Instead of Said

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Requested by: that_damdemigxd

Said is a really bland word. It doesn't portray emotion or an action. There's a reason why any good writer will tell you to avoid it. You can use it at times sure, but using it endlessly gets boring. I could say that for any descriptive speech word. I could say that for yelled, stated, sighed, etc. That's why variety is so important. So the sentences don't much together into one emotion.

I won't be going over every word you could use instead of said, because that list is endless. Instead, I'll be going over a few simple, easy to remember ones. Enjoy!

Anger: Fumed, shouted, screamed, bellowed, snapped, scoffed, fumed, seethed, grit out

Affection: Assured, reassured, comforted, soothed, offered, smiled

Excitement: Yelled, cheered, exclaimed, gushed, blurted, declared

Fear: Whispered, stuttered, whimpered, hissed, gasped, shuddered, cautioned

Sadness: Cried, sobbed, sniffled, sighed, bawled, wept

Amusement: Laughed, chuckled, teased, joked, giggled, snickered

Conflict: Sneered, scowled, hissed, threatened, scolded, demanded, spat, glowered

Storytelling: Related, recounted, recalled, concluded, finished, continued, added in

Those are some really simple ones that are forever ingrained in my mind. Besides that, I have an end all website that will save your life. I know links don't work, but that's what Google's for.

Owlcation 550 Alternative Words for Said

Holy crap, that page is my saving grace. Really well organized, really awesome. 10/10 would (and am) recommend.

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