Weapons and items around the house that could save your life

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Spray paint - You can mark your path through the city, write a message that could signal for helicopters and your fellow survivors.

Duck tape - It can be used to the feather bits on arrows. You can black out windows with it, duck tape is a thing of many uses, water proof clothes, armour (zombie teeth may not be able to bite through it), trip wire, reinforce windows, restraints and reparse.

Glass bottles - Arrow heads, spear heads knifes, boil water, transport water and making fire.

Wax - Makes clothing water proof, candles.

Radio/Walkie-talkie - Keep morel up and keep in contact with each other/ receive news from other survivors.

Sewing kit - Mend clothes and use in first aid.

Books - Keep you entertained and help you learn how to survive.

Tables and chairs - Can make fire, weapons and barricades.

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