I'm fine - part III

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{I can't believe summer vacation is almost over. 11 days left and I will have to go to school!

Imma cry. 😭😭😭

I kinda want to go to school yet I don't. I mean, there won't be as much free time as it is on vacations. Must to get up early. Stress. Exams. Homework. Chemistry teacher (believe me, she's scary.) Perv classmates. Bitchy classmates. I could go on and go on.

Yet, I miss my native language teacher. She's amazing! I miss my best friend, with who I do some crazy stuff to kill boredom at school, then get into trouble, and end up like nothing happened because teachers accused boys.

Or sit with a wet shirt in the geography lesson, because a guy behind wanted to "drink" some water.

Or get into the war with snow with younger kids...

*sighs* Good old days...


Enjoy the penultimate part of I'm fine! ^^}

Warning: strong language!  

I'm fine - part III

"Is your brother still at home?" After a while, Astrid asked, still hugging him.

"No, he left when you were showering," Hiccup responded, still keeping her close to himself and enjoying her body heat. "He had things to do-"

"No, he didn't." She sadly sighed. After all, it was very late now, what kind of things did he had to do at this time?

"Hey," He gently took her chin and looked into her eyes. "It's not your fault that we and Hunter fight lately. Okay?" The Auburn male asked and she gave him a small nod.

Although she knew that it wasn't her fault, she still felt a little bit guilty. She felt as if she had broken the strong bond between Hiccup and Hunter. She understood why Hunter didn't like her, but Astrid still had a little hope that he will start to like her... someday.

But the thin girl didn't blame Hunter for his behavior. She completely understood it. She would want what's the best for her older brother too if he and her mom wouldn't have destroyed the beautiful family that once was.

Hiccup took Astrid's small hand in his large one, saying that she would sit comfortably on the couch and pick an interesting movie to watch while he brings some food to eat.

"I'm not hungry, Hiccup." The blonde girl said when she saw that he was holding orange juice and the plate with some snacks in his hands. He gave her a warm smile and replied:

"Well, M'lady, it's not the 'real' food." He placed the juice with food on the wooden table that was next to them and continued to talk: "It's just some snacks that I made."

The Auburn male sat down beside Astrid and, looking down at her, he put his hand on her bare knee and gently rubbed it.

"Are you cold?" Hiccup asked softly when he saw how she scooted closer to him, searching for warmth. "Of course, it's cold for you. You've just showered." He stretched out his hand and took a blanket, which was lying on the couch, and wrapped it around her vulnerable body.

"Thank you." She thanked him, placing one of her cold hands on his waist and her head on his firm chest. "Tomorrow is your football practice, isn't it?" Astrid asked gently.

"Yeah, it is. But I'm not going to."

"Why?" She looked at him with curious eyes. "What are they gonna do without their captain?"

"They'll be fine. Snotlout is gonna replace me. Besides, I want to spend this weekend with you." Hiccup smiled and took her small hand in his again. "And the rest of my life by your side."

"Me too." She said and cuddled to him, enjoying his warmth.

"Besides, I have to do something." That made her lift her head and look at her boyfriend.

"And that is..."

"It's a secret." Hiccup smirked and showed her his tongue, making her frown a little. "But I promise you will like it. And no more questions." He added when he saw that she wanted to say something.

"Fine." She gave in. "But you know that I don't like surprises."

"You're wrong about this one, M'lady. You will love it!" He answered her and took the computer into his hands. "So, what movie do you want to watch?"

"Not horror." Astrid frowned, taking his laptop away from him, but when Hiccup wanted to tease her about it, she beat him to it.

"We can watch this one." She suggested and the guy's eyes moved toward the cover of the movie. "This movie seems pretty interesting."

He raised his eyebrows. "Why? This movie is probably boring." Hiccup argued, when he saw that on the movie cover was a good-looking dude holding out a gun.

"Not at all." Astrid grinned, realizing that her plan was working well. "And that guy is kinda cute."

