Chapter 3: Found

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(The Girl and The Clockwork Dragon fits this book perfectly in my opinion. Also, I think I would like to have an actual cover for this book. Anyone up to the challenge?)

Shivers ran down Virgil's everywhere. The forests around Rover were known to get freezing in the morning, but that wasn't the only reason why shivers course through Virgil's body. It probably had to do with the killer dragon that he was trying to find or maybe not.

Royal Red Lights were known to be sly when sneaking up on pray, so for all Virgil knew, that dragon could be following him around. Just waiting for the right time to strike. The Viking's heart sped up at the thought.

Virgil may have been careful of his surroundings, but he couldn't have known that that the ground near the cliff was unstable. As he stepped, he heard rocks falling beneath him, then he was falling.

It all happened to fast, too fast for Virgil to scream for help. Even if he screamed when he hit the ground, it would have been drowned out by the sound of rushing water.

The little Viking swam back up to the surface of the water as he gasped for air. He grabbed onto the grass that grew near the river.

Virgil pulled his whole body to the safety of the land, still gasping for air. "Why are the gods against?" Virgil asked himself, laying down. He closed his eyes, wanting to sleep even though he was so cold.

Virgil knew that he was going to get sick from the cold air and cold water that was now soaked through his clothes.


Virgil opened his eyes and looked to the left to him to see the one and only fire lizard that he shot down.  It was staring right at him like it knew he was the one that caused him to fall. Virgil looked the beast in the eyes as he sat up and began to scoot away from it.

Virgil closed his eyes and waited for the dragon to come and claim his life, but it didn't. He opened his eyes and looked at the dragon more. "Why aren't you killing me- oh..." The Viking realize that it's tail was stuck under a pile of rocks.

The dragon growled once more at the boy. It didn't spit fire, it didn't claw once at him, it did not dare to bite the boy, all it did was make threatening noises at him. It was waiting for a reason to attack Virgil.

Virgil stood up and slowly walked towards the dragon. With every step, Virgil could sense the dragons fear along with his own. The dragon tried to jolt away from the little viking, hurting its tail in the process.

The Royal Red Light started to whimper in pain as a sickening rip was heard form behind it. The boy made his way to the tail of the dragon, but stopping when he saw an arrow in its side that caused blood to seep from the dragon. Virgil's arrow.

The boy had felt some much shame in his life time but none like this. He caused this poor creatures pain. He was the reason that this poor dragon was down and yet it refused to attack him.

"How could I do this?" Virgil mumbled to himself, walking towards the arrow that broke the beautiful pattern of the scales. "Rrrrr" the dragon gave its warning sign again.

Virgil so badly wanted to take the arrow out of the dragon's skin, but he was already on bad turns with the injured creature. But if he didn't the wound could get infected and the dragon would have a slow and painful death.

Virgil slowly wrapped both hands around the arrow. "Okay, I'm going to do something, but in the long run it will be better for you." Virgil said in a soothing voice. "Prepare yourself, okay?"

The dragon, furious but also wanting the arrow out, closed its eyes and let its head lay on the ground. Virgil pulled with all his strength and pop, out came the arrow. The dragon growled in pain as more blood poured out.

Virgil quickly ran to the water, cupped some in his hand and rushed back to the wounded creature. He poured the water on its cut then pulled out some bandages he was plaining to use on himself and placed them all on, covering the dragons cut.

"That should hold for a while." Virgil said, even though he was pretty sure that the dragon couldn't understand him. The little viking continued to the tail.

Virgil pushed the rocks that covered the dragon's tail off of it. When Virgil got one side of the tail free, the Royal Red Light started to make jolts with its tail until freed.

Virgil stepped back as the dragon turned to him, eyes slits and teeth showing as it growled. It came closer to the Viking and drew out its claws.

The little Viking tripped over a branch, landing painfully on his back. The dragon pounced on top of the boy, trapping his arms under its claws.

The dragon looked the boy dead in the eyes as it lit a fire in its mouth. Virgil closed his eyes and kept his head facing the dragon. "I deserve this." He mumbled to himself.

The Royal Red Light looked at Virgil's face one more time, seeing how close the boy was to tears and yet, his face stayed calm. The fire in its throat died and was replaced with a bone shaking.

The weight of its claws lifted from Virgil's arms. Virgil opened his eyes as he caught a glimpse of the dragon in the sky then plummeting down towards the ground.

The boy stood up with shaky legs and made his way to where the dragon had plummeted to again. He reached a ledge and looked down to see the Royal Red Lights struggling to fly up.

Virgil decided that he'd come back tomorrow to study the dragon more, but for now, he needed to sleep.


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