Book titles with basilwing

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Hello, she-cats and toms! Kits and apprentices! Leaders and-

Get on with it!

Okay! Sheesh... Well, I'm basilwing and today we will be talking about book titles!

First of all, here are some basic warrior cat book titles



The forbidden love

Any warrior cat book title that has been used

Blanks battle, ect

Yeah, I don't know if it's true but they seem basic with no meaning. Also forbidden love?! That is something we will have to talk about.

An example of a good book title is into the wild.

Into the wild is about a kitty pet, going into the wild! You can see why it makes sense here. A title like midnight isn't going to make sense!

Why don't I make a book a book about a book about a clan leader killing many of their clan mates. But the secret is why the leader is doing this. Now, how can I make a title.

You could make it about stuff that happens ( bloody secrets)

About strong feelings ( blood and fear)

Etc. Do you know what I mean? I hope you learned a lot. Ask any questions you have in the comments!

<3 basilwing

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