Major Disasters

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Requested by: honeyrogers-

When I say major disasters, I don't mean natural disasters- because yes, they're awful, but a force of nature. Natural. When I say Major disaster, I mean man-made. Such as terrorist attacks, school shootings, etc. If discussing/reading about those topics upsets you, please leave now.

Before we start, I'd like to state that I have no ill-will/have no bad intentions towards survivors and victims of such disasters. My heart bleeds for them whenever I hear something awful has happened. It's an awful thing that happens in our world, though it shouldn't.

My first piece of advice when writing these things is not to. Really simple, and it might make you scratch your head in confusion. But the best way to not upset someone or not misrepresent information is to not write about it. It's a topic I don't think I'll ever write about.

If, for some reason, you feel you must write about it, I'll give the advice I give for almost every other chapter; research. It'll be heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, your brain will want to explode, but it's the only way to give some justice to the people who have suffered in your writing.

Some published books show these issues really well. The one I'll recommend is called Hate List. It's accurate, and really raw. So be raw. Don't sugercoat and glorify what happens. It awful, it's life-ending, and your readers need to see that.

This chapter is short, and deep down I feel like I should write an entire book on how to write stuff like this, but I really condensed it to a few simple points. In the end, I want you all to know that there are things you can write about that aren't these real, awful disasters. Explore your options before you go here, because you may touch the wrong person the wrong way.

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