Chapter 3

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I landed in a cove, liked thingy. I looked around, looking for someplace to sleep. Finding none, I just layed down.


I ran through forest, with the boy in my gums. I had no idea why I was carrying him, or why he was unconscious. But I knew, I had to get him to safety. Behind me I heard angry, shouts . "There they are, "Get them," "kill the boy," I ran faster then, I asked my self. 'why am I running I can fly'. So I spread my wings, and flew up into the sky. The boy started slipping from my grip, then he fell. I screamed and dived after him.

I awoke, to the sound of birds chirping. I dicided to try and get out so I ran at a wall, and kicked up spreading my wings but only succeed smashing my face into a rock wall .

This is going to be a long day.

After like fifty try,s I dicided that I needed something to eat, I walked over to the pond and watched. I saw two big fish, I pounce sticking my head in snapping at both but missing. I walked away giving up, then I heard something. It was a clicking noise, I looked up and stared. There was the boy, How dare he come here now. But curiosity sparked in my mind and in my eyes, I could tell the same had happened to him. I tilted my head to side and he did the same, soon but got up and left. Who is that boy and why is following me around. Then I heard my brothers voice "you call it stalking, I call it observing" I said to myself, remembering my brothers words.

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