How to train your dragon

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Hiccup (narrates): This is Berk. It's twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery. My village. In a word, sturdy. It's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problem are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have...

Hiccup opened the door, revealing a chaotic scene. Animals and Vikings were running away as a dragon descended, unleashing a blast of fire. Hiccup managed to close the door just in time to avoid the flames.

Hiccup: "...Dragons."

In Berk, dragons rained fire upon the land as the Vikings scrambled to save the animals and prepare for defense.

Hiccup (narrates): Most people would leave. Not us. We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues. My name is Hiccup. Great name, I know, but not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor does that.

As Hiccup tried to regain his composure, a dragon fired a blast, creating a shockwave on impact that knocked Hiccup onto his back.

Crazy Viking: (Jumps in front of Hiccup) "HAAAA! Morning!"

The Viking rejoined the efforts to defend the village, leaving Hiccup to continue on his way, heading toward the forge.

As Hiccup continued on his way, heading toward the forge, he passed by other Vikings who were in the midst of the frantic preparations to defend the village. Some of them turned their attention to him, questioning his presence amidst the chaos.

Viking 1: "What are you doing here?"

Viking 2: "Get back inside!"

Hiccup's determination pushed him forward, despite the concerned and somewhat exasperated remarks from his fellow villagers. He was on a mission of his own, one that would lead him closer to the dragons and change his life forever.

As Hiccup pressed on, the dragon's fiery onslaught intensified. In the midst of the chaos, a particularly dangerous blast of dragon fire headed straight for Hiccup.

Before disaster could strike, Stoick grabbed Hiccup and held him up, his tone filled with a mix of concern and frustration.

Stoick: "What's he doing out aga- What are you doing here?! Get inside!"

Stoick's powerful presence and protective instinct were clear as he insisted on Hiccup's safety. Hiccup, stunned by the close call, nodded in understanding and hurriedly made his way toward the forge, knowing that the danger of the dragons was all too real.

Hiccup (narrates): "That's Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe. They said when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do."

Stoick seized a nearby cart and, with astonishing power, hurled it toward the approaching dragon. The cart sailed through the air, crashing into the dragon.

After Stoick's impressive feat with the cart, he turned to one of the Vikings, who had been keeping a watchful eye on the dragons.

Stoick: "What have we got?"

The Viking quickly reported the types of dragons that were attacking the village.

Viking: "Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks. And Hoark saw a Monstrous Nightmare!"

Suddenly, a dragon fired a blast of searing flames perilously close behind Stoick.

the Viking covered himself with a shield to protect against the fiery onslaught. Stoick didn't react with fear or panic. He remained steadfast, his face resolute as he surveyed the ongoing battle. However, a piece of smoldering debris landed on his shoulder.

Stoick: "Any Night Furies or Skrills?"

Viking: "None so far."

Stoick flicked the piece of smoldering debris off his shoulder

Stoick: "Good."

The absence of Night Furies or Skrills, two of the most formidable and dangerous dragon species, provided a small measure of reassurance in the midst of the chaotic battle. Stoick remained focused on defending the village, determined to face whatever dragons came their way.

Hiccup arrived at the village forge. As Hiccup prepared to assist with the tasks at hand, Y/n couldn't help but tease him.

Y/n: "Oh, glad you finally came to work. I thought a dragon finally found you as a meal."

Hiccup: "Who, me? Nah, come on, I'm way too muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all this." He jokingly pointed to his slender frame.

Gobber: "Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?"

Hiccup (narrates): "The Meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber. I've been his apprentice since I was little. Well, littler. And then there's Y/n, son of Gobber and my closest friend, well only friend. Our bond was unbreakable, forged through a lifetime of shared experiences and unwavering trust."

As the dragon attack raged on, Stoick rallied the other Vikings who were defending their homes.

Stoick: "We move to the lower defenses. We'll counterattack with the catapults."

The Vikings swiftly followed his command, relocating to the lower defenses where they could better fend off the dragon onslaught. A dragon descended from the skies, its fiery breath aimed squarely at one of the houses. The blast of flames engulfed the building.

