Accepting Feelings

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Requested by: hon3yrogers

The most common thing you will find while a character begins to catch feelings is "I think I like him, but I can't have feeling for him!" or "But he doesn't like me back, I'm ugly and boring and bla bla bla"

Let's get one thing clear. You can use the "I can't like him" if they're in a prior relationship and you don't want to mess it up. You can use the "But he doesn't like me back" a bit more often but because it's so overused I would avoid it like the plague.

Opt instead for the MC accepting their feelings. Acknowledging that yes, they do have a crush on a certain character, and maybe they'll do something about it maybe they won't. Have them be confident with their abilities, or have them know that the character they like flirts back.

People can be shy, and unsure, they can think that it'll never happen. OR they can pluck up the courage, understand that it's okay to like someone, they can flirt with them a little, get closer, ask them out, and know that that person likes them back.

Sometimes you can be completely oblivious as well. You could make comments in your mind about someone for weeks and not realize that you're thinking about them romantically until a friend points it out. The older the character is the more mature they'll be about it. Don't make a high schooler act like they're in grade school, and don't make a grade schooler act like they're in high school.

Move on from the tropes of denying your feelings as a plot point so you can have an epic acceptance scene later. Embrace it, let your character sit with their unacted on emotions, let it boil over into something even greater.

I'm so freaking exhausted so I don't even know if this all made sense. Hope it did! 

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