"Excuse me?" He scowled at her and the thing girl was trying so hard to hold back her laughter. "He's not even cute. Just look at the guy next to you, look at his abs, all his charm and-" Hiccup stopped talking and looked at his laughing girlfriend.

"Oh-oh, you're playing a dangerous game, Missy!" He scolded her playfully when realized what she was doing. The Auburn male couldn't hide his own smile as she continued to laugh and without warning, he began to tickle her.

All room filled with her laughter and he couldn't do anything but laugh with her because it was music to his ears.

"Hahaha!! H-hic... Haha! -cup! Hiccup, s-stop!"

"Not until you say I am the cutest guy ever!" He smiled without stopping to tickle her.

"Okay, okay. I will, I w-will, just s-stop!" The girl laughed. "You're the cutest guy- oww!" She wrapped her arms around her belly as her face twisted with signs of pain.

Hiccup stopped. A fearful look shone in his eyes, the fear that through his carelessness, he accidentally had hurt her. He put his hands on top of hers and felt as her back leaned on his chest.

"I'm so sorry, M'lady." He said and gently kissed her hair while Astrid moved her legs closer to her chest.

"It's fine." She said calmly and looked up to see his forest green eyes.

"I love you so much." Hiccup whispered and buried his face in her neck.

"I love you, too."


Hiccup placed a sleeping girl on his bed and covered her with a blanket. Recently, Astrid fell asleep in his lap when they were watching a movie. Not wanting to disturb her sweet sleep, Hiccup picked her up and carried the blonde female to his room that she would get some sleep and rest because she deserved it.

The tall male sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her, thinking.

She was very beautiful. Both inside and out.

When he first saw her at that school library, he knew that she would be his no matter how much it was going to cost.

At first, he thought it was temporary, that after some time of dating he would break-up with her and everything would be forgotten. He would find another girl to play and Astrid would be just an awful memory.

But then... then everything changed.

Over time, all this, all that Astrid's thing, has grown into something more, into something beautiful. Into something, which was called love. Hiccup fell in love with Astrid. And that's when everything changed.

It's funny how the world works, isn't it? It only takes one simple
second, and everything changes. Scary, isn't it?

"Hiccup?" A low voice rang across the whole room, causing him to turn around and look at the owner of that sound.

He widened his eyes and stood up when he saw who stood in the doorway. "Dad?!" The Auburn male said, but not so loud that his voice wouldn't wake up Astrid. "What are you doing here, and where is mom?"

"Your mom had phoned me and said that she was going to take the night shift in the hospital for Natalie, so I didn't have to pick her up." Hiccup's dad, Stoick replied and looked at the bed where the thin girl was lying.

"Is she alright?" He frowned his eyebrows more when he saw the bruise on her left cheek and looked at his son with confused yet worried eyes.

{Is Hiccup blind? I mean everyone noticed Astrid's bruised cheek immediately and for him to notice it took almost the whole day! lol}

"I-I guess so." He stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous. "I mean, y-yeah, everything's just great!"

"Hiccup," Stoick warned.

"Okay, okay, I give up! Everything is just perfectly bad! I don't even know if it can go worst!"

"Hunter hates me! Astrid is still working at that cafe, although I told her not to, she still works there! And it's bad for her health! She fell asleep in my car today. Again! And not quite that, a few hours ago I- I found out that her dad... her father is abusing her! And..." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Astrid is abused by her father?" His dad asked, and Hiccup gave him a small nod. "Then we got to call the police-"

"We can't." The Auburn male cut him off. "We can't because she doesn't want to. I've talked to her about it already."

"Son, this is serious!" Stoick yelled, but lowered his tone, when he saw the blonde girl move a little and the dead glare from his older son.

"I know! What do you think I'm trying to do? Hurt her more than she already is?" The Auburn male shot back. "Astrid doesn't want to and I'm not going to force her to do something she doesn't like. Not now, not ever. And that's final."