Hiccup (narrates): "See the old village, the one I grew up in. But now, there are lots and lots of new houses."

Viking: "Fire!"

A group of kids who had been assisting with various tasks around the village. They quickly grabbed buckets of water and rushed to the scene, their faces filled with determination. Hiccup, who had been working in the forge, noticed the commotion.

Hiccup (narrates): "That's Fishlegs, the bookworm with a heart of gold. Snotlout, the self-proclaimed tough guy with a penchant for bravado. The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, inseparable troublemakers... and... Astrid

(Why is Tuffnut so grouchy?)

Hiccup (narrates): "Oh their job is so much cooler."

Hiccup attempted to sneak out of the forge, But Gobber used his hook to lift Hiccup off the ground, preventing him from leaving.

Hiccup: "Come on, let me out, please. I need to make my mark."

Gobber: (Sets Hiccup down)"Oh, you've made plenty of marks, all in the wrong places."

Y/n: "I'll say, he left his mark on the back of my head from his latest invention."

Hiccup: "I said sorry at least 23 times. Please, two minutes. I'll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date."

Gobber: "You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an ax. You can't even throw one of these."

Gobber held up a bolas then a Viking grabbed the bola from Gobber's hand hurled the weapon at a dragon wrapped around its wings, causing it to crash to the ground.

Hiccup: "OK, fine, but this will throw it for me."

He reached for his latest invention, a contraption that he had been working on tirelessly. As Hiccup patted the device, it sprang to life, launching a bolas with unexpected force. The bolas whizzed through the air, narrowly missing Gobber and Y/n, who had to quickly dodge out of the way.

Gobber, deftly moved to the side, narrowly avoiding the bolas. Y/n, instinctively ducked, but the bolas sailed over his head, only to collide with an unsuspecting Viking. Y/n walked over to where the bolas had landed and picked it up.

Y/n: "Two whole days of no accidents Hiccup. That's a new record."

Gobber shake his head.

Gobber: "See, now this right here is what I'm talking about."

Hiccup: "Mild calibration issue..."

Y/n chimed in, gesturing toward Hiccup as they tried to finish the sentence.

Y/n: "Hiccup look, if there's any chance for you to go out there to fight dragons, you need to stop being all..."

But before Y/n could complete the thought, Gobber interjected, gesturing towards Hiccup.

Gobber: "...this."

Hiccup slightly confused.

Hiccup: "But you just pointed to all of me."

Y/n: "Not how I would've put it."

Gobber: "But he's got it. He needs to stop being all of him."

Hiccup: "Oh."

Gobber: "Oh yeah."

Hiccup: "You, sirs, are playing a dangerous game, keeping this much raw Vikingness contained? There will be consequences!"

Y/n: "I think our chances are good."

Y/n returned to their work, and Gobber handed Hiccup a sword.

Gobber: "Sword. Sharpen. Now."

Hiccup (narrates): "One day, I'll get out there because killing a dragon... is everything around here."

Hiccup (narrates): "A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed."

Hiccup (narrates): "Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those will definitely get me a girlfriend."

Hiccup (narrates): "A zippleback? Exotic to head twice the status."

Viking: "They found the sheep!"

Stoick: "Concentrate fire over the lower bank."

The Viking operating the catapult swiftly obeyed Stoick's command. They adjusted the weapon's aim, positioning it to target the Nadders. With a powerful pull, they released the catapult. The projectile struck the Nadders with precision, However, amidst the chaos of battle, Stoick's attention was suddenly diverted. A shadow passed overhead, casting a dark, ominous silhouette over the chief. Then a fire had started below

Hiccup (narrates): "And then there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire."

Recognized the urgency of the situation. He barked orders to the Viking crew operating the catapult.

Stoick: "Reload! I'll take care of this."

Stoick started to hit the Monstrous Nightmare in the face with his hammer, the dragon was trying to take Stoick with his jaws, but they both froze when they heard something the Monstrous Nightmare took this opportunity to flee.

Hiccup (narrates): "But one of the ultimate prizes is a dragon no one has ever seen. We call it the..."

Viking 1: "Night Fury!"

Viking 2: "Get down!"

