31 | keeping canon in canon

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this was requested by @haveyoumeteeyana! i'm going to divide this into several categories to fully get the extent of this chapter.

one of the hardest things for a fanfic author is keeping characters in character and making things as realistic as possible. by now it comes sort of naturally to me, so this will be hard to explain, but i will try my best!


glader slang is something you'll want to use often, but not so often that it's in every other sentence. with it, you kind of just have to work with placement and what sounds best.

the words you have to choose from are:

•slim it
•good that

most of the time these words can be interpreted differently depending on the tone of voice the person is using. for example, minho called thomas a slinthead but in a friendly way, if that makes sense. but when alby said it to him, he was being derogatory.

and also, depending on how long the character has been in the glade, the words might come more or less easier to them. chuck was forcing it out so he often had awkward pauses between the words.


okay, here comes the really tough part.

characters are tricky. there will never be two people who view a character the exact same way, and because of this, everyone interprets them differently. this causes a change in perspective, which is often transparent in fanfictions.

whether we realize it or not, we include our own thoughts and feelings into our work, especially when it comes to how we write or treat a certain character. this can sometimes result in us making them OOC- out of character.

the important thing is to consider their characteristics- and not just the ones we like to see. let's brainstorm about the fan favorite, newt. what are some of his traits?

comment them here. when you think about newt's character, what quirks come to mind?

i'm mentally playing jeopardy music right now by the way.

okay, so obviously i can't see what you put, but did anyone include depressed? suicidal?

the importance of analyzing a character from all perspectives instead of just the "good" ones is greater than you think. it's what helps us to make the most accurate characterization we can.

for minho, you'd probably say: sassy, athletic, sarcastic, etc. but he's also hot-tempered, quick to act, proud, and never really shuts his mouth even when he should.

you'll also want to analyze mannerisms. what do certain characters do when they're scared? upset? angry? nervous? when you include these, it makes it all the more realistic- if you make them accurate, that is.

that's all i can think of right now, so if you have any questions, be sure to ask!


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