Showing control

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No, no writer wants to seem desperate. Writing too little for a large scene? Too eager to reveal the story. You need to feed the readers slowly, so that they will crave for more, just not too little, or they might come with pitch forks. 

Remember, YOU are the author. YOU are in control of everything in your story. 

So show it.

Good descriptions with large ranges of vocabulary shows that the author has great control in their story, for example:

The ran poured from the sky, the rapid pattering of rain adding to the crecendo of thunder. Ron sat on the rock, eyes closed, seeming to have not noticed as the storm wailed and yowled. The water pelted his back, yet he did not give it the littlest courtesy of opening his eyes, much to the anger of the rain. Ron remained to sit there, ignoring the tantrum of the sky.

compared to

It rained heavily. Ron sat on the rock with his eyes closed. He didn't respond as the rain continued to hit against his back. Ron continued to sit there, still ignoring the rain.

The first example showed more details, more spand of words... more control in the way it is written. But the second seems a little too excited to get past that bit and move on, which shows that the writer is inexperienced and is trying too hard, and is desperate. 

So when writing, keep calm. Show your control, show that you are not a desperate low writer. Show your confidence.

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