In a chaotic flurry of movements, every Viking present covered themselves with their shields just in time. With a deafening roar, the Night Fury unleashed its powerful plasma blast, striking the catapult. The wooden structure crumbled, sending debris flying in all directions.

Stoick: "Jump!"

He and the other Vikings leaped off the collapsing catapult just as it toppled to the ground in a fiery explosion.

Amidst the chaos, another ominous sound filled the air. It was a crackling, electric hum that signaled the approach of yet another legendary dragon.

Hiccup (narrates): "Then we have one of the other ultimate prize dragons, we call it the Skrill. These things never steal food, never show themselves, and..."

A bolt of lightning shot forth from the Skrill's maw, striking the tower that had been holding the catapult. The tower erupted in a shower of sparks and debris.

Hiccup (narrates): "Never miss. No one has ever killed the Night Fury or Skrill. That's why I'm going to be the first."

Gobber, removed the pliers from his left arm. He quickly grabbed his trusty ax puts in his left arm, fully prepared to join the battle.

Gobber: "Man the fort, boys! They need me out there."

He pointed a stern finger in Hiccup's direction, fully aware of the young Viking's penchant for getting into trouble.

Gobber: "Stay. Put. There... You know what I mean."

He charged in battle. Y/n began gathering damaged weapons strewn across the forge and placed them carefully on the furnace for repairs.

Y/n: "All right, you heard him, Hiccup. Come help me fix these up. Otherwise, it's not just the angry dragons that we're gonna deal with... Hiccup?"

Y/n turned around to see if they could spot Hiccup. Y/n's gaze darted around, searching for Hiccup, who seemed to be missing.

Hiccup was running across the battlefield, steering his bolas catapult with determination. As the dragon raid continued, a group of Nadders had managed to corner a herd of sheep. However, above them, Stoick, hurled a net down from above, expertly trapping the Nadders in its web. The dragons writhed and struggled, desperate to free themselves.

Stoick: "Mind yourselves! The devils still have some juice in them."

The Vikings using their combined strength to keep the trapped Nadders subdued.

Hiccup, driven by determination, sprinted to a part of Berk that had miraculously escaped the dragons' attacks. He came to a cliff overlooking the village and quickly set up his trusty Bolas catapult. With a focused expression, he scanned the area, seeking a target.

Hiccup (whispering to himself): "Come on, give me something to shoot at, give me something to shoot at."

He waited patiently, his eyes scanning the night sky for any sign of the elusive Night Fury. Hiccup knew that the key to his plan was spotting the dragon and getting a shot off before it was too late.

A faint roar echoed through the night, and Hiccup's gaze shot upwards, fixing on the stars. He saw two dark figures approaching, unmistakably the Night Fury and the Skrill

He steadied his aim, his heart pounding as he sensed the Night Fury preparing to unleash its deadly blast. With impeccable timing, Hiccup aimed at the catapult tower.

As the Night Fury fired its blast, Hiccup's Bolas found its mark, striking the Night fury, the Skrill alerted by the Night Fury's distress, had also followed the Night Fury's path. Hiccup couldn't help but exclaim in triumph.

Hiccup: "I hit it. Yes, I hit it! Did anybody see that?"

Turning around, looking for any witnesses. However, as he glanced around, A Monstrous Nightmare had silently climbed the cliff behind him, its massive form casting a shadow over Hiccup. The young Viking had just celebrated his remarkable shot, unaware that he had a fiery encounter awaiting him. his eyes widened in surprise and realization.

Hiccup: "Except for you."

Stoick, still occupied with the task of keeping the trapped Nadders ensnared in the net, maintained his firm grip on the situation. The dragons struggled and roared, but Stoick's experience and strength held them at bay.

However, amidst the chaos and the dragons' furious attempts to break free, Stoick heard a scream. He turned his head, he saw Hiccup was sprinting desperately, with a Monstrous Nightmare hot on his heels. He let out a deep, exasperated groan. With a determined resolve, Stoick left his position, leaving the other Vikings to maintain the net and control the trapped Nadders.

Stoick (commanding): "Do not let them escape!"