"I can't force her to go to the police, but I can not let her stay in that house, too." Hiccup said.

"Then don't." He looked at his son proudly. "She can stay here as long as she wants or needs."

"She can?"

"Of course. She's not like all the other girls you were with. I like Astrid. She the perfect one for you." He smiled and started to go out of the room. "And your mom... Oh, Valka loves Astrid as her own daughter."

"Thanks, Dad." Hiccup smiled as well, nodding his head. "It means a lot."

"Just remember, son, it's hard for her now. No matter what, you have... you must to be caring and loving with her," he paused. "But most importantly, be understanding, Hiccup, it's all she needs right now."

"I will, dad. I will." He whispered, watching as Stoick shut the door of his room. But when the Auburn male wanted to go to his bed, the door suddenly opened and his father's head popped in.

"By the way, where is your brother?" He asked and the tall male's eyes widened. "I didn't see his car."

"Who? Hunter?" Hiccup laughed nervously. "He's studying with Jack." Although both of them have argued a lot lately, he still had to pull him out of any trouble.

"Seriously? Hunter and school?" Stoick raised one of his eyebrows. "It's two deadly enemies until the world ends." Oh, right, his brother hates school...

"When he's back, tell him I want to have a little chat with him. Understood?"

"Understood." Hiccup sighed when his dad finally left his room.

The dark-haired male turned his head to the blonde girl who was calmly sleeping on the bed and slowly started to walk towards her. He leaned closer to her, wanting to kiss her forehead, and when his lips were millimeters away from it, someone placed a wet kiss on his own cheek!

"Wfe, Toothless!" {I have no idea how to make that sound when you're disgusting about something}

He laughed, trying to push a happy dog away from himself. "Okay, okay, calm down, bud, you don't want to wake up this sleeping beauty named Astrid, do you now?" Hiccup said as the girl stirred slightly.

Toothless calmed down immediately by hearing Astrid's name and sat down on his hind legs, lifting his head high, like a soldier giving his respect for his Colonel.

The Auburn male knelt down in front of his dog and looking into his big green eyes, he asked:

"So, if I understand it right, you are going to stay her without leaving her side?" The dog nodded his head. "Alright then. Just don't wake her up." The tall guy stood up and looked down, seeing how his dog jumped on his bed, next to Astrid.

He closed the door of his room and went down the stairs to the kitchen to get himself a cup of cold water. But when he entered the kitchen, his brother has already been there, sitting on the chair, his head in his both hands.

Hunter's hair was a mess and it looked like a bird had created its nest in it. And... well, just to be honest, he looked awful. And-and was it a can of beer on the table next to him?! Was he drinking??

"What the fuck?!" Hiccup frowned, grabbing the can and throwing it in the dustbin. "Have you been drinking?! You're not even eighteen!"

"I don't give a fuck!" Hunter shot back and looked at his brother with his bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"And don't pretend like you care!" He spat as he saw Hiccup's glare disappearing and eyes widening.

"Well, I do!" The Auburn male said, frowning a little bit. "I don't want to send flowers to your grave, you know??"

"Dad and mom are gonna be pissed if they find out you were drinking!"

"I didn't, okay?! And stop being that goody-goody! As if you haven't been drunk before!" Hunter said, wiping his tears away and his gaze softening a little. "I was about to, but then you've shown up and ruined the moment of my life when I would've gotten drunk for the first time. Thanks." Sarcasm in his voice.

"What was it all about anyway?" His brother asked and sat on the chair next to him.

Hunter sighed. "I found it at Ava's." He threw something on the table, his voice as cold as ice yet his eyes burning with fire of furious.

"Is t-that-" Hiccup tried to say, slowly putting all the pieces of the puzzle in their own places, piece by piece.

"A fucking necklace?! Mom's necklace that dad gave her on their first date?! The necklace that Ava stole?! The same one!" He clenched his fists, cutting his brother off. "That son of a-"


"That son of a bitch stole it!" He cursed, completely ignoring his brother's words. "I left her, we're over."

