. They seem like bad fucking news. Especially the blonde one."

"Well, I happen to like him!" she shot back, also crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Miles scoffed and followed up with a sinister smile. "I suggest you stop that right now."

"What are you going to do about it?" she challenged. "You're not my dad."

"I am your brother, though," Miles said, sounding tired all of a sudden. "So just leave it."

She rolled her eyes and flipped Miles off before she took my hand and started to drag me down towards the water. I turned around to look at him as he threw his sunglasses on my towel before taking off running past us and jumping straight into the water.

Eliana groaned and dropped my hand, stopping short. "I don't feel like swimming anymore. I can't stand to be around him."

"Come on," I urged. "Have you felt how hot it is? I'm going to faint if I don't get to cool down."

"Hell no. You go swim with that asshat," she persisted and started to make her way back to our spot. "I'll just work on my tan."

Biting my bottom lip and debating whether I should join her or the water, I decided on the latter. Feeling a little apprehensive, I convinced myself I could swim by my own, far away from Miles.

The sand burned my feet when I slowly walked forward, trying to appear oblivious to the looks I was getting from people around. I hated when someone judged me based on my features and I tried to walk with pride.

Letting the waves cool my scorching feet, I gazed over the water and sucked in a breath when I spotted Miles. He was standing a bit farther off, shaking his head to rid the water from his hair. Tiny droplets flew around his head and the wet strands lay slicked against his cheeks.

I shamelessly ogled his damp body that was glistening in the sun, admiring the way his muscles twitched with each movement he made. He had his back partly facing me, unaware of my scrutiny.

He wore a pair of short, light green swim trunks and they brought out the bronze color of his tanned skin in the most heavenly way. He was dangerously attractive and I knew it meant trouble that I felt that way.

As if feeling my stare, Miles slowly turned around and faced me with his trademark smirk. I quickly whipped my head in another direction, but he had already caught me.

I continued out in the water and broke the surface by diving face down, thankful for the cold calming my hot face. Taking some intent strokes the opposite way from him, I swam under the water as long as my lungs allowed.

When I got back up, I discreetly stayed hunched down low and searched for him behind me but he was nowhere to be seen. Relaxing a bit, I figured he had decided to get up and bother his sister again.

My happiness was short-lived as a hand grabbed my ankle and yanked me down under water again, where I almost panicked, until a firm grip closed around my waist and pulled me up. I gasped and pushed my hair away, trying to get free from the person holding me.

Miles gazed at me through half-shut eyelids, brown eyes sparkling from the sunlight. "Thought you could slip away that easy, huh?" His tone was teasing.

I gulped and tried to ignore how much I enjoyed the feeling of his strong arms around my waist. He almost carried me since the water was deeper where we stood now and reached up to my neck. I could barely reach the ground, straining my toes because I refused to circle my legs around his hips. Somehow my arms had ended up around his neck and my chin was resting against his shoulder. I worriedly looked up to the beach, searching for our towels.

Eliana hadn't noticed our impromptu embrace, busy trying to get the sun to reach every inch of her skin.

"Miles," I weakly protested, not sure what I wanted. Letting my nose brush his shoulder, the smell of his skin was faintly mixed with coconut.

His chest vibrated with a chuckle. "Take it easy. I don't bite."

He trailed his fingers down my spine in an agonizingly slow manner, stopping at the small of my back. I held my breath, unsure of what was happening, yet I couldn't ignore the spark of excitement in my stomach at his touch.

"Are you coming to the party here tonight?" he asked.

I nodded, deciding for us right then that we were. "Yes."

How I would convince my dad to approve of me staying another night at Eliana's was something I could worry about later.

Miles hummed and squeezed my body closer to his one last time before he let me go. I recoiled, not trusting myself in his presence.

"Are you?" I asked, glad that the water hid my upper body.


"Alright, cool, I guess."

He laughed and shook his head. "Fuck, you're cute."

I bit the inside of my cheek and tilted my head down so that he wouldn't see the pleased grin that wanted to take over my face. I flinched in surprise when his cool fingers grazed my cheek.

"And even cuter when you blush because of me."

"I should get back to Eliana," I mumbled, needing to escape this awkward position.

"I should head back, too," he said and dropped his hand from my face, starting to wade backwards to the shoreline.

I nodded, offering him a small smile and hesitated before I said, "Maybe see you tonight?"

Quickly sliding his tongue over his bottom lip, he gave me a breathtaking smile. "I really hope so."

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