He shouted this order to his fellow Vikings as he rushed to intercept the oncoming danger and rescue Hiccup.

Back in the forge, Y/n, remained diligently focused on fixing up weapons. But suddenly, a scream pierced the air. Y/n's head snapped up, his eyes widening in alarm as he recognized the voice. He rushed out to see what had transpired. He saw Hiccup, was frantically sprinting, hotly pursued by a menacing Monstrous Nightmare, its fiery breath trailing dangerously close to him.

Y/n groaned inwardly, realizing that once again, it was up to him to come to Hiccup's aid. he quickly scanned the area, spotting two hammers. He grabs the hammers and charges ready to confront the Monstrous Nightmare and save their friend.

Hiccup continued to run for his life as the Monstrous Nightmare relentlessly chased after him. The dragon fired bursts of searing flames in his direction, each blast coming dangerously close.

Desperation fueled Hiccup's actions as he sought refuge, and he spotted a giant wooden pole that held a roaring bonfire. With agility, he darted behind the sturdy structure just in time to evade the incoming fire.

The Monstrous Nightmare unleashed its fiery assault on the wooden pole, and the intense heat caused the bonfire to crackle and sparks to fly. Hiccup, though uninjured, cautiously peered out from behind his cover, unaware that the clever dragon had circled around to attack him from an unexpected angle.

Just as the Monstrous Nightmare was about to unleash its fiery breath once more, a hammer soared through the air, striking the dragon squarely on its armored hide. The sudden impact caught the dragon off guard, and it yelped in surprise, puzzled by this unexpected turn of events, followed the trajectory of the hammer to find Y/n standing there, gripping a hammer tightly in his right hand. Y/n wore a determined expression, fully prepared to defend his friend. The Monstrous Nightmare went to fire attack Y/n, but unable to as it was all out.

Y/n (smirking): "You're out of fire."

Y/n approached the momentarily disarmed Monstrous Nightmare. He swung his hammer with precision, landing powerful blows on the dragon. Roaring in pain and frustration, the Monstrous Nightmare decided that it had enough. The dragon turned and fled, vanishing into the night.

Hiccup, now safe thanks to Y/n's intervention, couldn't help but let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

Hiccup: "Thanks, Y/n. You're a lifesaver"

Y/n, with a hint of playful teasing in his tone, responded with a smirk.

Y/n: "Yep, and unlike you, I never make mistakes."

Hiccup, raising an eyebrow, couldn't resist a chuckle at Y/n's confident remark.

Hiccup: "Oh, you haven't, have you?"

Y/n leaned casually against the wooden pole that the Monstrous Nightmare had fired at, his tone still laced with playful confidence.

Y/n: "Yeah, never have, never will."

However, as he uttered those words, the wooden pole began to make ominous cracking noises. Both Hiccup and Y/n turned their attention to the increasingly unstable structure, realizing that their recent encounter with the Monstrous Nightmare had taken its toll.

Hiccup (narrating): "Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know..."

As the cracks grew louder and more pronounced, Stoick, Gobber, and the villagers arrived  to witness the wooden pole, burdened by the bonfire, giving way. The massive structure toppled over, and the blazing bonfire rolled downhill, causing chaos as it collided with some unsuspecting villagers.

Hiccup and Y/n winced in unison each time they heard the unfortunate villagers getting hit. Stoick and Gobber regarded the two boys with a mixture of disappointment and concern. It was evident that their reckless actions had inadvertently caused harm to their fellow Vikings.

Hiccup and Y/n exchanged regretful glances, both realizing the gravity of their actions.

Hiccup and Y/n (apologetic): "Sorry, Dad."

As the bonfire managed to free the Nadders that were trapped in the net, the dragons took to the night sky, animals and supplies in tow. The villagers watched in stunned silence as the dragons flew off into the distance.

Y/n leaned closer to Hiccup, their voices barely above a whisper.

Y/n (whispering): "Better we do not say anything to make them even more mad."

Hiccup nodded in agreement, fully aware that their earlier mishap had already caused enough trouble. However, Hiccup couldn't resist.

Hiccup: "Okay, but I did hit a Night Fury!"