"I'm not telling you I'm sorry, okay? I'm kinda happy actua-"

"Hold up. The story doesn't end there." The younger guy cut the older one off once again, looking at the same necklace lying on the table in front of them, like finding that spot, where you just can't stop looking at.

They both looked at it. The silence surrounded the kitchen like drowning them into their deepest thoughts until one of them spoke again:

"She told me that she'd never loved me, told me that she was only using me. Using me to get to you, Hiccup. It was always you, always will be. She never cared, never loved me. And it hurts, it hurts to know that the one you thought loves you and cares about you, actually doesn't."

"When Astrid came into your life, everything changed, everything started to fall apart between me and Ava. She knew it yet I didn't. I could see yet I was blind."

"She saw the changes in you when the poor girl came into our life, she knew you were falling for her. She knew that Astrid had something in herself that warmed your heart yet she didn't know what it was. Heck, I still don't, bet she doesn't too."

"She wanted you, wanted you all to herself. And knowing if she didn't try something evil, something that would've hurt so many people, you wouldn't be hers. Just like she used me, she would have used you. If not Astrid."

"Astrid stopped it, stopped it just by showing up in our life, not even knowing it herself. She stopped so many people from getting hurt, stopped you from getting hurt yet she was the only one hurting."

"You have no idea how sorry I am. I regret every bad word I've said to her before. I regret being so mean to her, being so harsh, so not understanding, I regret hurting her and not supporting you two."

"All this, all this was never Astrid's fault, it was Ava's. It was always hers." His voice was soft, but guilty too, he didn't dare to look at Hiccup, he was too ashamed of his own actions and kept his head lowered.

"Just try to be nice to her, start over again, but you still need to say sorry." Even though Hiccup felt sorry for his brother, Hunter's actions still hurt Astrid.

"I know. Why do you think I bought this chocolate. To eat it?" The younger guy responded sarcastically and pointed at the large chocolate on the table. "Can you give it to her and say I'm sorry?"

Hiccup raised his one eyebrow. "Why?"

"I... I need time, and um, I don't think that I can look into her eyes... yet." Hunter told him and rubbed his neck.

"She isn't mad at you. Upset, yes. But mad? I don't think so." The Auburn male said calmly. "She forgives people too easily."

"Yeah, noticed, but still-"

"I'll do it." He cut Hunter off, grabbing the chocolate.

"Thanks, bro." He smiled and stretched out his right hand while the Auburn male looked at him confused, not knowing was it because he called him a brother for a first time in a while, or confused by why his brother stretched out his hand, but eventually Hiccup smiled as well, and both of them shook each other's hands as a sign of reconciliation.

"You know, Astrid is a really great girlfriend for a heartthrob like you." He grinned and stood up from his chair, Hiccup following. "Lucky you."

"Well, who can reject this charm, those abs and all?" The Auburn male joked and Hunter rolled his eyes, pushing his brother out of his way.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep talking." His brother laughed and started to go upstairs, to his room.

"Hey, Hunter?"

"Yes?" He stopped going and looked at his older brother.

"Dad knows you were out and wants to have a little chat with you."

"No way!" Hiccup chuckled at his reaction. "Great! Now you will totally send flowers to my grave, I'm already a corpse!"

"You could have lied to him!"

"I have!" The tall guy protested. "But he caught me! How could I know you aren't a big fan of school?"

"Oh my Gosh, you told dad I was studying?!" He said, obviously not amused by what Hiccup was saying. "And stop laughing! You're not helping, I'll be grounded for months and mom is gonna take away my car keys!"

"Anytime." His brother smiled.

"I hate you."

"Nah, you love me." Hiccup teased, looking as Hunter was going to their parents' room.

"I don't."

"You do." And the dark-haired guy could swear that he heard him saying 'love you' back, but wasn't so sure because he was already out of his sight.

To be continued


❝It's so strange that autumn is so beautiful; yet everything is dying.❞

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