Chapter 4: Wait!

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Virgil limped back to Rover, his mind replaying the events with the dragon. Why had that dragon decided to spare him? Maybe there's more to dragons than he first thought

"Virgil!" A friendly voice sang as the little viking took one step into the village. The friendly baker's son came and hugged him.

"Are you okay? You seem tired." Patton asked. (I'm not okayyyyy) "Oh, I'm fine, I haven't slept sense yesterday, but I'm alright." Virgil said.

"Okay, Mr. Sarcasm, go get some sleep before your fan group forms again." Patton said, nudging him in the ribs. "Okay- Wait, I have a fan group? When did that happen?" Virgil asked, shaking off his sleep for a bit.

"Well, you're going to because you survived an encounter with a Royal Red Light, so it will start forming once everyone sees you." Patton giggled. "So you best get moving to your house because I know how much you dislike social interaction. Especially when you're tired!" Patton then patted his shoulder and then walked off.

Virgil let out a sigh, thinking of all the people who would want to talk to him. He didn't know why, but every time he interacted with someone his heart beat faster and he'd stumble over his words. Just thinking of talking to someone that he wasn't close to sent him into a cold sweat.

He'd pray to the gods that the person would stop talking to him or that something would save him from that conversation. It was more than being socially awkward, he knew that.

As Virgil started to limp back to his house, he could here whispers and footsteps towards him. Virgil started to pick up speed, just wanting go in his house and sleep or think over his encounter with the dragon.

He could here even more footsteps join the crowd behind him as he got closer to the door of his house.

Don't make eye contact with anyone, Virgil thought. No eye contact, no conversations.

The little viking got to his house and quickly got inside, having only the chance to glance at one person and then shutting the door. He heard the crowd all at once 'aww' in disappointment, but also hearing one person bragging about how Virgil only looked at them.

"Virgil!" Rollo cheered from a seat next to the fire place. Virgil let out a little shriek, being startled by his father. "Hi dad." Virgil said, clutching his chest slightly.

"Come over here, we need to talk, Dragon Slayer!" Rollo ordered. His son of course obeyed and sat on the tiny wooden stool across from his father.

Rollo smiled, remembering when Virgil would sit there as a toddler and listen to his father tell stories. "I proud of you Virgil, but you still need to be taught." Rollo remarked.

"Taught what?" Virgil asked, his head now balanced on his hands. He was so tired that he might just agree with his father so he can sleep.

"How to kill dragons, of course!"


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