Y/n facepalmed in disbelief. Stoick, who had been silent during the chaotic scene, suddenly grabbed Hiccup, and Y/n followed closely, both of them feeling the weight of Stoick's stern gaze.

Hiccup: "It's not like the last few times, Dad! I really actually hit it. You guys were busy, and I had a very clear shot. It went down just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party—"

Before Hiccup could finish his sentence, Stoick's booming voice cut through the night.

Stoick (firmly): "Stop!"

Stoick's voice carried a stern and exasperated tone as he addressed Hiccup.

Stoick: "Just stop! Every time you step outside, disaster follows. Can you not see I have bigger problems? Winter is almost here, and I have an entire village to feed!"

Hiccup, however, couldn't resist his quick wit and responded in a somewhat cheeky manner.

Hiccup: "Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?"

Stoick's patience wore thin, and he sternly rebuked his son.

Stoick: "This isn't a joke, Hiccup! Why can't you follow the simplest orders?"

Hiccup: "I can't stop myself, Dad. I see a dragon, and I just have to kill it. You know it's who I am, dad."

Stoick rubbed his temples, trying to contain his frustration.

Stoick: "Oh, you're many things, Hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. Get back to the house, you two. Make sure they get there."

Gobber, approached Hiccup and Y/n, giving them both a light smack on the back of their heads.

Stoick: "I've got their mess to clean up."

As Hiccup and Y/n trudged back to the house under Gobber's watchful eye, they couldn't escape the ridicule of their fellow young Vikings.

Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut found the whole situation rather amusing. They huddled together and laughed heartily at Hiccup and Y/n's expense.

Tuffnut: "Quite the performance back there!"

Snotlout: "I've never seen anyone mess up that badly and still somehow be helpful."

Hiccup, not one to shy away from self-deprecating humor, responded with a touch of sarcasm.

Hiccup: "Thank you, thank you. I was trying my best."

However, Y/n had had enough of the taunts. With a swift movement, he grabbed Snotlout's face and pushed him, causing the boastful Viking to stumble and fall on his back. It was a clear message that their mockery had crossed the line.

Y/n had made his point, and Snotlout, albeit a bit embarrassed, wisely chose to stay down for the moment. The group continued their walk, but the teasing had been quelled, at least temporarily.

Close to the house.

Hiccup: "I really did hit one."

Y/n, always supportive, offered words of encouragement.

Y/n: "I'm sure you did."

Hiccup: "He never listens."

Gobber: "It runs in the family."

Hiccup: "And when he does, it's always with this disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on meat in his sandwich. Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone."

Gobber, as always, tried to provide some guidance.

Gobber: "Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand."

Hiccup and Y/n exchanged puzzled glances until Y/n thanked Gobber for the insight.

Y/n: "Thank you, Dad. That was really helpful."

Hiccup: "Yeah, thanks for summing that up."

Gobber: "Look Hiccup, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not."

Hiccup: "I just want to be one of you guys."

Hiccup walked into his house, looking disheartened. Y/n and Gobber sighed and exchanged a knowing look as they watched Hiccup's retreating figure.

Y/n: "I'll look after him."

Gobber: "Thank you, son."

As Gobber turned to walk away, Y/n had a suggestion.

Y/n: "Can't we just put him in dragon training with me and the others?"

Gobber hesitated, well aware of Stoick's stance on the matter.

Gobber: "You know Stoick will not let him."

Y/n pressed the issue.

Y/n: "He's got to learn someday. Can you try?"

Gobber relented with a nod.

Gobber: "Alright, I'll ask."

Y/n expressed his gratitude.

Y/n: "Thank you."

With that settled, Y/n ventured inside Hiccup's house. He spotted Hiccup sitting down, spinning a coin, clearly lost in thought. Y/n noticed Hiccup's journal nearby and picked it up. Then, he noticed a sword hanging on the wall, so he took it and tossed Hiccup's journal playfully at the back of his head.

Hiccup turned to see Y/n, armed and ready.

Y/n: "Well, you coming?"

Hiccup's face lit up with a hopeful smile as he picked up his journal and eagerly followed Y/n towards Raven Point

Chapter 1 End

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