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Requested by: PurrfectNeko2005

I'm only going to give one, overall piece of advice when it comes to description. DON'T LIST THINGS. When I say that, I mean this; "Samantha Lee wouldn't consider herself that beautiful, with brown hair, bright blue eyes, a small nose, and little freckles."

DON'T. I hate it. You probably hate it. Everyone hates it. It's boring, and a lot to handle all at once. There are way better ways to describe a person, or a place than that.

The best way is to describe it as you go along. Give hair color in the first chapter, eye color in the second, and maybe you never directly give skin tone but the readers are left to figure it out through context. 

The same with a place. Describe the wall color through sight, the floors through the smell of the expensive polish, the columns around by how many you can lean against while you're working.

It's all about working the description into the context through the five senses. That way, not only is it natural, but it's diverse.

Requests are open. So is question asking! Byyyee!


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